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PSXE Poll Update: Red Dead Redemption Tops Priority Lists

So if you're not already playing and loving >Red Dead Redemption , you most certainly intend to purchase it, which is good news for Rockstar and Co.

Of the nearly 1500 who answered the poll, 1/3 say they own and adore the open-world sandbox Western, another 1/3 say they fully intend to buy the game soon, and only a very small number say it didn't live up to expectations. Some said it wasn't their thing but in comparison to the overall love shown for RDR, it's almost insignificant. This past week has seen the emergence of a legitimate Game of the Year contender as it has met with considerable critical acclaim and has proven to be a financial blockbuster , so perhaps these results shouldn't be surprising. After this mammoth success, we're wondering if Rockstar intends to continue this franchise; we had the relatively average Red Dead Revolver ("relatively" in comparison to RDR; the game was actually decent) but now, shouldn't another "Red Dead" be inevitable? Or maybe they should focus on a new exploration-based title of a similar structure but different theme? After GTAIV and RDR, they've obviously got this style of game down pat…

Anyway, this week, we want to know if Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops appeals to you. We don't have a ton of CoD lovers around here but with the news that we'll get a robust single-player campaign, plus the inclusion of a Vietnam setting and a kick-ass trailer …well, it might have changed your minds. Let's find out.

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14 years ago

Red Dead Redemption is a fantastic game. It is a game were you get lost in time easily. I am 10 hours in the game and my completion only is 16%. Spend hours and hours just on riding around, shoot some people while driving by, shoot my horse in the head while riding it, shooting all kinds of animals, shooting, Shooting some other peoples horses in the head while they pass me by. Playing poker. spend some time in jail.

I played God of war 3 before and in some way I can't get that evil out of my system. I must do evil things…

Last edited by Bjorn77 on 5/31/2010 5:11:56 AM

14 years ago

If RDR wins GOTY, the little faith I have in the gaming community will be gone. 20 hours in and a 54.1% completion rate, I'm slogging through Mexico agreeing whole-heartedly with John Marston's stance on not caring about their war. The overall narrative is weak as a result of these padded missions which, more often then not, consist of riding to a location a good distance, while listening to John explain for the umpteenth time about his wife and son or how he was some Robin Hood of an outlaw and then killing everyone at said location. WOW! Really the next step in open world genre!! And while it's open world, let's keep the term 'sandbox' light years from any description of this because it's not. There are a myriad of possibilities while playing in a sand box. RDR consists of TWO, count 'em , TWO ways to play it's world. An outlaw or not. Again, WOW! And the sad part is this doesn't affect the narrative at all. I could pump lead into 20 people outside Bonnie's home at McFarlane's Ranch and after a mile ride out and a couple minutes to let the heat die down, she's still pleased as pie to go cattle herding with me. I'll give the game a little credit for it's atmosphere, but I've seen games with just as much not be nearly as revered. Game's a solid 8.0 because it does nothin terribly new. . I'll concede an 8.5 if they have a REALLY good explanation for why John was blackmailed into this job in the first place.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Your analysis is crucially flawed in every possible way, and I'll just leave it at that.

When every last critic on the face of the planet disagrees with your stance, and by a drastic margin, you may have to reevaluate a few things.

14 years ago

@PorkChop – You're one of those "glass is half empty" fellers, ain'tcha?

14 years ago

You're wrong about every thing you've said. Also to say you have two things to do in the sandbox is flawed. It's a sandbox game through and through unless you forgot about all the diversions within the game, I mean I'm sure hunting and poker aren't for everyone but if that's the case with you maybe you bought the wrong game? It's my personal GOTY choice right now and just because all great games have voices of dissension doesn't make the dissenters right. Hell even I disliked GTA IV but I can't argue that it is in fact a well made product.

14 years ago

@ Mav
I'm certainly not wrong about the missions, friend. They happen like I described. Like I said, I'm 20 hours in and only in Mexico SOOOO, yes, I've partaken in every available distraction so far. The random encounters repeat so much it's not even fun anymore. I can't slug a guy without the law coming but kidnappings and prostitute assaults cause no stir at all. And I would like for ONE time, just once, to draw on a guy and he says, 'You're John Marston! You've killed nearly 1000 guys in the 20 mile stretch. I give up!!' Again, the hype for this supposed 'realistic' game is astounding. But the mini-games don't make it a 'sandbox'. The ability to shape (get it? shape like sand.) the story or character to your liking and in turn, affect the world around you, THAT is a 'sandbox' to me. And RDR is a good game, no doubt. I'm just saying it's not worthy of GOTY status and this sickening fawning because it's so derivative. GOTY should be reserved for games that take true steps in reshaping and improving a genre. Plus, I usually wait until November before I throw out that tag, but maybe that's just me and the rest of the dissenters. We like the term 'free thinkers' BTW.

There were some critics that gave Halo ODST a 9+. Perfect 10 or 100s even. So I'm not sure why you refer to yourself and the others as if you're the 'be all, end all' of gaming knowledge and opinion. I mean, for reviewers to say RDR's story stands next to the great westerns of film is absolutely ridiculous. And maybe you guys should stop telling us that we NEED to buy certain games in your reviews, as if everything we love as gamers depends on it. Don't be a schill.

14 years ago

porkchop – You may not like the game, but from a critical standpoint, it is a very well designed game, perhaps the pinnacle of the "sandbox" genre, as it stands today. Allow me to reiterate what has been said many times before; Being a critic and "having an opinion" are two mutually exclusive things. A critic must judge things based on genre, conventions, etc., thinking a game is "awesome" or "sucks" or "should have done this or that" is not a sound basis on which to critically review a game. Have a Happy Memorial Day! 🙂

14 years ago

Sounds like you have issues with the story and how it unfolds, not the game.

14 years ago

Reshaping and improving a genre hmmmmm? Like RDR does? I'm sure this opinion isn't shared by all including those who would give this game a 10. But as I play it I feel as if my character is living in this world, his Fame within it alters how those around him view him. The gameplay is perfect for me. The multiplayer did things differently enough to make it an enjoyable enough experience that on it's own could be worth the price of admission. Like I've said I will respect opinions but my point is I disagree with them. To say this game isn't a GOTY candidate is to ignore that it's amongst the best so far this year whether you OR EVEN I agree or not. I just so happen to agree.

Last edited by Mavfan321 on 5/31/2010 7:47:18 PM

14 years ago

The trailers for COD look good, but I'll definitely be waiting for the reviews. I played a couple of military shooters a while back and they bored the crap out of me, despite their 9+ scores, so that kind of killed my interest in the genre. If it has a really good single player campaign I might pick it up eventually, USED – I won't be contributing a cent to Kotick's bank account.

14 years ago

Black Ops is a day one purchase for me like all the previous COD Games. Probably get MOH too although never been that big a fan of that series hopefully this one is a lot better. Plus the fact that DICE have been involved too is a good sign.

14 years ago

I get so frustrated when I play Call Of Duty World At War. I need to wait to see some reviews and some more gameplay for Black Ops.

I'll definetly be getting Medal Of Honor one month earlier over Black Ops.

Plus Fallout New Vegas is released just a few days after Black Ops so its going to be interesting how sales go for November.

Last edited by Danny007 on 5/31/2010 11:33:18 AM

14 years ago

Not well for black ops. They an't getting a sell from me.

14 years ago

Another Call of Dooty. This time it's dooty in Vietnam. Too bad since it's call of dooty everything will be grey and lifeless, maybe if they take a lesson from Uncharted and make the jungle green and full of life I would be tempted to try it.

14 years ago

It doesn't matter how well it will be, plus I dont expect this one will be any good. I an't trying it.

14 years ago

so all the vivid colors i saw in the trailer, including the green jungles of vietnam, were actually grey??
i must be imagining colors.

14 years ago

I am loving RDR almost 70% through it. It has a great single player mode the cut scenes are great. I hope they do make a sequel I'll pick it up.
I'm not interrested in black ops and have no thoughts of ever playing it. but I am looking at picking up Socom 4 and Medal of Honor.