We're liking the look of Ninja Theory's Enslaved and we also like the idea of "story-based" downloadable content.
DLC has become the norm this generation, but many gamers are often more interested in extra content that will build upon the core storyline. Cosmetic enhancements like new costumes and new maps are nice and everything, but expansions that actually affect the main plot/theme are especially appreciated, right? And according to Ninja Theory head man Tameem Antoniades, the team is working on DLC of this sort ; it'll be designed to expand on the single-player experience rather than the typical multiplayer bonuses. We should also expect a demo as Antoniades said one is definitely "in the cards." This isn't exactly surprising, though, as Ninja Theory released one of the very first highly anticipated demos on the PSN back in 2007; it was for Heavenly Sword and while less than 10 minutes in length, it still impressed us. And since then, demos have become an expected lead-in to most big titles. Sure, you could say we've gotten a little spoiled but hey, it's great advertising…provided the game is actually good .
Enslaved is definitely on our radar for the end of the year, especially because we really enjoyed Heavenly Sword . And has anyone noticed the clear artistic similarities…?
Related Game(s): Enslaved
Bargain bin if anything, not liking something about this game.
"expansions that actually affect the main plot/theme are especially appreciated, right?"
No, because they should put the whole story on the disc. Whatsa matter? Couldn't fit it all on one DVD? BAH.
my sentiments exactly. I dont want to pay extra for part of the story that should be complete on the disc already!
world is right put it all on the disk
it looks to just like heavenly sword
love that game but rather have a HS2
also seen the story so many times
Last edited by oldmike on 5/24/2010 10:35:15 PM
Enslaved had better be REALLY good. I do believe Ninja Theory's future depends on it.
I personally don't like DLC of any kind but I especially don't like the pre-planned ones.
i dunno why but this really reminds me of neir.
i hope its allot like heavenly sword thats still one of my favorite games, such a unappreciated title!!!
I am getting soooooo sick of reading "meh, it's a multiplat" comments.
Ninja Theory proved themselves to me with Heavenly Sword. I have full faith in them with this game.
I'm not really liking the look of this game (it being not PS3 exclusive and all, but hey, I could say that for any game, and I most likely will, except with things like mario and whatnot, those belong to Nintendo and should stay there, it's like taking Final Fantasy and putting it on xbox, oh wait -_-)
But yeah, I'm with World why would we want to pay more than the regular price for extra single player experience, which should be on the disc at launch and shouldn't need extra cash to be unlocked, multiplayer experience enhancements, ok, that's fine since that usually needs upgrading anyways, but single player, no, just no.
I reckon' Ninja Theory just got the scent of money and now they want more…
Kind of like some other company which recently thought making exclusives go multiplatform is a good idea to "expand your user base", or make money *cough* SE *cough*
maybe if they did the single player in one disc and multi came in dlc form???
I don't mind Multiplayer DLC, but still iffy about single player DLC that's for story and the like, i much would rather it have everything in single player instead of being in bit's and pieces to progress.
This game looks really interesting to me. I saw a video the other day and some of the environments are cool as hell. If it's got a good story as well, hey – sign me up 🙂
this is exactly why i don't purchase much dlc. screw these bastards and their game.
Weird that they're ALREADY stating this
Couldn't they have waited 'till the game was out already?
It's like World says, they probably couldn't fit everything on the DVD so we all have to pay for DLC
It's interesting that people are against DLC when it brings a lot to many games on the market. And it's not that they can't fit it all in a DVD it's that sometimes they don't have time to develop the story lines and extra content to that extent before the deadline, epically with the new gen games that take up almost every minute of the production period.
I am certainly a fain of the DLC, it's when it gets too expensive that I have a problem with it. The Heavy Rain expansions for example, anybody who is a true fan of that game should like the idea of playable back-story to each main character. Granted they could be a bit longer or more involved but that may come with time.
The lean towards DLC which is based more on single player campaigns also begins to disprove the idea that "twitch gamers" are taking over the industry and swaying developers to start producing formula games and trying to market them as the newest of the new.
Anyways, that's my 2 cents. Definitely miss my ps3 ever since I got the YLoD =(