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PSXE Poll Update: Red Dead Redemption Tops Priority Lists

So if you're not already playing and loving >Red Dead Redemption , you most certainly intend to purchase it, which is good news for Rockstar and Co.

Of the nearly 1500 who answered the poll, 1/3 say they own and adore the open-world sandbox Western, another 1/3 say they fully intend to buy the game soon, and only a very small number say it didn't live up to expectations. Some said it wasn't their thing but in comparison to the overall love shown for RDR, it's almost insignificant. This past week has seen the emergence of a legitimate Game of the Year contender as it has met with considerable critical acclaim and has proven to be a financial blockbuster , so perhaps these results shouldn't be surprising. After this mammoth success, we're wondering if Rockstar intends to continue this franchise; we had the relatively average Red Dead Revolver ("relatively" in comparison to RDR; the game was actually decent) but now, shouldn't another "Red Dead" be inevitable? Or maybe they should focus on a new exploration-based title of a similar structure but different theme? After GTAIV and RDR, they've obviously got this style of game down pat…

Anyway, this week, we want to know if Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops appeals to you. We don't have a ton of CoD lovers around here but with the news that we'll get a robust single-player campaign, plus the inclusion of a Vietnam setting and a kick-ass trailer …well, it might have changed your minds. Let's find out.

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14 years ago

Black Ops appeals me because it may have split screen co-op, you know, because treyarch is doing it and they also did world at war, which included split screen co-op. And I mean campaign co-op, no minigame co-op.

We really need more split screen co-op games these days

Last edited by hellish_devil on 5/30/2010 10:10:02 PM

14 years ago

Resistance 1 was awesome with the split-screen…
If only that was patched into Resistance 2

King James
King James
14 years ago

Resistance 3 better have it.

14 years ago

Yay, time to KILL the Vietnamese

Don't care for that garbage game.
LBP2 > Black Ops

14 years ago

Hey >.<!!

14 years ago

who is that girl, Vic??

14 years ago

I'm Viet, case no one noticed, so I demand an apology!! Ok, I don't really need an apology, but at least remove the message about the Vietnamese. The game you're thrashing isn't what I'm mad about.

And main_event05, I don't know, but she's Japanese, and I call her Resa 🙂

Last edited by Victor321 on 5/31/2010 3:05:26 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

So what would they call the next one? Have to keep it RDR since the last two were. Let's see… Red Dead Revolution? Red Dead Revenge?

Not interested in Black Ops myself, just more of the same old CoD rut like last time. I'll play the split screen at my buddy's house; I don't buy the fact that the story in this will be very good since it's going to be another bounce around schizophrenic experience.

King James
King James
14 years ago

How about Red Dead Revolution? I like that one. You're a writer, right? Sounds like you found a way to make 7 figures. Get to work, World!

Last edited by King James on 5/30/2010 10:37:51 PM

14 years ago

Write the story for it? That would be sweeeeet. Everybody needs talent like mine 🙂

King James
King James
14 years ago

write it.
submit it to Rockstar.
Get paid.
Thank me later.

14 years ago

Not interested in Black Ops really… I am going for the New Medal of Honour because DICE is partly behind the technology too 🙂



14 years ago

Just remember World, when you're raking in the dough hand over fist, who your REAL psxe friends are. 😉

14 years ago

Sadly, if I did that they would just steal some ideas from it and say "Nah we have writers on staff."

King James
King James
14 years ago

sounds like you not trying to get paid.

14 years ago

I like your "Red Dead Revenge".

That title alone would make for a ton of possibilities.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/1/2010 1:54:57 PM

14 years ago

RDR is fantastic.
as for me, im buying black ops day one because i have faith in treyarch. im not gunna let IW's last outing ruin call of duty for me

14 years ago

But, IW was the good one I thought?

14 years ago

Black Ops appears appealng…apple? What the h*** is wrong with me…LOL…but about the co-op bit, it's not that important to me. Usually I end up playing online most of the time anyway. Only God knows how man hours I've logged in on MW2, I really need to burn that game, as much as I hate to say it…it keeps you coming back for more. I have RDR but I haven't put too much time into it. I've really been a multiplayer guy lately. I love playing with other players online. Can't wait for DS2, that game is gonna be some sinister limb hacking fun. Single and multiplayer modes. Sorry, I haven't posted in a while…this is just one of my random rambling rants. 🙂

King James
King James
14 years ago

2 things:

-RDR is the shit.

-And as talented as IW's lil' brother, Treyarch, is…I'm CoD'd out. I can barely play shooters now. Thx to that 2-3 yr blitz of shooters…I'm done with basic FPSs for now.
These developers gotta come a lil' bit harder now. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the game will rock. I think it has the potential to be better than MW2! But I just can't play st8 up FPSs anymore.

14 years ago

I love red dead! But… I can't seem to play it anymore due to modnation racers. Damn that game is addicting. Its way to much fun creating your own tracks, mods and karts. More so than lbp in my opinion.

14 years ago

I have been creating all the dragon ball z characters and they seem to be huge hits because of all the downloads I'm getting from them. If you want to help me gain create exp download my creations please! 🙂 my psn is sayword. Hopefully see you racing!

King James
King James
14 years ago

U made the DBZ characters?! Thats awesome. Too bad its a trademark infringement.

14 years ago

lol @ king james im not sure if clicking reply is working for me right now so sorry if this doesnt end up there but i do not think people or modnation really care since the most downloaded character is mario haha. exact replica if i may say so.

14 years ago

SayWord, Hell yeah MNR is awsome i feel like a crack addict, I cant get enough of it. Im goin to play untill i comatose on the ground!

14 years ago

haha natho i know its really addicting. But my girlfriend keeps hogging the damn game! add me to psn man, i could use your help to gain exp:)

14 years ago

My psn is TES37 and I could use some help with those creation trophies. Even if you delete my creations afterwards because you think they suck, it won't hurt my feelings one bit.

Willing to race against you and download your stuff as well.

Last edited by tes37 on 5/30/2010 11:55:43 PM

14 years ago

Yup. RDR is that good. I'm having tons of fun with it. The shooting in it is really good. The weapons have the right sound and feel.

As for Black Ops? Absolutely. Even if Treyarch bung it up, it'll still be a hoot online.

Last edited by Alienange on 5/30/2010 10:42:22 PM

14 years ago

This post is going to be really off topic but modnation racers really remind me of why the Playstation is such an open console. It really bothered me when the head of Valve said the Playstation 3 is not open. Well than why can I use a wireless keyboard to type to people in modnation? Why can i have such creative freedom in the games sony keep pushing out? Why can i take a picture of my creations on modnation, save it to my ps3 harddrive then go to gmail and send an email with that picture on my ps3 HUH!? And why the heck can i use a bluetooth headset!? ARGHHHH. hahah sorry for that. 🙂

14 years ago

Modnation is definitely awesome, SayWord. Valve obviously sold their soul to the MS, and figure it's too late to go back now.
It's amazing, however, that Sony doesn't get sued over the accuracy of some of these characters in Modnation. I made Taokaka (big surprise, right?) and Xavier from Xavier: Renegade Angel, and they look exactly like the real thing! 🙂

14 years ago

Black Ops will get a lot of hype and praise from the sheep who buy it just because everyone else is, and a few months later we'll hear them all complaining about how bad it is and how its so broken because of invasive glitches and hackers that its almost unplayable. I will not be fooled ever again.

14 years ago

You say that now, but I bet we see you online in November.

14 years ago

i bet that 3/4 of the cod haters on this site will end up buying the game anyway 😀

14 years ago

That was me when MW2 came out. Not gonna happen again! Mark me, PSX, I will drive through the hype of COD and come out as pure as the driven snow!

14 years ago

I voted that it was on my radar. I did buy it last week, and am LOVING it. Way more than I ever liked GTAIV. They did a fantastic job. I am already hoping for a sequel. I wish they would score Clint Eastwood for some voice work.

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
14 years ago

I'll be sure to pick up Black Ops on sale. No denying that CoD games are fun. No denying that they are NOT worth $60 either. No doubt I'll be able to find this game for $40, maybe less, by the time Christmas rolls around.

14 years ago

I like RDR a lot and it is a fine piece of work from Rockstar.

14 years ago

RDR and SSF4 are currently my most played games. RDR to me is what I wish all open world games would aspire to no matter what setting. Also the multiplayer is amazing for me, to me wrecking the enemy team with a cannon beats spamming R1 on the enemy spawn point any day.

14 years ago

I'd like to change my vote for the previous ballot, bought RDR over the weekend and so far loving it.

As for COD:BO, I've never played a COD game so I could care less about it.

14 years ago

I'm expecting a "Michael Bay" production with Block Ops.

14 years ago

RDR is a very fun single player experience, because I have yet to play online, so I know the game is good when I dont have to play online to justified the purchase. I'm just wishing R* come out with the DLC soon.

14 years ago

Multiplayer is great. Creating a posse and then going to all the gang hideouts is a lot of fun. It's also fun to get a really high bounty and try and survive and onslaught of lawmen, and sometimes other players from killing you (they get more exp for killing you if you're a public enemy.) The team and free for all matches are your standard fare but the RDR twist on these game types definitely will keep many coming back.

14 years ago

hey Mavfan if you want, add me on psn. I need some more ppl to play online with. my ID is chedison.

14 years ago

Added but I don't have a mic at the moment, when I went to get one I opted for Oblivion instead.

14 years ago

Okay my psn is Kai200X add me too. I will play online eventually and more people I can play with the better.

14 years ago

Most certainly going to buy COD Black Ops. I would like to see some more tailors proving an enhanced single player campaign and some game-play but it will all come with time.

As for an RDRII, I would put a good amount of stock in the idea that it will be produced. I have no clue what the title will be, but as King James mentioned, they have people for that. And if their writers somehow draw a blank(unlikely) I'm sure they'll get a million ideas from fans worldwide. Id be interested to see what kind of DLC RDR will have, it'll prob. be pretty ill lol

Last edited by CharlesD on 5/31/2010 1:56:08 AM

14 years ago

COD Black ops does not appeal to me at all, i'm waiting for a good FPS like oh I don't know MOH 🙂

RDR my friend showed me a little bit of it before he had to go to work and man it's cool game, just don't have the funds I might just borrow it off him we'll see 🙂

14 years ago

I still say 'Red Dead Redemption' is being way overhyped, despite being a really good game, but whatever.

And I think I'm pretty much spent on 'Call of Duty' for a while. Unless, of course, I see something most impressive.

14 years ago

theres no way RDR will get GOTY its good but not that good.
but than thats what i said about MW and GTAIV so i guess anythings possible!!!

as for black ops, meh im really sick of war games.
one of the guys at EB has played it along with medal of honor and he reckons medal of honor sh*ts all over black ops!
he said respawn entertainment are actually helping out on both the MP and SP, its going to be interesting to see how that turns out.
DICE and the ex infinity ward guys working together, now thats interesting considering the pot shots they kept making at each other.