Okay, so we know Activision plans to release three Call of Duty titles in the next few years. We know one is Call of Duty: Black Ops , which is slated to release on November 9; the other is widely expected to be Modern Warfare 3 .
But what about that mystery CoD in development at Sledgehammer Studios? One of the reasons it has received so much attention is because it was previously described as an "action/adventure" game. Of course, this would represent a big departure for the uber-popular franchise, because it has always been first-person in nature. This is why we were very intrigued to hear about the possibility; it wouldn't even be that bad of an idea, considering the fact that many of the best games of the generation have been third-person ( Uncharted , MGS4, Gears of War , etc.). However, as NowGamer notes, we may have been jumping the gun. A new job listing at Gamasutra makes it clear that they're "actively recruiting top talent for our Call of Duty First Person Shooter development team." Well, darn. We were kinda hoping for a new-look CoD; one that casts a new light on the series in question. However, we're not surprised that Activision wouldn't want to take the risk on turning everyone's beloved FPS franchise into a third-person shooter.
At the same time, we're wondering if Sledgehammer can compete with the likes of Infinity Ward and Treyarch in terms of sheer quality. Or perhaps more importantly, what will they offer that is distinctly different…?
I had high hopes they would make it a third person for a change.
We need a fresh experience from COD, its becoming very repetitive. More advanced each year, but yet repetitive!!!
Last edited by ShadowRunner on 5/26/2010 9:41:56 PM
Gonna suck!
how do u know have u seen it?
I wouldn't be so sure, it does look like its gonna have a good story mode, and the online is always addicting. I liked MW2 but there are better games, but if Treyarch make a good story mode and balance the online (remove commando, fix up the perks a little) and create dedicated servers, this could be very good. Im gonna stay open minded. The trailer looks good, but if it doesn't have a good story, then i refuse to get it. theres other stuff i can get involved in.
Uh, if Black Ops is covering a couple decades (Vietnam War, Cold War, etc.) after WWII, and our modern time practically finished with the Modern Warfare franchise, what could Sledgehammer Studios cover?
Please be it not have something to do with aliens or space/futuristic warfare, because I have the outstanding Resistance, KillZone, Halo, and Gears of War franchises to cover me for that.
Another major (or minor, by this point?) step in the milking of a once great franchise….
Last edited by Victor321 on 5/26/2010 10:07:05 PM
The way COD jumps around like that is too schizophrenic for me.
The Civil War? 😉
Revolutionary War, I'm tellin' ya!
im glad its not following in the footsteps of the other ones.IMO I think since we have this next gen system we should get some next gen material. im tired of playing the same franchises ive played on older systems. bring on the new ips new ideas for the frachise or something….rant over
Soooooo…. more of the same? I'll save my money for KZ3.
I think I will do the same… KZ3 should blow most things away… if not all!
Why would anyone want a FPS franchise to suddenly go third person? The whole sense immersion would be taken out of the game. Third person is for playing a character's role. First person is to make YOU play the role.
Changing that in the CoD franchise would be ridiculous and I'm glad they clarified it.
To get out of the same ol same ol thing they got goin' on.
I would say one reason to do it is because considering their releasing the same game 3 times in one year might as well have one do something a bit different. Maybe this action/adventure CoD will be more of an open world type experience along the lines of Far Cry?
but saying to get outta the same old thing can b sed for nearly any game series!
Actually, I would say that TPSs make me feel more like I'm there than an FPS does. I don't know why, but the way the perspective is in FPSs don't make me feel like I'm there (to make it true first person they would have to include peripheral vision and the ability to actually see your own feet), and the lack of any dialogue from most of the characters you play as in FPSs (barring the extremely rare ones that actually have a couple lines of dialogue) makes it seem like I'm a lot less grounded in that game. Whereas in a TPS, I can see my character, they usually talk a lot, and I know who I'm playing as, and for some reason that's more immersive to me.
Third person > first person. By a mile. I might buy a 3rd person COD.
Last edited by InBlackestNight on 5/26/2010 10:50:14 PM
ennnnh…. So it will be like every other CoD. They all look the same to me… really.
I agreed on (some) of the best games of this gen being third person shooters, I cannot agree to that tag on Gears, I liked many of it's ideas but when I played the first Uncharted it destroyed my idea of third person gaming the way RE:4 did before it. I have to play MGS4 for the 40th time eventually.
i was kinda thinking of a MMO styled game.
imagine MW2s online mode but as a MMO with massive battles and please for the love of god give us some decent vehicles!!!!!!!
Vehicles would eff it up, unless they did it well, like Bad Company
of course like bad company, thats the best part or even like mags vehicles.
1 thing i loved doing in the MAG beta was sit in a chopper behind the chaingun and pop off any enemies that walk by, the amazing thing is it would take them forever to figure out i was in there and blow me up.
once i got something like a 40 kill streak, than finally someone noticed and blew me up.
Can't say i'm very suprised, but FPS and still action/adventure? So platforming or something like Mirror's edge? I guess adventure is a really broad term.
It could be similar to Oblivion in that it's first person (I know you go third person if you wish) but still has some kind of adventure, etc. elements to it.
Watch what you say about CoD godslim is obsessed with the franchise, somehow. But regardless, CoD games are the perfect example of repetition. Pretty much the same mechanics with the same engine, over, and over, and over again. They do not evolve in any shape or form which puts it up to you to stop being a sheep and crave evolution from the series. Uncharted 1&2 might be TPS but the 2nd evolved on an Epic scale. It wasn't just the same old thing, better story, gameplay, Co-op, everything! GOTY!
Yeah __________, what gives?! Get on the front lines and steal some dog tags. Don't ever get caught out with sand in your mangina!
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 5/27/2010 10:27:43 AM
He and a few others are adamant about their love for the series and that is all fine and well. I personally want a change though.
its just funny sitting there popping enemies off watching how long it takes them to figure out whats going on.
hmmmm, every time i walk past this helicopter i keep dying i wonder why.
it must be haunted.
Given some of the comments here it is quite clear that the COD franchise is a favourite among some members and they will vehemently defend it. I for one could use a change of pace in the series. Though I do enjoy the franchise, it has become a little stale for me. The added features are not enough in my personal experience to hold my enthusiasm any more. I feel like the franchise could use a change of pace to keep it fresh.
Of course they will defend it, they don't know any better. Mindless minions easily impressed. I do know where you are coming from coverton.
Rage looks like it will be pretty cool! i like id games 🙂
I loved all the other COD's but I'm loosing faith in their ability to keep the "same-old" entertaining. If they want to continue to make it interesting experience they're going to have to mix it up a bit. Maybe not to the point of making it a 3rd person, but it could use a jolt in the creative and story aspects.