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Demon’s Souls 2 Isn’t Happening

We know Demon's Souls garnered a ton of fans last year and it now has a die-hard following. However, as much as those fans may want a sequel, From Software says they shouldn't hold their collective breaths.

Although we've all been assuming a sequel would probably be in the works, especially after the better-than-expected sales performance of the original IP, the developers appear to have no interest in pursuing such a project at this point in time. According to citing a podcast on Biglobe, From Software Producer Kajii and director Miyazaki have made it abundantly clear that there is no Demon's Souls 2 . They also say they don't plan to do one, which definitely comes as a disappointment to those who have spent many an enjoyable hour indulging in one of the best RPGs of the generation. Of course, there was an undercurrent of very vocal complaints, all centered on the high level of difficulty. We thought it sort of affected the game's inherent accessibility but then again, given the targeted demographic, it probably didn't tick off the hardcore role-playing buffs.

It's just too bad that From Software apparently has no desire to issue a follow-up title. Granted, the original can be played for a loooong time but hey, those aforementioned avid fans have likely had their fill already…right?

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14 years ago


You're absolutely right. Niche games get niche sales. Everything is about the money. And that sucks because today's entertainment is fueled by 14 year old girls who are addicted to Reality TV, American Idol and Justin Bieber.

It's the end of quality entertainment as we know it.

14 years ago

Don't worry guys. Right now they're spending their time partying on yachts in the Caribbean with high class hookers and cocaine. When the money from the first DS runs out, they'll sober up and get to work on the sequel.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Its about to come out here in Aus. I got it online when it came out and played the sh** out of it, i loved invading someone and just destroying them and there little blue phantoms,made my day!

You get such a rush when you get invaded though you look around every coner trying to find them. It was the best online i have seen in a game they way everything worked so well.

14 years ago

Given the fact that SCEJ(Sony Japan) technically own the IP rights to Demons Soul, its quite obvious why another sequel isn't happen. If anything I guess SCEJ didn't see the need for a sequel.

King James
King James
14 years ago

Sad face.

14 years ago

"it probably didn't tick off the hardcore
man this game was good , yea is good but there is a sensation of hate when you die so many times

14 years ago

Well, in true European style, we don't even get the first one until next month. So maybe there's still a chance that the extra sales and attention will help motivate a sequel.

I've only ever played one RPG (Fallout) but I really like the look of Demon's Souls. It is a little worrying that you RPG vets are complaining about the difficulty though. I'll be sure to bubble-wrap all my valuables before I start.

14 years ago

It's more an Action-RPG than a true RPG. Like the bastard child of an unholy union between Ninja Gaiden, Elder Scrolls, and Legend of Zelda, with a dash of Kingdom Hearts and Resident Evil. Or something.

Really, it's sort of a difficult game to quantify. I stick by the Action-RPG label, but making comparisons to other games is a bit difficult.

14 years ago

deamon souls gets left out in the dark, and COD is still left to release sh*t after sh*t after sh*t.
this alone proves there is no god!!!!!!!

14 years ago

Awww, lame!

14 years ago

I dunno what Deamon souls is but I can agree that CoD needs to be stopped! Really though, I was actually hoping there would be another Demon Souls, the first really was awesome.

14 years ago

damn that sucks demons souls if my fav ps3 title so far – all other rpg for the ps3 is crap and full of frame rate issues ans shitty graphics damn it.

14 years ago

wtf!!!! man no sequel

14 years ago

Use your Jebus powers to right this wrong!

14 years ago

I literally frowned when I read this article.

I'm still going to get the Euro version for a third plat. This was my 09 GOTY in a landslide.

14 years ago

Not all that dissapointed at the no sequal thing. For some reason I tend to be skeptical of all the news around E3. Just cuz developers can be tricky sending alternate messages and what not.

However, this is not info I suspect of trickery lol

14 years ago

I just think this game was overrated. I don't remember when an ultra hard difficulty level made a game great, but whatever. I've managed to beat alot of games on the hardest difficulty (even DMC3), but this was f'ing ridiculous.

14 years ago

SCEJ should let Santa Monica or ND work on DS2 I'm sure they can create a master piece. Playb3yond

14 years ago

That girl in 3DDotGameHeroes will be happy.

14 years ago

Noooo, thats terrible news. Hope they get some interest in it soon – its hands down the best game this generation. And no way would an easier version be a good thing. At first, the game seems rock hard and very unforgiving. But you just know that each time you die, you're learning – and getting better. I actually get frustrated by games like DMC for their difficulty, but DS rewards strategy and patience.

14 years ago

Aye, while I'm a hardcore RPG fan that really didn't think much of Demon's Souls (beyond it's excellent atmosphere), it's still a crying shame that a game that so many enjoyed seems to not be getting a follow-up. Lobby long and hard, DS fans – as dev costs for the PS3 drop, it may become worthwhile for From to make more gaming goodness for you :).

14 years ago

The only time DS was difficult was in the beginning when you were just starting out! That is it! Nut up or shut up.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 5/26/2010 9:31:21 PM

14 years ago

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 5/26/2010 9:31:00 PM

14 years ago

Strange that From Software instead chooses to make 5 or 6 Armored Core games which arent nearly as good…granted those have their fan bases, but DS2 will definitely have its own. Why not make one I just dont understand.

14 years ago

So this begs the question — what are they working on if it isn't DS2? Demons Souls came out of nowhere and blew my socks off. Hopefully their next game will be just as good, whatever it turns out to be.

14 years ago

if you can't handle demon's souls, then guess what? you're a noob and a pussy. go play barbie horse adventure or something. im on ng+++, and due to my skill i get by fine. and some of you pathetic fucks couldnt even play ng?

14 years ago

It's not that Demon's Souls is all that "hard". Well, it is hard. But it's more brainy than brutally difficult. You can't just aimlessly run in undiscovered places because you just don't know what's going to happen. The devs of this game kept me guessing every time.

The other reason why it's so hard is because you actually have something to lose if you die. This concept is totally lost on the new generation of games. Having a bunch of souls and then determining whether you should press on in bravery or find the safest way to the Nexus isn't inconvenient, it's an incredible game experience.

I'm new to the game. Last night, while pressing on through level 2-2's tunnels, praying that I wouldn't run into something that would destroy me, all the while bravery and morbid curiosity fueled me to go on…holy crap! I haven't felt this tense about a game since playing Ultima Online.

14 years ago

ok to all of you that are saying this game is to hard. stop being a cry baby about it this game really isnt that hard you just have to be smarter… thats all there is to it. you cant just run in to every situation in this game slashing and hope to come out alive. if something doesnt work the first time think about it before you just go running in like an idiot becuase thats problly how you got killed the first time. yes this game can be difficult at first but after you figure it out its really very simple. this game isnt about simple brute force. you have to take time to see whats happening and make a plan if you just run around swining aimlessly that is why you sucked at this game.. use your brian people…. sucks there wont be a ds 2 im on ng++++++ and love this game its one of the best games out there for hardcore rpg fans. there is nothing like the sence of accompleshment you get from finisheing a game most cant… love this game!!!

14 years ago

Finding this page and reading this news has lead me into alcoholism. I put my blood, sweat, even tears into Demon's Souls, I've never been a fan of new generation video games because of the "hold your hand" style dev's are going for here in the U.S. Then I get this game, blow the dust off my ps3 and it was love.

I've beaten the game well over 30 times and have 1 character SL 611, but something keeps me coming back.. But whats the point anymore? The servers will be closed down soon and everyone will go back to playing trash like "Call of Plz line infinity wards pockets"

Seriously. This is probably the biggest slap in the face related to video games I've ever felt.

Why…… WHY!?