After snapping up LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule, Sony says they're still interested in making quality acquisitions.
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Andrew House said as much in a recent interview at the official PlayStation UK site, and he also cited decisions to snag studios like Guerrilla Games and Evolution Studios. Obviously, such acquisitions means the designers in question will make games exclusively for the PlayStation platform, which is why titles like LittleBigPlanet and Killzone are now Sony-owned IPs. Said House:
"Our acquisition of Media Molecule clearly shows our commitment to our first party studios, to ensure that we continue to offer by far the most compelling, innovative exclusive games. Over the years we have done this with developers such as Guerilla Games and Evolution Studios and now with Media Molecule. I think it is clear that we are prepared to invest where there is long-term creative benefit to our platform and our consumers."
House also talked about a subject we at PSXE have touched on frequently, that of the how developers continue to access more of the PlayStation 3's inherent power. He points everyone towards the PS2 (as we often do) in showing how long it took to produce something like God of War II (and let's not forget Final Fantasy XII ). If you compare such titles to the launch games for the PS2…well, it's like looking at two entirely different consoles and generations. And things continue to progress with the PS3; although we've already seen the likes of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Heavy Rain and God of War III , House believes it's "unlikely" that any developer has used the PS3's full power yet.
But to insure that some great developers continue to push with the PS3, without the added complication of trying to cram their vision onto the Xbox 360 as well, Sony may have to continue with the aforementioned acquisitions. So…who should they get next?
after seeing all the new stuff for little big planet 2 i am super excited for this one. i honestly can see why they just made it a second game. the qore episode had video of the new game. it looks great. MM actually hired some guy that was making levels in lbp and now he works for them as a level editor or something. hope sony keeps grabbing up people and companies like this.
They should look into Suker Punch and Level 5. Too late for Insomniac but they should had looked into them long ago. I just heard a rumor about ICO Collection which would be awesome, I'm not sure if they are 1st party or not but they also should look at the Pixel Junk guys.
Last edited by Mista on 5/26/2010 11:02:36 AM
Level 5 for sure, Sony needs an in-house RPG maker.
I agree: Level 5 and Sucker Punch definitely.
I've been saying for years now that Sony has to buy Insomniac and Sucker Punch. Well, it might be too late for Insomniac; but Sony should bring Sucker Punch in house.
Actually, I still think Sony can buy Insomniac. Ted Price has said repeatedly he enjoys working with Sony because Sony gives his team the freedom it needs to create its vision, a sentiment I've heard from other first-party studios like Naughty Dog.
they should take over dice so battlefield can be made better for the ps3
Please Sony Buy Naughty Dog before they have to compromise and make games for the BrokeBox360! As great as Insomniac is I am concerned their new PS3/360 adventure will degrade the game to make it "work" within the 360
Naughty Dog is already owned by Sony. They won't be making games for the Xbox.
I for one am glad to see Sony's willing to open up their checkbook to pick up development houses all to further their cause towards better gaming….
…much unlike MS who always acts more like a shady thief in the night trying to hold developers at money-point, therefore robbing gamers of our pursuit towards gaming nirvana!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/26/2010 11:11:57 AM
Sony brings developers in-house or commissions new IPs from independent devs as 1st party exclusives developed by a third party. Microsoft on the other hand brings comparatively few studios in-house and buys third party multi-plats and turns them into third party timed exclusives. I think we all know which is more productive for the industry.
Who should they get on board next? Good question, and I think the answer is Naughty Dog. They should also pick up Level 5 and From Software then hold the From Software guys at gun point and demand Demon's Souls 2….
I keed I keed, but seriously Naughty Dog first and foremost to assure they have a home to express their entirety of talent and then Level 5 and From Software so we can have an in-house RPG dev from both a western and eastern perspective.
I would love to see a revival of the days of old with tons of great RPGs
Naughty Dog is already a first party Sony studio.
I think Level 5 would be an ideal partner.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 5/26/2010 11:19:01 AM
Wild, I did not know that. Since there was a Crash game on the 360 I thought they were independent but loyal. Never really looked into who made the Crash game on 360 though so yeah…
Universal Studios (aka Activision) owns the rights to Crash Bandicoot. Sony acquired Naughty Dog in 2001.
Good to know. Then I partially recant my statement and say go for Quantic Dream. I don't think they have made a game that I didn't love. Also it would be killer to get Omikron 2 as an exclusive.
I'd like to see Sony go after an RPG maker, Level 5 for example. Having a bona-fide RPG maker in-house would be a great thing for Sony, both in Japan and in the West.
Level 5 would be great. I just popped in DragonQuest VIII the other day, they did a fantastic job. They are making better JRPG's then Square these days.
DQXIII was published by SE though, not sure about DQIX, hopefully they aren't under contract to use them again.
Maybe SCE could have Level 5 develop Legend of Dragoon 2? 🙂
Level 5 is actually very hard to acquire since it is a very big company in Japan. DQVIII and DQIX are both developed by Level 5 but published by Square Enix.
I'm not sure what relative size Level 5 has compared to Sony's other developers, but that is a good point that you raise. Sony could still acquire a majority share without buying outright. It would amount to the same thing in all practical senses.
Sony still could try to buy Insomniac after they release their multiplatform game. But I guess the developer embraces independence too much for that to happen. They should pick up Sucker Punch if Sony doesn't own them already.
Sony could buy Insomniac right now, they are completely independent despite signing a publishing contract with EA.
Hypothetically speaking if Sony did buy Insomniac, they would own a developer who makes 360 games…
Sony should just go all out and buy Epic. Then M$ won't have anybody left to make great games. BWWAAAHAAAHAAA.
Since when did Epic ever make great games?
lol @ Jawk
Sony should buy From Software.
Sony should buy all the studios that make exclusives for them, that they don't already own.
If it came down to a choice, I would of liked to see them snag Insomniac over Guerrilla.
….that's right guys, I'm still sour and I'm not afraid to show it!
I believe they offered insomniac but they wanted to stay independent
Whatcha sour about?
Disagree there.
If developers choose to make games exclusive to PS3, then Sony have already got them and their expertise.
Sony should go after someone multiplat and popular, I was thinking Bioware, but they may be too big and too independent, especially since they make games mostly for PC and 360.
How about investing around 60% in Respawn Entertainment and holding majority market share? Buying out Epic Games would be a huge blow to MS, but I really doubt that would happen.
As for smaller studios, ThatGameCompany, not sure if it's exclusive, but Flower was one fantastic experience with solid art and controls.
But I would agree with Level 5. Adding that to Sony's list of studios would be the ace up Sony's sleeve for hardcore gamers everywhere.
It has already been mentioned, but I say Sony should acquire Sucker Punch and Level-5 if possible (They do make quite a bit of money off DS games). I would also like to see an Atlus acquisition, but that might not be possible. It still might not be too late for Insomniac; after all their partnership with EA only covers one Game(a New IP).
I would love to see Sony pick up a studio that makes RPG`s exclusively for the ps3 as a firstparty developer. Just imagine adding From software or Level5 to the friendly rivalry between Santa Monica/GG/Naughty dog on topping each other in quality. One can at least dream I guess.
The one Sony should get (for free, because they owe it to us Playstation fans) is Square Enix o.O
Just to make sure we will never see an xbox version of Versus XIII, or Kingdom Hearts 3, although I still don't think the latter will go multiplat, except if they release the first two on crapbox as well (please don't it was just a joke, don't even think about doing that Square! aah my mind is going crazy, maybe cuz I have RDR now, but i ain't allowed to play it, because I have two exams tomorrow, yet I'm here writing stuff -_- at least it's the special edition with the soundtrack, golden guns, deadly assassin outfit and the warhorse horse… not bad for 38 bucks, just don't know if it was worth the 5 (6) day extra wait)
Yeah, you can write a lot of text between two brackets…
They should buy Slightly Mad studios, who made Need For Speed Shift. Give those people twice as much time and money and I'll bet they could produce something truly extraordinary. And it would be awesome to have an exclusive racing franchise on the PS3. You know, one with actual games you could play.
They should definitely get an Rpg studio next, I'd love for them to get atlus but it ain't happening:(
I would love Sony to bring(Folklore/Genji)developer Game Republic on board. From Software would be great too. Good call Kiryu!
Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 5/26/2010 1:31:31 PM
As much as your avatar disturbs me, I agree.
They should buy Nintendo so I could play the upcoming Zelda in HD. But on a serious note an ace RPG developer would have them cornering all genre markets.
Sony should get Sucker Punch, Tiki games, TheGameCompany who made flower game, Atlus, Lvl 5, Compile Heart, or sign Kojima sense he loves the Playstation Brand.
I want an RPG company as well, not too much else I can add since most have been suggested already. Buy Level 5 and force them to make Rogue Galaxy 2, buy Overworks (if they still exist) and force them to make Skies of Arcadia 2, buy Atlus and force them to make Persona 5. 🙂
I agree with previous posters that it's past time that Sony acquired some quality RPG developers. To that end I wish they would acquire Level-5 and Obsidian that way they would have a quality JRPG and WRPG developer in house. Besides those studios I would love for Sony to acquire Sucker Punch and Quantic Dream.
They should get Level 5 and then Sucker Punch
In-house JRPG developer would be nice, the one studio they MUST get is Mistwalker.
The legend must make a legendary JRPG on the PS3 exclusively!!
I think Insonmniac should've been bought up. In a time when the ps3 is going anywhere but up it's just silly in my opinion that they went multiplay now, mightve been fair enough a year ago but now?
My two cents…
Imagine the type of RPG Team Ico(Japan Studio) would build or a Legend of Dragoon from Santa Monica Studios. Crazy as it might sound Sony has so many good studios that could do these things.
The best thing Sony could do is give them creative freedom. I shutter to think what another Jak and Daxter would have been like while Uncharted gets put to the wayside. I think things are good for Sony right now.
If it had to be a studio though I'd have to go with Game Republic, they did a great job on Folklore and I think even they could tackle a Legend of Dragoon but Quantic Dream is where the future is.
quantic dream, insomniac, black studios, epic games, crytek, ID, ninja theroy, team ninja, visceral games, remedy, the guys who made darksiders, the guys who made RFG, united front games, DICE just to name a few.
i still think sony are insane for not lapping up insomniac years ago, i mean some of the best games out there are from insomniac, same goes for quantic dream.
there the 2 id choose, much better them than media molicule!!!!!!!
Yes and no. Insomniac didn't & don't want to be bought.
Media Molecule brings things to the table that are unique to them. Their initial game LBP was/is so very innovative. When you buy a company like Media Molecule, you are not simply buying their game portfolio, you're buying their creative minds.
true, i understand why insomniac dont want to be bought out because they always say they like being a independent studio but they would be so much better off signing.
why not sign with sony under one condition, that they own all the IPs so if they decide to leave their games go with them?
as far as i know thats the only reason why they want to stay independent.
if i was sony id lap up remedy, there amazing developers and their only a small studio so it would not cost that much to maintain.
them and epic games, bodycount looks so effing cool!!!!! hope epic announce unreal tournament 4 at E3 i loved UE3 one of my most played games.
Buy PLAYDEAD GAMES from Norway. They're delivering a very special game this summer LIMBO and won several prices already. Such an ambitious developer in best hands with Sony.
Another one is Intenium Gmbh from Germany. They make simple but playable games for only PC. But MOVE in mind how keen would it be to get such games on PSN.
Last edited by tumbletunnel on 5/28/2010 3:32:58 AM