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Killzone 3 Detailed: “A Rounded Experience On All Fronts”

You figured this was coming and we had assumed they'd wait until E3, but the official announcement is already here: Killzone 3 is a-comin', and as expected, it should hit store shelves some time next year.

Revealed over at the PlayStation Blog and citing SCEE's James Gallagher's unveiling and info, we first learn that KZ3 in 3D ought to be one hell of an amazing experience. As for the pertinent details: the newest installment is indeed a direct sequel, but "it's a much grander experience in terms of scale and ambition." We can expect plenty more variety in diversity in regards to enemy types, environments, and even weaponry. Furthermore – and the fans will appreciate this – Guerrilla says work on KZ3 has really benefited from Killzone community feedback. For instance, while KZ2 was wonderfully received, one of the criticisms involved the inclusion of "too many corridors," so the developers wanted to provide you with a larger, wider atmosphere and more gameplay alterations. You've probably heard about those jet packs, right? Well, these will work as an "exaggerated jump" and allow you to use a forward thrust twice before being forced to land.

The story is another prime focus. Said Guerrilla Games Managing Director Herman Hulst:

"We recognize how important story is in Killzone games, and we're making great leaps forward with character development and the quality of the dialogue and the writing. We're going all-out to make Killzone 3 a rounded experience on all fronts."

If you'd like to read more about the storyline, make sure to click through the link above. As for the multiplayer component, it's confirmed that the team has "key individuals" working on it and they "promise true innovation." We do expect some sort of teaser trailer or debut video at E3, which is bound to be gigantic, but for now, we'll just be all excited about this announcement.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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14 years ago

From the articles I have read, Killzone 3 will be even better, which I didn't think was possible. And don't worry _________, the controls are tighter for you twitch gaming babies.

It can be played in 3D! But with bigger and better weapons like Miniguns, Jet packs, more diverse locations, and of course some of the best graphics I have seen on consoles. Go Sony

14 years ago

WTF i liked KZ2s controls it was one of the very few things GG did well.
please dont speak about what you dont know, you just make yourself look like a idiot.

14 years ago

BeezleDrop you should trust _______, he knows all about sounding like an idiot, its one of his favorite pass times on this site

Last edited by aaronisbla on 5/25/2010 2:52:59 AM

14 years ago

that last comment was childish and unnecessary.

14 years ago

Sorry if you feel that way, but it's the truth

Last edited by aaronisbla on 5/25/2010 7:29:31 AM

14 years ago

but childish and unnecessary is his forte.

14 years ago

if calling you out on your bullsh!t when the chance presents itself is childish then i'll gladly wear the title dude 🙂

But since i have your attention somewhat, I'd like to ask the question i've been asking you for awhile now since your rant about LBP but chances are, you won't answer it as always

14 years ago

I'm all about them sprucing up the controls with a more conventional, "twitch" option. Just give those of us who grew up on Quake, Halo and Team Fortress the option, y'know? I am blown away by the few screenshots they're sharing already, and it sounds like this is going to be one EPIC sequel.

14 years ago

I like how they're implementing the jet pack, you won't be just flying all around. Hope they include it in the demo, whenever that will come.

14 years ago

Well if they are announcing it now then hopefully there will be some good footage at E3. Not sure about the jetpack only having the ability to go forward twice, I mean the crappy ones we have now can do that. Either way the game is bound to be sweet and I know I'll get it at some point. Only the best FPS need apply.

14 years ago

Hell ya finally it gets an official confirmation!

All we need now is Resistance 3 being announced at E3.

14 years ago

I'm still playing KZ2. That ish is too hectic!

14 years ago

Still no co-op huh?

14 years ago

nothing has been announced about online play as of yet, but he did note that they have listened to their fans

14 years ago

I'd rather go for co-op than 3D if I had a choice.

14 years ago

theres no way there going to have co-op they cant with all the visual effects they have going on.
especially if its going to be in 3D it would be impossible to have the graphical candy we expect plus splitscreen.

14 years ago

splitscreen co op probably wont happen, but i bet most want online co op whenever they mention co op in the first place.

Now that CAN happen

Last edited by aaronisbla on 5/25/2010 2:56:09 AM

14 years ago

Co-op this gen requires an extra PS3, HDTV and copy of the game, loose friends or money, gamers choice.

14 years ago

A FPS I'm actually excited for. 🙂

14 years ago

all killzone 2 was lacking was cooperative play.
hope to see it in this one.

14 years ago

I thought it could have used a few more weapons. Mainly pistols.

14 years ago

i think besides more weapons, there needs to be major differences between certain weapons. Give us a reason to choose the Helghan assault rifle over the ISA.

I hope secondary fire returns to all weapons since the Wasp has it apparently

14 years ago

Split screen this time, make it happen.

14 years ago

I think every game needs to have split screen. I hate it when I'm playing a shooter or racing game and I can't show up my friends and little brother who is the king. I herd GT5 isn't going to have it. I'm still buying it(on day one)
But this is a feature I want more then Move and 3D.

Last edited by StangMan80 on 5/24/2010 10:48:20 PM

14 years ago

They probably could do it, but visuals in split screen mode would degraded!



14 years ago

I understand that there are some people out there that want splitscreen, personally i could care less about it especially if it means downgraded visuals.

Online co op seems to be the way to go though

14 years ago

I would take the degraded visuals if it would allow me to be in the same room with a fellow gamer instead of each of us having to be anti social and stay at home to play a game together.

14 years ago

"wanna play Killzone 3? alright go home"

I miss the the good old days
"Let's go to my house and play with our joysticks together!"

14 years ago

i can see your point, but co op splitscreen would have been cool when i was a kid still living at home, me, my brother and my cousin would enjoy it a lot. But since im the only gamer in my house ( my wife only plays LBP ) the value of it is lost.

Yes, i have friends that this could benefit from split screen but the thing is, i've never been crazy about split screen, its a pain sharing the screen with someone, especially if we are going against each other. Besides, most of my friends have ps3s and there really is no need for split screen in my situation. I prefer gaming with my buddies online than in person unless its a fighting game ( especially tournaments )

Not saying its a bad thing to add it, just saying don't hold your breath for local splitscreen, seems like more and more devs aren't seeing any benefits with including it. It would be nice if they have some kind of LAN support for tourneys though

Last edited by aaronisbla on 5/25/2010 6:58:11 AM

14 years ago

Ummmmm… Cloudou… That … Just … Sounded… Wrong.


14 years ago

i was gonna leave that statement alone, but someone mentioned it anyways…

14 years ago

Split screen would be neat. But I'd settle for online co-op. I was genuinely shocked they didn't include it in KZ2. A perfect example of how that game was full of "almosts."

14 years ago

Get your mind out of the gutter peoples.

14 years ago

Exaggerated jumps, damn it! I hope theres playlists where jetpacks are not used. I dont want to play online where people just do these halo jumps. Why the hell do we need Exaggerated jumps anyway? i know its fun sniping those bastards down like in warhawk but regular jumps are just fine. I still dont want any type of high jump in these games.

you know whats funny, sony keeps coming out with their exclusives left and right. what does microsoft come up with, halo reach and a girl in gears of war 3. hahaha.

14 years ago

its funny how the game doesn't even look better than the past titles lol…

14 years ago

I think the jetpacks will be less "halo jumps" and more "OMG! I'm about to die! [WHOOSH!]"

14 years ago

they never mentioned anything about jetpacks being in multiplayer, in fact nothing concrete has been said about multiplayer, no need to get too concerned yet

14 years ago

Can't wait for this game. More open environments, more weapons, jetpacks and a greater emphasis on story, what more could you ask for. Oh yeah, 3D. Too bad I just got my HDTV last year 🙁

14 years ago

Thank goodness they're working on the dialogue and the writing. If they keep listening to the fans they might just come up with something really good.

14 years ago

Im very excited for this game. I actually decided that i will (likely) not be buying any more shooters this gen. I have way too many now… directly opposite of my library from last gen.

Anyways, I hope that they include co-op and local multiplayer this time around. I do miss the secondary fire from Killzone as well, would like to see that again. (Im sure GG can make it work great). Just as long as they iron out some issues that were in 2, then im fine

14 years ago

Hard to imagine how E3 will be like. They revealed so many secrets already. I don't want to see gameplays only on E3 stage. I want to see some surprise announcements too. Sony save some games for E3!!

14 years ago

yeah, yeah thats what they said about the last one.
ill believe it when i see it!!!
if i had a nickle for every 5 thousandth time sony has hyped up a game as the second coming of christ i would be rich enough to buy the big 3 ten fold!!!!

14 years ago

and if i had a dime for every time you had something negative to say about some new game regardless of info shown, I'd have enough to put in a sack and smack you with it. " Bu, Bu, But they said this!" or "Bu, Bu, But they promised that!", smfh…

14 years ago

also, id like to see when and where they said this statement for KZ2. My bet is that you're talking out of your ass as usual

14 years ago

when they announced the game, they made allot of promises they did not deliver on.
i remember watching a demo of the first level where you first use the turrets, in the demo they said they are going to have full environmental destruction.
shoot the pillars and the whole building would come down, but that never made it into the game did it?
i even remember them talking about destructible cover, that never made it in either.

14 years ago

?? Come on dude, show a link of this demo, this way it won't sound like your pulling it out of your ass. I can't recall GG promising completely destructible environments, but since you can, please link us

14 years ago

E3 08 i think it was, the first time they announced the game.
i have better things to do than scrounge the net watching endless videos to find the right one than post it here.
ive got enough on my plate thanks.

14 years ago

The right video? That video doesn't exist. My point is the stuff you say they promised…. they never actually made such claims.

E3 05 was the first time the game was introduced with the infamous target render that critics thought they would never get close to, which they did give or take.

Perhaps in your delusional mind they made some claims like that and therefore let you down…. Yeah that explains it…

Last edited by aaronisbla on 5/27/2010 1:09:43 AM

14 years ago

And I still need to play Killzone 2… Heavy Rain also -_-

14 years ago

Glad the jetpack is only used for something like a double jump unlike the Reach jetpack, guess I was wrong to said GG copied Bungie.

For KZ3, I want more vehicle combat, especially using the exoskeleton.

And if KZ3 picks up directly where KZ2 ended, I want the fight for survival to be very very intense, the scenario which I'm hoping for would be being surrounded and about 5-8 Heavies coming your way.
How thrilling would that be?
As if fighting 2 Heavies is troublesome!!