We've all seen 3D movies but have any of us yet played a 3D video game? A few insiders and journalists have, of course, but most all consumers are simply imagining what the experience might be like…
And right now, all we can really do is compare it to our experiences watching 3D films in the theaters. However, while Sony admits that the current market for 3D gaming is currently very small (for obvious reasons), they maintain that one cannot compare merely watching 3D to actually participating in 3D. According to what a SCE UK sales director told MCV , Sony obviously wants to sell as many 3D-enabled HDTVs as possible, and as quickly as possible, so the new technology can get off to a fast start. And really, 3D gaming is just "more compelling:"
"We’ve seen this in action and I must admit that I think 3D gaming is much more compelling than 3D movies because once you’ve experienced a game in 3D you’ll want to buy a 3D TV. It certainly converted me. It’s much more compelling."
PR boss David Wilson chimed in by saying that the 3D dimension in films could be deemed a "novelty," while there are concrete advantages to utilizing an extra dimension in the interactive entertainment industry. He uses MotorStorm in 3D as an example:
"If you’re a gamer playing a driving game you want to be in the driving seat, you don’t want that cheaty third person view where you can see the corner coming way ahead. But when you’re in the cockpit it’s often quite hard to judge that corner. Take F1, as an example. You’re very low to the ground on a flat circuit – it’s hard to see where the world goes. 3D changes that. Here I am, here’s the end of the car, here’s the end of the road.
That improves the experience and, donning my Tomorrow’s World hat, shows where it might go in the future in terms of when people actually start making games for 3D as opposed to adapting existing titles."
In principle, we agree. At the same time, we still have to see it directly in front of us before we can agree that it feels like an entirely new experience. What's your take on the matter? Will 3D gaming be that much different than 3D movies? And how long do you think it will take to catch on?
Ehh…Still not convinced
I co-sign that statement its sony doing what it always does jumping to the next thing with out focusing on the product at hand…fix the psn store, give use better updates,better ps1 games that were popular or at least ask the fans what title to come out with next…give us a damn ps2 emulator already…what made ps2 popular was the backwards compatibility and the games..if you 4got there was a time when the ps2 outsold the 3..so theres still a market 4 it…and last Sony Enough with the promises already..you neva really keep them
I beg to differ:
(my response to 3d tech in a earlier article)
"lol exactly may point. I'm not buying a 3DTV. It just seems like an "over-inflated" figure:
Me: Yea, I looking for a HDTV.
Random Retail Store Salesperson: What kinda picture quality u looking for?
Me: The Best. I have a 1080p Sony Bravia Projection TV now. So I'm looking for another one to replace it. Maybe a thinner, lighter one. I watch Blu-rays. Play PS3. And watch sports in HD. What you got?
Salesperson: I got this $3k 3DTV! U can buy these $200 special 3D glass to go with them and watch…
Me: Whoa! Besides 3D, does this $3k TV do anything else that these other $1500 2dTVs – thats the same quality but half the price – can't do?
Salesperson: <sighs> No.
Me: Give me the 2D one.
Salesperson: Okay, sir. I'll go get the ladder and bring one down.
Sorry, I did all that to prove a point. This 3D thing adds lil' value to my visual experience. Why in the hell would I pay double or in some cases triple the amount for a figure that isn't worth that cost.
Give me a TV that syncs wirelessly to labtop and works as a monitor without the HDMI cord. And learns what channel I wanna watch via my past view history. And if the TV cooks breakfast, then I'll be ready to spend 2-3 grand on a TV again. The jump from SD to HD was worth. This jump from 2d to 3d…not so much."
But Motorstorm in 3d would be dope.
Last edited by King James on 5/31/2010 10:52:00 AM
Why would you replace a Sony Bravia 1080p?
so true lol y would u replace one i luv mine!
Its was just a hypothetical. And if I do replace my 60" Bravia, it'll for a thinner, lighter one.
I need to replace my Bravia. It's one of the first gens so it's not that fantastic in quality. It was back in the day. What say you? Where can I get another Bravia with great specs aside from Sony shop?
I watched a trailer for MotorStorm at the mall on a 3D HDTV and it absolutely blew my mind. As soon as games that im interested in releases in 3D..im gonna try to get a 3d tv
Same. They had Motor Storm running in 3D at the Sony Style store as well as some nature shows and a soccer game.. I was skeptical before but after seeing it in action.
Me wants!!!
I saw also a demo in a mall near work but was a bit hesitant to try the glasses. Do they even sanitize those? (Sorry, neato geek-o)
Depends on the stores. The only chain that I know of that has the UV filters set up are Sears because they don't want customers to be worried about germs. From what I was told (read: take this with a grain of salt), Sears went on their own idea to get these filter boxes. They're not from the manufacturer. I don't know how much to believe of that though.
Yeah, I dunno… I'm way too worried this is a passing fad to start investing. I know 3D movies make me a little sea-sick, so not sure about fast-paced racing games…
I get sick and dizzy fairly easily too. I've always been that way and it's both with visual stimuli (3d at Disney) and physical movement (rollercoasters).
While I know part of my problem is inner ear equilibrium.
I just discovered this on the Mitsubishi 3DTV website, and man, it brings comfort in knowing I wasn't crazy for thinking Avatar was better in 2D than 3D…because I may not actually see 3D like regular people.
From the site:
Q5: Can everyone see 3D?
A5:No. There are a percentage of humans that suffer from stereo blindness, the inability to properly see stereoscopically (different images for each eye). According to the College of Optometrists in Vision Development , they often have good depth perception, which relies on more than just stereopsis, but cannot perceive the depth dimension of 3D video presentations.* Some stereo-blind viewers can watch 3D material with no problem as long as they wear glasses; it simply appears as 2D to them.
* http://www.covd.org/Home/3DStereoVision/tabid/258/Default.aspx
I played with it at the Sony Style store and i have to say, I'm tempted to buy a 3D tv.
My only problem is the cash and which to buy. Sony or Samsung? Hmmmmmmmmmm…..
EDIT: Seriously, for those of you cast this aside as some gimmick, i suggest you try it out before you pass judgment. It's pretty cool.
Last edited by Jawknee on 5/31/2010 10:44:41 AM
Right on. I don't doubt it's cool and a new experience. I just worry because I have a weak lil' tummy. I get sea-sick at every 3D movie I've been to. My skepticism comes mostly from my ability or in-ability to enjoy it.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/31/2010 10:49:27 AM
Yea if 3D makes you queasy then it's going to be tough getting on board with this even if you want to. Some 3D stuff I've watched in iMax in the past has made me ill but when i was playing around with this at the Sony store it didn't seem to bother me. But then again, i was only playing with it for about 10 to 15 minutes. Not hours. ha
Maybe on a smaller screen it'll be easier to take in. Hopefully one of my friends will get it first. How sad would it be to buy one, and find out after the fact that you get queezy. >.< *crosses fingers* here's hoping!
Go Sony for sure.
Get a Sony one, just to make sure you're sailing in safe waters.
And because Sony >>>>>> samsung
I have always loved Wipeout HD, and since it will be in 3D, I am intrigued. Racing at 60FPS and with 1080p resolution, I still can't find a racer to top that.
u do know the 3d version is no longer 1080p right?
That's the biggest problem I have w/ 3D games…they have to lower the resolution (total or just textures) and/or frame rate to handle double the processing. That's not a problem for the 3D feature itself, but what if they're not doing an optimal 2D mode because of time/resources spent on 3D?
Also, even though many think the 3D is cool, only about 10% of people are actually interested in paying for it.
Bring on 3D games with Move support! I say a fishing game (dunno why the heck that popped into mind). Well i think it'd be cool casting with the Move and having the catch go towards you. Oooohhh… Add "Flower" graphics and music and you have yourself a seller!
Sure, I'll be happy to pay $2,000 so that I can see that corner coming up a little better.
It is kind of amusing to see a 3-D salesman saying that 3-D movies are nothing more than a novelty.
From what he says it seems you would be paying $2000 to NOT see the corner coming.
I prefer my racers in the cheaty 3rd person.
Sony: If You See 3D Gaming, You'll Want A 3D HDTV.
Me: Once you see the price and check your wallet, you'll think twice.
Ok. My parents have a Bravia, but it's the pre-3D era model. But they have My Bloody Valentine 3D, and swear it was in 3D. How is this possible if you need a 3D TV to see movies or games in 3D?
Probably that old Green and Red glasses 3D like Coraline. No need for the TV to be 3D. its crappy though. Doesn't look as clear and colorful as this new tech Sony is playing with.
Ah, i see. Thanks Jawknee. So for these new 3D games, you WILL need a 3DTV?
You will need a 3D ready TV like the ones that Samsung, Mitsubishi and Sony already have but this new line has the technology built into the sets so you won't need the additional hardware like some of us need for our present sets.
As King James has just pointed out, the asking price for current 3DTVs is way too high, considering the fact that you can get a pretty decent HDTV for about $1000 less.
However, the technology is in its teething stages right now. Give it about 2 years and I'm sure that they'll be more competitively priced 3DTVs, and plenty more games that actually implement 3D tech really well.
Its really not that bad. Considering it's new tech. Ive seen some 52" Samsung 3D LED TV's on sale for $2,500 on Amazon. Samsung also has a deal for one 55" 3D LED TV, one Blue Ray player and 2 sets of glasses for around $3,300. yea its expensive but when you consider what you get, how much TV your getting and how much a LCD TV cost no less then a year ago(my 52" Samsung LCD was $2,500 a little over a year ago) its not at all a bad price.
Now that Samsung, Vizio and Panasonic have had their 3DTV's available since March, the prices have been very competitive. I've seen the Samsung 40" down to $1299, 46" at $1499 and 55" at $1799 and each came with two to three pairs of glasses. If I didn't have two great HDTV's, currently, I would have jumped as the specs are great for regular viewing and yes, I have witnessed these sets in person. Quality stuff and great, affordable pricing.
Last edited by fluffer nutter on 5/31/2010 12:22:00 PM
I will be 100% convinced when glasses free HD-3DTV's become the accepted standard. At this past CES I've read of several companies that are offering early technology demonstrations of Glasses free 3D-TV's, the problem is, is that most of those TV's can only be viewed in 3D at 6 or so angles. This is just something people should absolutely wait on, because the glasses will be made obsolete in the coming years as the glasses free 3D-TV's become refined. Currently the glasses free HD-TV's are only up to 42 inch screens and cost around 20,000 dollars, so most people, lol, are really going to have to wait a good 4-6 years for those prices to drop and technology to be refined. I refused to invest in Glasses based 3DTV's because I know they will be obsolete in a few more years. I mean, if you have a choice between viewing 3D games/movie on an HDTV why not just wait for the glasses free method, so much more convenient and less likely to make you queasy. Just my two cents. (-:
Last edited by Natalisrubbish on 5/31/2010 11:42:04 AM
I would love to see some 3d-gaming in action, it's just that that demo stuff won't be anywhere near where I live, and with that I mean, there's 3 in my entire country, which are all on the other side of the country….
Lame-ass Holland, the music sucks and they have no taste in quality, and cheap too, it's why I never have any money.
And thus I will not get around buying a 3d TV anytime soon, no matter how much I'd want too.
I'll just wait a couple of years.
i'll probably get one for myself for christmas. i imagine the sales, plus what little price drop we see in 6 months, will make the purchase palatable.
and its really about keeping my options open. i enjoy 3d tv, i think its really cool, and i see the advantages of it in nearly every game i play. going out and buying a brand new TV that locks me out of that entire arena doesnt gel with me.
There's quite a lot of pessimism about 3D. Surely we all want some kind of totally realistic holographic deal eventually? …well that isn't going to happen over night, but small steps like this will propel us toward it.
if u buy a 3d tv, is 3d an option? i heard if it isn't, the screen is all blurry if u don't wear glasses.
thats my only concern besides the prices… whats the price of the cheapest 3d tv out there?
The only difference is that the TV has a higher refresh rate & response time and support for the glasses. The TV's themselves are priced artificially high (~50% or so higher than an equavlent 2D HDTV), but then you also have to pay $75-150 or so per pair of glasses needed, so it can quickly add up.
I've participated in 3D gaming. 3D Worldrunner on the NES. 😛
And Rad Racer! Square were truly ahead of their time back then.
I guess the 3D tech is REALLY good if it converted the SALESMAN.
Let's see what happens when devs pour bucket loads of money into making 3D games just to see the sales numbers tank. Oh but wait! You can ALSO play our game on a non-3D screen!
Right. Even devs won't be fool enough to go 3D only with their games.
It's coming though. The great "Enable 3D" buried deep in the game options menu.
3D enabled games will probably have to cost more.
either directly (unlikely) or through a DLC enabler (more likely)
I'm guessing maybe at first. But at what alarming speed will they be finding themselves in the bargain bin?
Avatar anyone?
Wow a Sony businessmen telling us their product is great, that doesn't mean much for consumers because that is a corporate opinion/advertisement. Just like Gatorade, Nike, etc., expensive products aren't life changers. I used to buy jordans all the time, have a big collection if I might add, and now I am mad because I wasted alot of money on shoes I wore once or twice. I am older now and the shoe game is of the utter past and I feel I will have the same feeling towards 3D gaming when it is all said and done. I will buy a 3D tv, use it once or twice (in gaming terms) in a months span and never use it again or as a primary use for gaming. Not sold on the idea, but if someone gave me the TV free…of course I would be all go, but I see no reason why in this time, market, and economy why I should waste my earned money on a gimmick. As economist say, this is a luxury not a need.
I believe that when the 3DTVs truly roll out into the market, major electronic companies such as Best Buy have to set up some kind of room or kiosk where a consumer can sit down, and try out couple of games, in 3D.
That's one way of advertising 3D Gaming, rather than use fancy words, and flashy graphics/backgrounds in commercials to sell it.
Nothing is better than judging a product by actually trying it.
While I am interested in 3D… Buy or want to by a 3D TV??? You must be out of your minds.
Many people just stepped into the HD world recently or not too long ago, and others maybe just to bump from the 720p sets to 1080p.
What happened to the BS you led people into with all the "3D Ready" sets you had them buying before?
What happened to "If you are 1080p with at least 120hz on up to 240hz, you should be okay and 3D capable"?
Apparently you lied to us, and gave us the "Okey-Doke". We just spent $1400-$3000 on your overpriced sets with your new thinner, 120hz this, 240hz that… and so on. Plus on you may need 4 pairs of glasses on average; on up to 6-10 in number with guests at $300ea?! Come on now, you have got to be joking! I am no more itching to go buy YET ANOTHER newer set, than I am willing to buy a new console after only it's 3rd year. I tell you what give us complimentary firmware upgrades or send out techs to do low cost panel replacements/upgrades and I'll do it. Other than, make THE GAMES, MOVIES or SHOWS 3D, and include a pair inexpensive Grey Shade glasses and keep it moving!
Nintendo and Spy Kids did it. Why can't you!?
Last edited by Cheroqui on 5/31/2010 3:49:37 PM
Yea, ummmmmmm, like right now ( That i've haven't been to the mall to see a 3DTV) I really don't want one. 🙂
But if I do go to the mall & play in a 3DTV, I'll be like " O-M-F-G! I want one of them TV's "
LOL , If a 3DTV has a full 1080p resolution & 3D at the same time, why not get one? Besides I have a crappy HDTV that goes up to 1080i ( I use 720p Screw 1080i ).
But those 3DTVs cost a lot don't they? It really wouldn't matter if I want one or not, too much money. Considering me, I like to have A FULL HOME THEATER SYSTEM! I wouldn't just want the TV. It'll be….
3DTV Sony Full 1080p 40' inch
7.1 Sony Surround Sound System
As for the Blu-Ray, I own a Playstation 3.
What would all this be around? 5,000$ ?