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HBO Programming Hits The Network

Even if you don't have HBO in the home, that doesn't mean you can't sample premium viewing courtesy of the PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Portable.

Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has announced that programming from HBO is now available on the PS3; it's the first gaming system to ever offer HBO TV programming. This content can also be purchased for viewing on the go with the PSP. The Network has recently added MLB.TV for all the baseball fans out there, and it currently boasts thousands of pieces of game, movie, and TV-related content, but Sony will continue to build. The following HBO content can now be found on the PSN:

Said Peter Dille, SCEA senior vice president of marketing and the PlayStation Network:

"The HBO library of premium original content is a perfect example of how PS3 has become the most content rich entertainment platform in the living room. When you combine the iconic programming from HBO with the existing TV, film, live sports and original programming available on PlayStation Network, our customers have access to the content they want, when they want it, at home or on the go with the PSP."

You know, if Sony keeps this up, we'll only need basic cable and an awesome high-def TV; provided we're hooked up to the Network, we'll have access to just about everything we'll ever want to see. …okay, maybe that's a ways off in the future but they're adding all sorts of new content to the PSN at a pretty rapid clip.

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14 years ago

Wow, I really love the direction all this PSN stuff is going. I wonder how much stuff will be considered premium and basic PSN?

I am of course assuming things will go premium and basic for PSN.

And, yes for Flight of the Conchords! I already own two seasons on DVD though.

dual soul
dual soul
14 years ago

All those uncensored HBO shows in glorious HD. I like it. I like it a lot.

Last edited by dual soul on 5/25/2010 10:34:09 AM

14 years ago

Smart move by Sony to bring premium subscriber cable shows on to the PSN. Very smart. I wonder whether one of the premium services Sony will offer through PSN is streaming access to HBO?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

That would be HOT as I could then cancel paying for satellite HD HBO access and can just lump it in with the rest of the Premium PSN service.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

My two favorite shows right now are its always sunny and breaking bad. Don't get HBO, so can't say I'm interested in any of the shows.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

Actually, I did see a Broad Street Bullies doc on youtube that was on HBO, that was pretty good

14 years ago

The only HBO special i ever got into was that Autopsy Reports or what ever it was called. With Dr. Michael Baden. He was the forensic pathologist who was called to the scene when Sid Vicious' died.

Never cared for any of their other shows. This is a nice addition for those who actually download movies and shows from PSN. They are a bit over priced.

Last edited by Jawknee on 5/25/2010 10:48:52 AM

14 years ago

Wow, they're adding shows one has been able to get via regular cable for years and other places like iTunes for quite some time. I wonder how the cable companies feel about this as it may cause some folks to drop those expensive packages and just watch shows via PSN since they sound as though they may be a la carte (you don't have to 'subscribe' to HBO to get them). Regardless Sony's part in the attempted corporate takeover of copyright is moving right along. Here's the time line per newspaper headlines the past several weeks:

– Sony removes other o/s feature claiming it's for security reasons. Many blogs suspect it may be due to it being the component that allowed for bluyray copying to the PS3 hard drive and as Sony and the MPAA are one in the same….
– 'Hollywood lawyers' start agressively going after usenet indexing sites. Newzbin and other sites are sued out of existence.
– Google, Sony and Intel announce 'Google TV' which will deliver tv and movies via PC or set top box to consumers (ironically none of the three are ISPs so how they can claim the stream/etc will be solid is beyond me but methinks their lack of investment in their infrastructures to maintain ceo bonuses over the years is about to come back to haunt them…)
– Sony and Time Warner announce (per Wall Street Journal) that they may start releasing major films to an on-demand service in the near future as they finally see the writing on the wall. Theatre chains and pop vendors are naturally upset but they're on their way out anyways so it may be a mercy killing not allowing them to gouge moviegoers for pop and popcorn in the future.

Sounds like Sony and friends are trying to shutdown the systems who did all this before them and much faster and effectively then Sony and friends ever will be able to as they're stuck in infrastructure costs vs profits as well as copyright wrangling. Meanwhile the pirating scene moves brisky along due to the work of non-profit motivated people and having a global network distribution using much more advanced infrastructures then what we have in the United States….

Good luck, Sony…I hope the war you are waging on your customers is worth it. I still have my PS3 that runs Linux as I have no need to pay for yet another format for tv nor play online games.

14 years ago

Corporate take over huh? Is that you Jesse Ventura?

Seriously though, the nutters called, they want their conspiracy's back.

14 years ago

Once again Whooka defies reality and logic to flame corporations and Sony in particular.

Troll much?

14 years ago

So, you have a beef with people paying for more than one format for their entertainment and use?

Can I assume that since you have a PS3 with Linnux and that you don't support multiple formats to say that you don't own a desktop or laptop then? I'm impressed that you limit yourself to only a PS3 and not another computer. Can I also assume that you do not own any other next-gen video game console?

If you want to talk about corporate take over, why are you protecting cable companies and other organizations, already in possession of monopolies? My cable company nickle and dimes me on hidden costs all the time.

And congratulations for supporting pirating. You're a regular corsair!

14 years ago

Over priced indeed.

14 years ago

Sopranos, Curb and Entourage are/were some of my favorites…but why no Deadwood? Fans of RDR would love it…although the dialogue might be too "heavy" and "intelligent" for the mass, average viewer.

14 years ago

What I'd pay good money for are the newest episodes — Treme, True Blood: Season Three, etc. Other than sports, HBO is pretty much the only thing on TV I even watch anymore. I know I'd miss it dearly if I cancelled cable, so I'm still holding out hope that someone, somewhere will let me just purchase the individual shows the day after they air on HBO. It's so stupid they don't let you do this — anyone can just steal them over the Internet for free, and there's no way you can get them legally without an obscenely overpriced cable subscription? Lame.

14 years ago

Bah, we don't get any of that good stuff on our media crippled PSN here in Canada, booourns.

14 years ago

I only flame the parts of Sony that deserve flaming. I have (and love) a PS3, had a PS2 and PS1, my stereo receiver is Sony, and I actually only buy Sony blank media as I love the clean tops. So i don't have it in for Sony, just this kind of crap. Laugh or call me a conspiracy theorist now but with the recent decision re: Comcast and the fact FCC (and no one at the moment) 'regulates' broadband according to US law, we'll see who's laughing when the Internet becomes like cable TV and there's different 'tier access' and charges for everything and you're watching streaming content that skips every few seconds. I myself have enough 'premium' cable shows, movies from all over the world, etc, archived in divx and 720p/1080p mkv format that they can do whatever they want and they'll never make another dime off me just for another format of something i already bought/own. I guess a 'games' forum is not the place to be discussing any serious stuff, it's clear most of you just want to have your fun, which is fine, but while we're laughing they're doing what they're doing….

14 years ago

I don't even know where to begin with you. You remind me of FF6's Kefka.

14 years ago

Why is it "crap" for Sony to give people more options? What is crap are your conspiritorial ramblings that have no relevance to the subject. So what if Sony is offering the same programming you've been getting. If anything this would provide more competition possibly forcing companies like Comcast to adjust their packages to better meet consumer needs.

More options is a good not a bad thing.

14 years ago

Underdog and Jawknee have it covered on this one. I just don't know where to start. I think the biggest problem is that there is so much rationalization, illogic and baseless bias in your posts that there really isn't anything to grab hold of to discuss.

14 years ago

Sweet I dont get HBO but Curb your Enthusiasm is funny as hell. The main dude is so damn petty.

14 years ago

This is good for me. I like the 'anti-twilight' show that HBO has, True Blood.

14 years ago

If I ever move to the US then maybe I'll care.

14 years ago

You should, it's a good place.

14 years ago

Tell me where to send my CV.

Uh let me see… you know of any places looking for a full time gamer?

14 years ago


14 years ago

I'm liking the direction PSN is taking lately. Not the biggest fan of HBO but imagine if all your channels could be provided via the PS3? It could make it a family system found in every living room, replacing the household DVD player.. Well, for those who haven't caught on to the innovation of the PS3 yet, this strategy could snowball customers making people realize the system doesn't have to be just for gamers 🙂

14 years ago

Am I surprised?


14 years ago

on another similar note sony FINALLY!!! got the movie channel up in AU.
about fu*king time, only 7 months late!!!!!!!
still really expensive though, for the price of one rental off PSN i can go and rent 4 new releases, so its really not worth it.
i thought downloads were suppose to be cheaper, not more expensive!!!

14 years ago


Unless your in Canada where movie and video content is not available.