For those of you sinking your teeth into the open-world adventure that is Red Dead Redemption , you might need a similar title (in an albeit entirely different setting) to quench your undying thirst for such gaming experiences.
And boy, 2K is definitely pushing Mafia II crazy hard. First up are the pre-order incentives: if you drop your deposit at GameStop, you'll net two downloadable content packs; the Vegas Pack and the War Hero Pack. Both of these offer a couple new vehicles (military vehicles for the War Hero Pack) and new costumes for your main character. You can grab the Renegade Pack if you pre-order from Amazon, the Greaser Pack if you pre-order at Best Buy, and a $10 gift card if you put your money down at Wal-Mart. Secondly, there's the Collector's Edition, which is definitely appealing- we get a brushed metallic SteelBook Casing and exclusive art of Vito and Joe, a 100-page photo album-style hardcover art book, a soundtrack, a map of Empire Bay printed on high-quality paper, and the Made Man Pack, which again boasts a couple new suits for Vito. Now, onto the big stuff…
Check out the official contest for the game, where you can enter for your chance to win a massive $12,000 entertainment center, complete with a 60" Bravia HDTV, 7.1 Sony Surround Sound, a PlayStation 3, and a signed copy of Mafia II . Make sure to read the rules; if you enter, you need to create a username and password, which will then allow you to log on to and save your scores throughout the contest period. Different mini-games will take place at the following times:
Entrants must play at least one game during each Game Period in order to qualify to win the prize associated with each round. And they must play one round in each of the Game Periods in order to be eligible for the aforementioned grand prize. Mafia II is scheduled to release on August 24 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.
Related Game(s): Mafia II
Awwww yeah….
Why aren't they giving away vintage Playboys in the special editions?
There's no doubt that 2k knows how to be a good publisher, but whether or not they're throwing their money away on Mafia II will be seen soon enough.
I know I'll be passing, the whole Mafia thing is played out at the moment. These things come in cycles and the latest mafia fascination ended with Sopranos.
I've had quite the obsession with sandbox games as of late and this one is on my list to watch. 40s/50s theme looks like it will be a nice change from the usual urban sandboxes so I'm certainly looking forward to this one.
May get this, should be a fantastically well crafted game… hope it has piles of atmosphere 🙂
piles and piles!
this is my most anticipated title for the year, the footage shown at E3 was incredible!!!
wonder if there going to be using DX11 and 3D for the PC version, the graphics certainly look really impressive.
this is looking like what GTAIV should of been.
Forgetabout it, cause from what I've been seeing so far cuz, dis game is looking to be the sharpest tack of any mob "gotcha's" out there.
According to Mafia 2 developers, the new PhysX technology Nvidia included in the game will enable the city and personalities of Empire Bay to truly come alive.
Mafia 2 Story and Characters Trailer, Episode I Video
Mafia II Exclusive Developer Diary Series, Episode II Video
Developer talks about Mafia II Nvidia PhysX
Nvidia PhysX's particle Destruction
Man, I'm so really looking forward to giving a couple young punks brand new pairs of quick-drying cement-filled Florisheim booties!!!!
Excuse me while I go wrap a couple fishes in newspaper….
thats one thing i noticed in a older demo they showed off the physics and particle effects were really impressive they had a wall constructed out of glass cubes, a enemy was taking cover behind it the player shot the glass and just the way it fell apart looked so cool and realistic.
cant wait till this is out, i hope they add 3D support to it.
Awesome news, as this is one of the few games I would actually buy a collector's edition of.
I'm more interested in the mention of downloadable content, though, since I hadn't heard anything definite until now.
The addition of vehicles and outfits is certainly welcome, but I really, really hope they add story elements as well.
Last edited by Jalex on 5/27/2010 5:12:59 AM
Yeah that would be really cool if they were to tie something into the the storyline. I hope it's not too expensive, this collector's edition…
What I've seen so far is very cool. I like the time period and the concentration on the environment. Also, the fact that only a few bullets will kill you will certainly create intense and very real battle scenarios. Hopefully the controls are a little tighter than the other 3rd person shooters I've played. But the attention to storyline and the emphasis on trust and loyalty is pretty cool. I also like the fact that the main character isn't trying to rule the world, just gain a little respect and a good amount of cash.
Definitely seems like a good experience, can't wait to hear more 🙂
i im buying that game when it comes out