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Do We Need To Change Video Game Rating Scales?

What you see here are potential examples of perfect 10s. How we judge that is almost entirely subjective but they're all on the same scale: women. The question is, now that gaming has taken on a variety of different forms and types, should we be using the same scoring scales across the board?

There was a time when games were games. It made sense that there should be one universal scoring system and even then , several major sources strayed from the norm (the common 10-point scale) and went with either letter grades or even no score at all. It's entirely up to the source, of course. But are we misleading the consumer? This industry is more mainstream than ever, which means there are more casual participants than ever, and they simply may not understand the difference between a 9 for a standard $60 big-budget title and a 9 for a downloadable arcade game on the PSN or XBLA. We all know the differences; we sorta call this our favorite hobby and we all recognize and acknowledge the obvious drastic differences between the aforementioned products. But even if we consider that to be true, is it still okay to use the exact same scoring scale for every game, ranging from iPhone and DS to PS3 and PC? There is an argument for both sides.

On the one hand, it's clear that games on certain platforms aren't designed to compete with games on certain other platforms. It's clear that nothing handheld can, in literal reality, stand up to the best examples of cutting-edge, progressive interactive entertainment on the most powerful gaming systems. So rationally, it's difficult to support this continued trend; it's like saying we can score Tetris on the same 10-point scale as Uncharted 2 . …or maybe we can and in fact, should… Maybe it's all about awarding a score based on the game's merits, and it's the critic's responsibility to take the inherent limitations into account. And of course, we all do that; nobody is giving the latest DS game a 2 in graphics because they're comparing it to Crysis . They're comparing it to other graphical depictions on the DS. That's all fine and dandy, but how come those who review games for the PS3 and 360 tend to compare graphics – and other elements – to those same elements on the other platform? Does this not mean that we put the PS3/360 in the same category but not the DS? And does this not further mean that we can't use the same scoring scale for everything?

This is not a rhetorical question because I don't believe I have the answer. It's a legitimate question because I have no idea what to do about it. There are good points on both sides and of course, fans of the "lesser" platforms will get all bent out of shape if you suggest their favored software can't really be compared to the most advanced interactive products out there. It's just that, with 3D coming, motion sensing all ready to explode on the PS3 and 360, and a growing number of digital downloadable titles, there are more types and versions of video games than ever before. And I really don't think we see anything like this in any other entertainment medium. So what to do?

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fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

When I read a review, I see the scores but I pay close attention to the written section to see if the author is basing the scores on past games in that genre or if they are just basing the scores on fun factor. If the review isn't being comparative then I take it with a grain of salt. I'm not going to believe some guy who rates games like Carnival Games and MGS4 on the same scale. That's just absurd.

I think there should be a label system next to the points/grading scale to somehow show that the author is well versed in reviewing video games and maybe can show how many games they've played that would have influenced a review of that game in that specific genre. If it is a genre blender, than show a number for how many games have great similarities to what's being reviewed. If you see there are two reviews for the same RPG, and one author has a credit of 10 RPG reviews and another has 2, which one are you going to think has more weight? Also, I would still read the content to know if they are just game dabbers and only played each game for a few hours and never got the full understanding of what makes a great RPG.

14 years ago

I'm with Underdog :). Rebecca all the way.

EDIT: sorry, Reply to lower comment ><

Last edited by chedison on 5/31/2010 1:25:01 PM

14 years ago

A brilliant topic for an article if I've ever seen one.

I tend to believe that since we're talking about games, the fun factor is of the utmost importance. When Tetris came out it was wicked fun because we did not have a thousand clones of it yet.

Nowadays gamers are far from ignorant. They know that a 10 for a PS3 game is going to be one hell of an experience. A 10 on a Wii game means you're in for a very good time, but naturally the graphics and sound won't be what the other systems have to offer. That's not a problem for those who enjoy Wii games.

Hell, you can score an iPhone game a 10, gamers still know it's just an iPhone game and isn't about to blow you away. It just means it's fun. So when you're bored out of your mind and the only gaming system you can get you hands on is the iPhone, well, THAT'S the best game to play on it. Nobody on earth thinks it's going to be a better product than a game scoring 10 on PS3 or Xbox.

14 years ago

Almost forgot. Jamey all the way!

14 years ago

I love fair-skinned brunettes. Rebecca ftw!

EDIT: Plus she looks like you could have a quality conversation with her, too! Jamey doesn't look the brightest.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/31/2010 1:07:33 PM

14 years ago

None of em have a big enough rack 😉

14 years ago

@ Underdog015 – Have a WHAT with her?? A converWHAT?

14 years ago

It's code.

14 years ago

If the rack gets too big, it'll affect too many other enjoyable aspects in a negative way. I wouldn't want my woman to get back trouble! lol

14 years ago

The brunettes – Jamey and Nicole….oh yeah, I'll take 2 thanks.

14 years ago

Agreed. Only one I think is cute out of them.

14 years ago

That's cuz she's part asian.

14 years ago

Wow 2 thumbs down, buncha racists.

14 years ago

It's certainly a dilemma at the start of a new gaming era of a new generation. Especially when there's nothing to compare games to for that specific system. Reviewers always run into trouble here. Fortunately, we aren't at that awkward stage, right now.

I also believe that casual gamers aren't typically the ones to read the reviews or see the scores unless it's written on the box with something like "IGN says 5 out of 5!!!".

It certainly could be misleading to someone like, say, my wife's oma and opa (grandparents), who know nothing of video games. A 10 for a DS versus a 10 on a PS3 would not be something they could discern.

I think the mainstream demographic reviewers should be catering to is the gaming population, most of which, I would imagine, know what to expect from say a Gameboy Advance versus a Wii. Similarly, none of us in the new user review section of this site, are going to go back in time to review a PS1 title and give graphics a 1 because we're comparing it to today's standards. It just isn't logical.

So, while I can understand an argument for a new rating system unique to each system, you cannot review a game outside of it's own medium. If it's a multi-platform release, perhaps the best compromise would be to review it in relation to other titles of it's own platform. You definitely run into an entire host of problems comparing the FFXIII release on PS3 to the XBOX version, and I'm not sure it's unfair to compare the two. However, while it's good to compare each version to each other, it is unfair to say, play the XBOX version and review it on a site like this devoted to Playstation. Compare away, but grade within it's own medium.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/31/2010 1:10:47 PM

14 years ago

Also, I think I pretty much get the idea about a game through it's ratings over this site. Can't say I even know what a new system would look like. The one we have now works well enough, I think. It's like they say about democracy… it isn't the best form of government. It's just the best we have so far.

P.s. Mr. Downvoter, some rebuttle? I'd love to hear what's on your mind.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/31/2010 1:28:59 PM

14 years ago

It's memorial day in the US, some kid is home for the holidays and spreading holiday cheer with down-votes…and so the summer begins.

14 years ago

lol it's true. Almost everyone in this thread has exactly 1 downvote.

14 years ago

I is important, I haz seh-ven thumbz down.


Last edited by TheHighlander on 5/31/2010 7:01:16 PM

14 years ago

Highlander, those "I haz" comments make me LOL every time!

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
14 years ago

Laura is BOMB!

14 years ago

Debora looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.

14 years ago

I didn't want to be mean, but Debora's hair just … oh god!

*runs away*

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

They all fell out of the ugly tree and got some bad surgery.

14 years ago

Man, I can't see the names and appearances of them, but the "ugly-tree" comment made me LOL. It probably isn't true, but I'm sure it was just meant for laughs.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Look at them and you'll see that this is true. The only thing these women have going for them is they aren't fat. Just don't look at their faces. Yikes.

14 years ago

I think most informed gamers are smart enough to be able to track the same system against all platforms but I definitely see your point in a few places. Since there is a lack of intelligent life on many gaming review sites you might get a review from somebody who already dislikes that genre, and honestly what good is that?

Also you have multiplats not getting their proper dues because the exclusives are so ridiculously good.

Unfortunately, coming up with a new system would be confusing and complex so although there are reasons to do so, we should probably stick with what we have.

14 years ago

Super Mario Galaxy 2 > a lot of games so far
That said, only the FINAL score can be compared.

It's simple as that for me. If the final score is above another game, then that game's just better. End of story.

I disagree 'bout using a different final score for games of different consoles.

PS: You can't compare a handheld game to a console game. It'd be like comparing a comic book to a full-fledged book

Are those all the babes Ben has conquered?
As far as how cute they are. They're all ugly, too much make up. Nice bodies though

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/31/2010 1:14:35 PM

14 years ago

Honestly, if you say that you can't compare hand-held and console games; then you really can't compare wii games to PS3/360 games….they're just too different.

I just picked up Super Mario Galaxy 2 and it's alot of fun….but it is nowhere CLOSE to Uncharted 2 good. Could you give SMG2 a 10? Yeah…as a whole, the game is complete and I can't find a fault with it so far. But does that mean it's equal to Uncharted 2? HECK NO!! (see Highlanders comments below)

14 years ago

It's on the same level

You CAN compare MGS3 to MGS4.
You CAN compare FFX to FFXIII

Seriously, I think you guys are just saying "OMG a cartoony platform games can't compare to a realistic super HD game."

The graphics are better in UC2 compared to SMG2 but the game is a FULL quality (no limitations game).

Handhelds are limited to a single cartridge/UMD. They're limited in the audio department. They're limited in the control department. They're limited in the extra features department.

The Wii/ps2 are only limited by the graphics, but if you take that out, those games can compete with ps3/360 games in terms of OVERALL quality.

You really need to look away from the graphics, and consider the overall quality.

How good the level design of SMG2 is
How good the storyline in the game is
How well designed the characters/NPCs are

You add all that up into an overall score and it can easily rival Uncharted2. Might not be better than it, but it definitely challenges it.

14 years ago

Sven, come on now. Don't compare Super Mario Galaxy 2 to Uncharted 2. That is an unfair comparison.

If Uncharted 2 came out this year instead of last year, it would undoubtable STILL run away with GOTY. Point being, you are saying that Super Mario Galaxy 2 doesn't compare to Uncharted 2, but tell me, what game that released this year DOES compare to what I believe is the greatest game we have seen in years.

14 years ago

I think it depends on which aspect of the game you're trying to rate, it is clear that when it comes to graphics or maybe gameplay it's not fair to compare portable games with this gen's game, due to hardware limitations a PSP game will never be able to match up with PS3 games.
When it comes to graphics games could be compared with games released on the same year because as time goes on developers find better ways to exploit the console engine. Of course not every multiplatform runs the same way on every console, hence FFXIII.

(I'll reply myself cuz I gotta change the box I'm working on)

14 years ago

As for gameplay, it really depends on the kind of game you're rating, and of course the platform running it, (It's obvious that RE4 will not provide the same experience on PS2 than on the WII).
And the Story of the game…idk you're the critic Ben, you could find great stories in any platform.

BTW…Rebecca FTW

Last edited by totozero18 on 5/31/2010 1:49:45 PM

14 years ago

What exactly do you mean by "we sorta call this our favorite hobby?"

Are you trying to tell me there's some half assers on here?

14 years ago

Yes. just get to ratings: For Kids and NOT FOR KIDS and make them really huge.

14 years ago

You idiot. did you even read the article?

14 years ago

The 1-10 system is as close to perfect as you can get IMO. It's just used in the worst way possible. How it's used now is how school systems work. If you don't have at least a 7 the game is seen as a "FAIL!!!" (caps needed there). Also every reviewer uses his/her personal opinion (that changes everyday) to judge a game. Then once enough of those "opinions" show up on metacritic it's taken as a true fact by the idiots of the internet.

What the professional reviewers need to do (IMO) is make 5/10 an average game and make EVERY review using a pre-written score sheet based on past games (so no more s*** games getting the same score as MGS4 or Uncharted 2) with only one game getting a 10, that site/mags GOTY. Example /
game length- (no game under 5 hours should get above a 6 unless it's a pure MP game like Warhawk or MAG)
MP net code-
+ anything I can't think of right now.

How can anyone trust a review that isn't/can't be based on anything but personal opinions of people that we know nothing about?

14 years ago

LOL! I think that if a game gets a 7 it's hardly a fail. Comparing games of different genre being reviewed against each other is definitely an exercise in futility. Uncharted for example is in a genre where the stellar graphics are so integral to the game and game play that the truly, truly matter. On the flip side, a more stylized game like Valkyria Chronicles doesn't require quite the same graphical powerhouse to still be awesome within it's gener. However a reviewer who prefers and is more used to action games might not see things that way. As long as reviewers have to review across genre, we really have to look more carefully at the scores and recognize that in an absolute comparison some games that are superb from a gameplay point of view just don't stack up in terms of graphics and sound, so their overall score might be lower than their gameplay score would suggest. Does that mean that they are bad games and we should not play them?

14 years ago


My point is to remove personal opinions from reviews as much as possible. They have no place in any type of professional review. I also agree that a 7 is a decent score, I said that it shouldn't be what the vast majority use as average. Why do we have a 10 point system if a 5-6 is seen as a massive fail by the public?

Most to every professional review Iv ever read uses his/her personal opinion in a review. If I wanted an opinion about a game Id go read user reviews. What Im trying to say is professional reviewers NEED to base every single review on either past games or on some type of pre-written standard we can use to know why the game got that score.

p.s. That down wasn't me.

14 years ago

Don't worry about the down votes…I revel in them.

14 years ago

@ chewy102 – I don't agree with your statements one bit. You're talking as if professional reviews are so skewered by opinion that they are unreliable. Excuse me, but any opinion that might creep into a review is minor at best.

Reviewers always write the reason they are giving a particular score in any given category. Just because we may not agree with it doesn't make our point of view "more right" than theirs.

In fact, I wager to say that it is entirely possible to buy a game based on a bad review because we happen to disagree with the writer.

14 years ago


When reviewers write what criteria they use for reviews and use that same criteria for every review (maybe update it time to time to fit new standards), then I'll believe that their personal opinions don't influence how they write a review.

I forgot to say that a lot of big time reviewers have let either their opinions get in the way or even taken bribes for a higher score. Just look at all of the 10s GTA4 got. No way in hell is that game that perfect with so much taken out compared to past titles. Also try to remember the $800 gift bags M$ sent out with review copies of Halo 3 (I think it was H3, might have been Halo Wars).

Last edited by chewy102 on 5/31/2010 4:59:43 PM

14 years ago

Got to agree with Alien, I've bought games based on not so great reviews because the things that were a problem for the reviewer didn't bother me one bit.

14 years ago

I like this idea.

14 years ago

If you have to use half stars, you might as well use double the number of stars and only work in whole stars…

14 years ago

Great topic. Great question. Difficult question.

I think that on balance I do think that it is ridiculous to compare a game on one platform to another unless the platforms are close in performance terms.

I've often posted about how the market is segmented by platform between HD and SD home consoles and hand held devices. The advent of iPhone and Android phones as multi-function devices that game just further muddies the water as does the PC. Of course when comparing hand held devices it's really not strictly fair to compare the PSP and DS since they don't really sell to the same people and the PSP is in the order of 8 times more powerful than a DS. Their software is so widely split too, you really don't often see the same game appearing on both platforms unless it comes from someone like EA, so perhaps they need to be separate as well?

To me there are really 5(6?) categories of gaming platform.

HD consoles – PS3, 360
SD consoles – Wii, PS2
PCs – PCs (Windows, Mac or Linux)
Hand helds (casual) – DS, iPhone, Android
Hand helds (hardcore) – PSP

I don't think it's fair to compare games that appear on more than one of these platforms with each other. The control interfaces are too different as are the graphics and processing capabilities of the systems themselves. Can a game that is a 10 on the iPhone really be given the worth of a 10 on the PS3? No, of course not. But within the casual handheld category I think it can.

So how much of the rating of a game is relative, and how much is absolute? Relative categories might include the sound and graphics, controls, and even the scope/depth of the game. More absolute categories might include replay value and a 'fun' score. I think that the overall score for a game really is relative because you are rating the game on it's merits, and there is no way that – for example – MotorStorm 2 on the PS3 is comparable to Motorstorm Arctic Edge on the PSP/PS2, there are too many differences. However the games are superficially similar.

On the flipside, where a game truly does arrive in exactly the same form on two platforms – PSP Minis and PS1 classics come to mind, I think it is fair to review uniformly, but those are really special cases compared to mainstream games.

How do you communicate that to buyers? Perhaps it's time to lay out the system categories as I have above, so that people know that a 10 on a game on a casual hand held, is not the same as a 10 for a game on a PS3/360? If it's the 'same' game, such as Madden NFL, do you automatically knock points off when comparing reviews? Nop, that would be ridiculous, you have to say that if the game deserves a 9 on the PSP and a 9 on the HD consoles, then it deserves a 9 on the SD consoles as well – if it is the same game on each – even though the graphics and sound on the PSP version are clearly inferior to the HD console, they may still be stellar for the PSP.

The most difficult comparison is 360 and PS3 because they are so similar in overall terms of performance and capability – with respect to running games. Of course the other difficulty is that there are vocal fanbases on each platform willing to jump at the slightest inferiority of a game on the other platform like sharks in a feeding frenzy.

I don't think you can make a distinction between them (PS3/360). When a game comes on both platforms and one version is clearly inferior, then it deserves a lower score. The definition of clearly inferior is somewhat subjective. I personally think that we make too much sometimes of minor differences such as mild screen tearing or pop-in, minor resolution differences or even small frame rate differences. When these things are not truly significant, and yet one platform is 'better' than the other there is a tendency to focus on this, despite the fact that in play the games are damn near identical. But if there are differences that make the game inferior on one platform compared to the other, it has to be a factor.

None of that helps consumers understand relative rating of games though, does it?

Maybe we need to start adding statements like "…for a casual handheld title…" or "…for an HD console title compared to an SD console title…". But that still won't help on the box.

Not an easy fix.

Oh, Bianca or Claire-louise FTW, ladies need to have something to play with, and it's relatively slim pickings on these examples. Personally I like a pretty face too, and well….none of them are setting the heather alight on that score. Is it time to use one of those phrases for handling comparative reviews now?

14 years ago

On topic: Great post

Off topic: Is someone spamming this site to downvote for fun through various accounts? I don't understand how a quality post, whether you agree or not, can get 6 downvotes with no arguments whatsoever.

Edit: Does no one else find this frustrating? lol

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/31/2010 5:55:57 PM

14 years ago

You really want those soundtracks don't you? 😉

14 years ago

How can you downvote this. seven? there is somthing wrong with you people.

14 years ago

I guess some people don't like Bianca or Claire-Louise…?

Perhaps LV is lurking and downvoting for fun?


@Worlds – soundtracks FTW!

Last edited by TheHighlander on 5/31/2010 7:02:13 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Guys, please bear in mind that most of the downvotes can't be considered legitimate. They come from spambots and banned lurkers, so don't pay them any mind.