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“Pixel Precise” Move’s Reaction Time Is 22 Milliseconds

Perhaps the most important aspect of PlayStation Move isn't the available software; it's how well the technology functions.

Of course, without very quick reaction time – i.e., how fast Move will read the motions of the player – the software can't possibly excel. Well, SCEE's Mark Green spoke at length about how Sony will approach their new motion-sensing technology, and also, just how accurate and speedy Move will be when it's finally ready for launch this fall. In speaking in an interview over at the European PlayStation site , Green confirms that Move's reaction time will be only 22 milliseconds; he offered the number after being ask to elaborate on his previous "incredibly accurate" comment:

"Time to baffle you with science! The PlayStation Move system follows the movement of the controller in three dimensional space whilst the camera tracks the sphere for location – and the PS3 system processes and puts it all on screen. For games ranging from SOCOM to LittleBigPlanet 2, accuracy and ease is crucial.

So I can tell you that it is accurate to the nearest millimetre, precise in motion tracking and likewise in seeing where the controllers are in 3D space. Its reaction time, from movement to delivering to the screen, is just 22 milliseconds and on screen it is pixel precise. To put that in perspective the system is five times faster than that of a typical human’s reflexes!"

We don't yet have a price for the unit but it seems that most are expecting an admission fee of $70 or $80. And Sony has decided to bide their time; they purposely delayed the launch from spring to fall so they could have plenty of compatible games available. So if the technology really is this good and developers get all innovative and creative, Move ought to be pretty darn intriguing…

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14 years ago

Highlander, I think the PS4 will be the PS3 we always wanted… it should notch everything up by x3… and have enough power not to have to cut corners… but right now, where I am standing, I may not go for the next generation of consoles but rather build my own monster PC rig…

I will decide in about 3 years and see how things are technologically.

In the meantime its my PS3, decent laptop to come… (because PS3 Linux is no more), and my Amiga (for retro gaming) that will keep me busy for the next few years…



Last edited by Qubex on 6/2/2010 12:02:58 AM

14 years ago


For me Linux was a washout on the PS3 simply because running a meaningful desktop on only 256 MB of RAM is pretty much impossible without dropping resolution and color depth significantly. Apart from anything else though I like to keep my gaming an my non-gaming activities separate, so a cheap (or not so cheap) PC along side my PS3 is the perfect blend for me.

14 years ago

Fair enough Highlander, I did "struggle" with Linux a little on my PS3, but it was damn convenient really… and one of the primary reasons for me to purchase the PS3… so I am cut up about losing it… my desk will not be that much more cluttered…

I was able to browse better on the Linux then on the GameOS side, and was able to stream music and use OpenOffice quite efficiently too. Actually most of the Linux utilities I run worked well on it… for the most part.

Anyhow, it is history now…



14 years ago

THe PS3's web browser bites. Sony needs to get with Mozilla and create a PS3 build.

14 years ago

I want to see what's in store for us when the mighty PS3 Oak tree matures.

Squirrels, stay the hell out of my yard!

14 years ago

absolutely stoked! was going to buy the PS camera but i'll just wait for it to be bundled with move. does anyone know if the bundle will also include the "nunchuck" or the other controller peripheral?

14 years ago

exactly the same response time of a DS3 controller impressive!
i was never concerned with moves accuracy, what i was and still am concerned with is the price.
now at GDC sony said move + sub controller + 1 game = 100 USD. now thats not bad, id even go to say thats cheap but knowing sony i wont be saying that when it gets here.
only sony could turn 100 USD into 250 AUD cough GOW3 ultimate trilogy edition.

wonder if natal will be that accurate though, i have heard some complaints on its response times hopefully they will be ironed out come release.
one funny thing though is when i went to pick up blur and alpha protocol last week the manager there was adiment that natal is releasing in june.
if it is sony has a sh*t load of catching up to do, they dont want to be last on the market AGAIN.

Casual Friday
Casual Friday
14 years ago

I believe that it was one Move + the camera + one game = $100. I don't believe that the subcontroller or a second Move were included.

14 years ago

even worse then.

14 years ago

Natal will launch in October and cost $150 – or so goes the most recent semi-official news. Oh, and it'll be rebranded at this year's E3, so I guess we'll have to put up with "Microsoft Motion" or some such…

Either way, Natal is rumored to be more expensive than Move and released in the same time-frame as Move.

Forgot the link.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/2/2010 11:32:23 AM

14 years ago

It's good they're getting the lag time down. It was noticeable in all the videos I've seen so far, but 1/45th of a second is certainly much better. Now all they have to do is make some games where the Move is actually a big improvement over what you can do with the standard controller, and I may actually pry open the old wallet and buy it.

14 years ago

If anyone listened to the latest podcast by Zipper (Zipline), they interviewed the lead developer for MAG who is also working on SOCOM 4. He said that what sets the Move apart from using a DS3 is that they no longer have to incorporate an adjustment for aiming with the Move to make it feel like a real gun (firing kick). With the rumble feature and the players inherent ability or lack thereof to keep it still, it really puts the skill back to the player.

Think about it, it's almost like you are holding a real gun that kicks when you shoot it. The only thing that I think will cause some getting used to is that you have to hold it with one hand while with a real gun it would be kept steady with your other hand.

If you watched the demo from Zipper at the Move reveal last year, he sat very still with the Move in his right hand with his right forearm stabilized on his thigh. That or maybe resting your right forearm on a table or across your left forearm will be the way.

I can't wait for this thing to get released, I think it has the potential to be really awesome.

14 years ago

Average relfex time?! im faster than anyo… no you're right, thats fast.

and you know what, JPBooch made such a good comment, im gonna quote him "I can't wait for this thing to get released, I think it has the potential to be really awesome"
I second that!

14 years ago

well im so pumped because i already have the ps eye and all i need is the controls! muahahahahahahaha i feel so beautiful is it me ???? or is the playstation 3 just getting BETTER AND BETTER AND BETTER!! while other consoles are getting OLDER AND OLDER,

14 years ago

I would like to see some good RTS games come out for the PS3 incorporating Move. Maybe something like a really jacked up version of Rise of Nations Gold.

14 years ago

I want to know what Insomniac is going to do with Move. Back when everyone was incorporating Six Axis controls into their games, I liked the way they did it the best. (Ratchet skydiving.)

Naughty Dog did the balance on a log as you walk across and aiming a grenade. Those were interesting ideas, but the grenade one bugged me when I would try to use one in the midst of a firefight.

14 years ago

Another great "MOVE" on behalf of Sony……
…..and very bad Pre-Natal Care by M$……

Xbox 360's Natal Will Fail, says Former Microsoft Exec

14 years ago

ii just hope it can keep up with my karate chops because they are sneeky fast…. and my ha-dugans…. those are beastly my friends…..