All that shuffling over at Rockstar has caused some major changes, and one of those changes was the closing of Rockstar Vienna last May. However, the studio's three founding members have moved on and decided to create a brand new studio. Now that's making lemonade out of lemons!
They're going to title their new home, "Games That Matter Productions," and this one will also be based in Vienna. According to an intriguing advertisement for the "new" guys on the block, the team intends to take "a radical and aggressive new approach to producing video games. After 19 years in the games industry we are convinced there's a huge opportunity in such a model for everybody involved."
Throughout those 19 years, these playas have been busy. GTMP's founders Hannes Seifert, Niki Laber, and Jürgen Goeldner have worked on several big-name titles, such as Max Payne and Grand Theft Auto , but those were all for the Xbox. This time around, they're not restricting themselves to one platform, because they believe developing for all platforms is a "concept that really makes a difference." Yeah, we think so, too.
Games That Matter Productions are set to hold a press conference next Thursday – January 25 – to announce and discuss their future plans. We hope to hear some exciting news, because new studios taking chances can really pay off for the gamer…