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Bulletstorm Didn’t Start Out As A FPS

People Can Fly are working on a downright insane title called Bulletstorm , which ought to feature some of the fastest, most over-the-top FPS gameplay you've ever seen.

The game allows you to use more than just your weapons; you can utilize an energy whip to yank foes back towards you, and you can even kick 'em in the air and unload on their defenseless asses. But did you realize that it started out as a third-person shooter…? Perhaps it won't come as any surprise, considering Epic Games is involved in the production and they're responsible for Gears of War . But when the developer began down this path, Epic stopped them and said it sounded too much like Gears "in space." Here's what Epic boss Cliff Bleszinski said in a recent Gamereactor interview :

"If you look at games like Gears and Bulletstorm, a lot has to do with having a real environment you can touch. In Gears it comes to getting into cover and cutting down the enemy with your Lancer. Bulletstorm uses a similar method where you toy with your enemy, the way a cat does with a mouse. It’s all about being able to see the effect of what you are doing in the world around, instead of just shooting a guy and watching him fall. It’s about nuances.

Bulletstorm was originally planned to be a third person shooter, but we thought 'hey, it would just be Gears in space,' so we kept it in first person, and created other ways to create chaos and fun in the game. You decide yourself what you want to do with your game."

He added that it typically "stinks" to use a cover mechanic in a FPS, although Guerrilla Games would probably beg to differ. But the question is, did they make the right decision? Personally, I think Bulletstorm looks crazy enough and that such a setting best suits the FPS genre. And besides, if it had stayed third-person, it would've ultimately been compared to Gears and Uncharted …and I don't envy the original IP that tries to scale that mountain.

Related Game(s): Bulletstorm

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14 years ago

Bulletstorm is looking pretty cool. I've got my eye on it.

14 years ago

Yay because we don't have enough FPS already!

For goodness sake, what happened this gen that turned these western developers into FPS fanatics?

We need more platform/3rd person shooters like Uncharted. There are plenty of 3rd person shooters but none with great platforming mechanics. I'm keeping my eye on Mikami's Vanquished. I hope he can give us something fresh in the shooter genre. The same old military shooters were rotten a few years ago.

14 years ago

We need more games like Ratchet and Clank.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Too bad insomniac is taking a break from R&C now that the Future story arc is over. R&C is one of the best game series to ever exist, and is my personal favorite overall.

14 years ago

Doesn't that just mean it's Gears in Space in First Person?

I might have actually been interested in this game if it had stayed in 3rd person. But, blah.

14 years ago

Someone on the youtube commented that there's so many fps shooters now that they're parodying them. That's a good way of putting it I thought. This game though, looks fun but then games like that are only for so long then the excitemnt just fizzles out. I personally like the tactical games where you have to be patient and calculating. Is that just me? It feels more rewarding.

14 years ago

Living with First Person Shooter disease:

14 years ago

@ world – LOL!!:D

14 years ago

Thought you guys might enjoy that one 😉

14 years ago

Actually the idea of a TPS Gears in Space could have been cool.

Last edited by ShadowRunner on 5/28/2010 10:01:55 PM

14 years ago

The first person perspective aught to make it easier to focus on mutilating the enemy in front of you without your avatar blocking the screen with its shoulder, too.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 5/28/2010 10:17:13 PM

14 years ago

TPS, really?
I thought it began as a puzzler.

14 years ago

I think it began as a late night turd.

14 years ago

@ World

Hey! Mythbusters proved that it IS possible sh*t. ;P

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 5/28/2010 10:46:39 PM

14 years ago

That's the first thing to make me laugh today World.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

This game looks like it could be fun. I would have pre-ordered it from the EA Store for 44.99 but they have recently started charging for shipping. Bastards.

14 years ago

Then let them have if Fluffer!



14 years ago

If TPS would make it gears in space, Then that would make this FPS gears in space.

14 years ago

im really looking forward to this, it looks like a crazy game that does not take itself seriously and is out there fun for the sake of fun.
so many games these days are destroyed because they focus on realism and forget what games are all about.
HAVING FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

Is this in space? From the video I've seen, it's in a really mundane ruined city with oversized Venus Fly Traps scattered about. And FPS vs. TPS, big deal. You see the character in the corner of your screen, or you don't.

I hope this game will be cool when it comes out, but right now it looks completely uninteresting to me.

14 years ago

This game looks crazy fun. Shooting someone up, slamming them back towards you with some kind of an electronic whip and then kicking their sry a** into a giant man eating plant!? come on, who dosen't want crazy intense over the top and violent fps game play like that?

14 years ago

Some of you with negativity towards FPS, I don't think you should call off a game if it's TPS or any type. I think as long as the game play is good then the games good especially some of you who call a game off before it comes out.
Plus it's not like you are being to get every FPS that comes out, if you like it, then buy it if you don't then keep your mouth shout.

Last edited by StangMan80 on 5/29/2010 11:07:53 PM

Bandit King
Bandit King
14 years ago

"Bulletstorm Didn't Start Out As A FPS"

Hmm…then it sure is a shame it ended up being one.

If there is one genre that needs to go away for a long while after this gen its the FPS (heck I would like it to go away right now).

14 years ago

not that I have anything against fps but i would have love this to be tps that's how they should have left it.