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Namco Professes Confidence In Ninja Theory’s Enslaved

While many action games wish to emulate the greatness of God of War , many third-person experiences put titles like Uncharted 2: Among Thieves at the top of their inspiration list.

The publisher admits that Naughty Dog's 2009 Game of the Year winner "is the mindset" Ninja Theory utilized for their upcoming game, Enslaved . Namco Bandai Partners VP Olivier Comte told CVG said the project is "priority number one" for them this year, and the team most certainly had Uncharted 2 in the back's of their minds as they continued to work on Enslaved . Said Comte:

"We have two flagship titles that will be very, very important for us – especially for UK – which are Test Drive Unlimited 2 and Enslaved. We are very, very optimistic about Enslaved. For me, it's come from the heart. This is a game I was expecting my company to develop since I arrived here.

I'm a very big fan of Uncharted and we have to admit that it's in the mindset of games like that. The game has a unique atmosphere, the characters are fantastic… I love the game."

For more information on the game in question, make sure to check out our preview , and also make sure to watch the exclusive debut trailer . You will see some artistic similarities to Heavenly Sword and it may feature some of the intensity from the Nathan Drake adventures. We're awfully excited to see more in the future, so stay tuned.

Related Game(s): Enslaved

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14 years ago

Nice Trailer. I'm excited, although I wish they stayed PS3 exclusive!!!

14 years ago

So, Heavenly Sword meets Uncharted meets forced human labor… hmmm. Not optimistic about this one but we shall see. I predict it undersells Heavenly Sword, gonna be tough to hit a million unless they can pull down 9's somehow.

14 years ago

The fact that he thinks Test Drive Unlimited 2 is an important flagship title makes me VERY weary of his enthusiasm for Enslaved.

14 years ago

I'll admit the animations looks much better than I expected looking at the screenshots… I still don't know though…

14 years ago

I said that the only way I'd except them not making Heavenly Sword 2 was if the new game was as good or better than Heavenly Sword

And so far the trailer/screenshots don't make me believe that.

So far it really looks like a cliche storyline with a person you have to babysit.

Maybe it'll be good, but so far it doesn't excite me like Heavenly Sword. Still remember replaying the E3 HS vids at least once per day….

14 years ago

heavenly sword was the game that made me hunt for a PS3
then they keep pushing the game back

14 years ago

i predict this game will sell 1.25m on xbox and 200000th on ps3, first month

14 years ago

It won't sell that many on xbox unless it has guns.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
14 years ago


So true:)

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 5/26/2010 8:39:23 AM

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Don't forget the space marines.

14 years ago

hopefully this will be exactly like heavenly sword, to the nail.
thats one of the very few games i really enjoyed, and still play every once in a while.
its amazing how they managed to scramble in so many enemies on screen at the end of the game, it was amazing!!!!

14 years ago

Sweet can't wait for enslaved, I don't believe that the same company who gave us HS, can give us a crappy game. Where can I pre-order???

14 years ago

I just finished HS last weekend and the ending with so many enemies was unbelievable, wish I had played when it came out, I'm sure I would've been blown away back then…
The graphics on Enslaved are not looking any better than HS IMHO, I believe they reused the same engine with very little if any improvements 🙁
As long as the game play is good and the art direction and level design are topnotch, I'll be giving it a try for sure.

14 years ago

Why do I get the feeling that this game would be getting even more attention if it was a PS3 exclusive??

14 years ago

Let's just hope that Enslaved doesn't fall into the juvenile trap of gratuitous swearing and violence to appear mature.

14 years ago

As I can agree with everyone on how awesome Heavenly Sword is to this day, I am on the fence about this game, at first I was completely apposed but now I am intrigued to see some more footage. With world class directors, writers, and composers I really don't think it could go wrong.

14 years ago

Like many others I am undecided as to weather or not this game is worth buying. It is true that a company capable of producing a quality games like HS shouldn't completely fail, but I do not have high hopes. However, if they truly kept Uncharted 2 in mind with the origonal artistic ability of HS it could turn out to be a fairly decent title.

There's a lot to say on both sides, just going to have to wait and see I guess 🙂

14 years ago

Maybe they can showcase it at E3 and change my mind.

14 years ago

Andy Serkis is awesome.

14 years ago


14 years ago
