We've heard the rumors about Rockstar's intended slate for E3 but recently, those rumors took a hit when it was suggested that the developer wasn't going to have much of a presence at the show.
But despite this, it seems clear that Rockstar is indeed going to make a big splash: a Twitter update from Nuts Magazine Editor Rory Buckeridge says that the GTA designer has every intention of revealing some big stuff in a few weeks time, and the common belief now is that both Grand Theft Auto V and the long-awaited L.A. Noire will be featured. We shouldn't forget about Max Payne 3 , either; if all three titles manage to make the headlines at E3, it will be evident that Rockstar is planning one hell of a fiscal 2010 (provided they all make it this fiscal year, of course). It may be a little early for GTAV but at this point, it's never too early for L.A. Noire , the dark, gritty, sandbox period piece that has been in development for more than a few years. Max Payne 3 is another game we've been waiting on for quite some time; the franchise is almost legendary in the gaming world but has disappeared off the radar since last generation's excellent sequel.
So anyway, look for Rockstar to make some waves in a few weeks time. It's very likely they'll be showing off something you're gonna want…
'L.A. Noire' seems long overdue for a grand unveiling, but hopefully the game will be quality enough to sell on that alone, wether or not it receives the promotion I believe it needs.
And what about 'Agent'? Shouldn't they be ready to show something of it by now? Surely before revealing another 'Grand Theft Auto', I would think, as that would certainly take the spotlight.
Last edited by Jalex on 6/1/2010 10:54:21 AM
*starts laughing* LOL LMAO!!!
I'm sorry Jalex…it's hard to take you seriously since every time I look at your comment I think Master Miller is screwing with me and will only later reveal that he's been dead for the past week.
But yea you're right…to be quite honest… I don't care much more L.A. Noire – but because Rockstar keeps on bringing such great games like BUDDY, Red Dead Redemption and of course…GTA out – I better stay tuned for it. But so far I'm focused on Agent. Can't wait for that!
There should definitely be some gameplay at E3 for that!
Odd I have been reading just the opposite. Seems that Rockstar is scaling back their E3 announcements because the time allotted isn't enough for them to announce everything they wanted to.
Wow. How sad is it that I haven't even finished Red Dead Redemption yet, and I'm already hoping they'll announce making a sequel? Lol. Maybe at next year's E3.
I want a RDR sequel also!
I haven't finnesed RDR yet either(74.3%)
Heres hopes to next years E3.
Last edited by StangMan80 on 6/2/2010 12:26:26 AM
where is agent?
They're talking of having a different showing of it. Somewhere they can show more of it off.
That sucks, I wanted them to make that exclusive stick in people's craw.
I'd like some info on Agent as well, pretty please =)
Last edited by ro kurorai on 6/1/2010 12:16:16 PM
There seems to be a steady flow of great games lately and new ones to look forward to are continually announced. KZ3, GTAV, and the new game the producers of Heavy Rain are working on. E3 will certainly be interesting this year and hopefully, will backlog my gaming list through the summer. (which I'm sure it will)
Agent, GTA: Capital City (that's what I'm pulling for the next one. Way too early for GTAV), L.A. Noire, Max Payne 3. What else is in development over there? Thing is, like Coverton said, I read something similar that they will be holding their own event after E3 to showcase their games. Oh well, I can wait.
Great news, cant wait for GTA V (i hope they bring all the stuff from SA and more, GTA IV was great even if they took all the stuff from SA),L.A. Noire, Agent and Max Payn 3.
I never played any of the Max Payne games but I am looking forward to LA Noire and Agent.
Delays scare me, even though I'm excited about LA Noire I might wait on reviews, hopefully they come out early and are good so I can make it a D1P. Max Payne 3 going all Bruce Willis and multiplat will probably push me to get it at a cheaper price, and I don't have a lot of hope for GTAV as the series is showing its age.
I hope we at least get a nice teaser of Agent at E3.
Guys, again, don't respond to spam. It will always disappear fast.
I wish someone could overload their website with bogus hits that it'd shut down. Kind of like the legitimate hits that bogged down the website that offered the chance to buy 1 of the 2000 available Led Zeppelin reunion tickets in London.
Last edited by tes37 on 6/1/2010 5:06:25 PM
How does it get on here? Half the time I can't eve login without doing that human being test.
I don't ever log out. I do leave this site though, and I turn my computer off, but when I come back, I'm ready to read and comment.
I don't log out either, the site does it.
Max Payne being legendary…HUH??? Since when has Max Payne been "legendary" Opinion, much? I mean Max Payne is a decent franchise but IN MY OPINION it isn't a LEGENDARY franchise. And the sequel was actually worse than the first game.
Last edited by n/a on 6/1/2010 3:47:58 PM
It says "almost legendary."
I'll give you one last chance to stop trying to lecture me and everyone else as if you're an omnipotent being. You're starting to piss me off.
I beat both Max Payne games multiple times, and while they do look dated now they were for their time great games. In my opinion they represent the Rockstar brand very well. Nothing like entering a room full of bad guys and John Woo-ing on em.
max payne was legendarily!
if max payne is not legendary than neither is GTA, gran turismo, halo, doom, wolfenstien, duke nukem, ahh you get the point.
Looking forward to LA Noire, I really like the style of that game. Also wondering what happened to Agent. I was quite excited about that during last years E3.
I'm interested in L.A. Noire a whole lot. I'm hoping they do as good a job with it as they've done with RDR. I'd rather try and solve crimes than commit them in games.
Since this game started out as an exclusive for ps3, maybe they'll toss in extra content for us.
Although I believe that GTA is a well made series, except the first one, they are not for me.
I'm pretty sure or at least hoping R* will show something about Agent at E3. LA Noire I don't know if I'm too excited about this one, need to see some actual footages or gamaplays to make that decision.
Hey man,
I'm just honestly wondering where you got that Max Payne is an "almost legendary" franchise. When I think of legendary franchises I think of GTA, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, etc…but not Max Payne.
It's almost legendary because despite the flaws that keep the series from being LEGENDARY, it was a series steeped in atmosphere, greay gun play, spear headed bullet time in video games. Was amongst the games that got an M rating for the right reasons, a story that the deeper you got into it the better it got. Also those dream sequences are right up there with some of those MGS (my all time favorite series) WTF is happening moments.
I'm bored with you.
I'm interested in all of these games, but I highly doubt we'll see GTAV this year.
'Dead Eye' is the new 'Bullet Time', though I'm aware that effect was used in The Matrix before Max Payne (what else?). Its a lot of fun regardless.
Also, did R* do the first Max Payne? I was fan of the first.
its going to be hard to announce a game that was first announced a few years ago no?
anyway, im sure were going to see some info on both agent, max payne 3 and LA noire.
but as for GTAV i doubt it, IF there is going to be a new GTA announced i expect it to be a spin off not a fully fledged sequel.
id love to see vice city in HD to be honest vice city was the PERFECT! GTA.
one of the best titles available on the ps2 in fact.
A GTA in the Vegas-y part of San Andreas would be pretty awesome too. I must admit Vice City was my favorite setting but it would have to return to the 80's or it would be useless.