Obviously, like Microsoft's Natal, the PlayStation Move is an answer to the Nintendo Wii's outrageously popular motion-sensing mechanic.
Of course, both Natal and Move claim to be far more advanced and overall superior to the Wii's simpler technology. Even so, some have worried that due to the evident similarities, we might end up seeing some Wii games come to the PS3 in the form of a crappy port. But Sony wants to push Move with new software designed specifically for their new system, and they also want to target the correct genres. Sony boss Rob Dyer said as much in a recent Gamasutra interview , where he said they're spending a lot of time telling developers if an idea is good or bad; i.e., if it will bring out the best of Move. Added Dyer:
"Those are the types of things that we're trying to at least steer people away so they don't spend millions of dollars, come back to me and go, 'Eh… It didn't sell.' 'Well, okay. You never should have made it. It was never going to work anyway. It didn't work on the Wii for a reason. That category didn't. Why did you think it was going to work on this one as well?'"
In this way, Sony wishes to learn from history and perhaps get a jump on the competition. So if you're interested in the Move, you needn't concern yourself with a ton of poor efforts that somehow managed to slip through Sony's permission process just 'cuz they used motion sensing. No, the requirements appear to be a bit stiffer than that…
make a game like dead space extraction
except an actual FPS and not on rails. i would buy that.
also, make it compatible with more games in little ways. for instance LBP. integrate it into create mode and other things like that like they've proposed.
Last edited by Qwarktast1c on 5/24/2010 10:52:03 AM
How about make it a third person shooter instead of poisoning gaming with yet another saturated and over used genre?
that's what socom is for
and this is a perfect opportunity to rejuvinate some interest in the whole FPS genre
cause you know the wii ain't gonna do that
FPS is a genre that while saturated also has great potential. I think a game like Mirrors Edge despite flaws shows that it can be something more in the right hands.
Doesn't seem like it will be too long before 3rd person games become the new saturated genre.
And it all started with Uncharted and Gears leading the way
I can't wait to see what they do with an RPG type game for Move, would be awesome.
When Move come's out I'm going to get it, just so i have another option if i want to play a boxing game to move around or something. Might be fun never know, I'm excited for Move not sure about you guys though.
I like the "come pay with us" xbox 360 thing
Awesome! Hopefully that remains true when we do so these games out. Probably not but time will tell.
An extremely detailed and in depth RPG or FPS with Move on an HD3DTV might be quite the experience.
It may have superior technology to the Wii but it certainly isn't the most aesthetically pleasing. Finally adults might have some interesting motion sensing games. Well, at least ones that aren't aimed at kids or senior citizens..
Indeed, i might play some casual games for it but I'm leaning towards the more Hardcore area of Move, i want to get my hands on SOCOM 4.
As someone who has played shooters on the wii, I'll say using the dildo portion to aim while moving with the "sub Controller" gets tiresome, fast. It is a neat little gimmick at first, but after your arm gets tired of holding the controler up. You will be diving for the DS3 sooner than you think. Give me the classic controls.
Move will be better suited for Party style, sprot, and casual games much like the Wii is.
I never really cared for Dragon Age much, but if they put Move into that, that would really get me interested, actually. Imagine the $5 PSN games that will come out just for the Move. Flower was just for SixAxis, and it turned out to be it's own unique game, nothing is like it. Now imagine if they made a Flower 2 where it supported Move and the graphics were built up and far superior. Awesome stuff, right? Hell, they should release a free item on the PSN that will unlock a Paint type of section on the XMB. Go to it and then you have all the necessity's to draw and color whatever you want and have the choice to save the art to your hard drive. Then on Home, I could put up picture frames in an eState that I own and call it my Art Gallery… whether the art sucks or not is a different story, lol. Ad I wonder if they could integrate Move into Home; whether it be simply walking around or maybe even just make a space for Move and jam pack it with mini-games that use the Move controller. There is a lot of potential with Move, and it's an optional feature that you can choose to never use, so it's not really something people have room to fuss about because there is probably going to be countless things people are going to be able to do with it, and I have a feeling that the rest of this generation of gaming it will get better and better, then the next gen console will blow our minds with Move for the PS4. I see all this stuff happening for Move, but then Natal pops into my mind and I get nothing… it just doesn't seem anywhere near as innovative as Move. The video fro Natal where it shows a woman driving a race car and then a guy putting the tire on, I doubt you're gonna be able to do that as accurately and care free as they show it to be. You're going to be reaching around and hoping to put your hands in the right places and then probably take forever to get it right, or just give up and quit. What's the fun in that? I'd rather get PlayStation Move with all it's precise glory than be stuck groping the air and hoping to change a tire on an imaginary race car.
*Eyes bleed from text wall*
I would so buy Flower 2 with Move support, all I need then is to buy a Move…
I think that's where they went wrong with the PS2 Eye Toy. They had the tech, but the software was the pits.
I much prefer what many have done with the PSEye on the PS3. Taking snapshots, recording short videos and the like. That adds to the fun of the game.
I find Sony has a lot of experience under it's belt and it's starting to show.
Would be weird but cool if you could somehow paint your own XMB background.
That would be awesome. Or with the moving background control it, or maybe even control the visualizations for the music. Hell, I'd make that a game out of itself, lol.
I read the interview. It's actually very informative, rather than just a bunch of crap to shut up the press. I think the more interesting part for me was the exclusive contents part. It explains the reason why Sony is getting all these DLC contents and goodies over Microsoft.
Batman Arkham Asylum
Dante's Inferno
Read Dead Redemption
Toy Story 3
Assassin's Creed 2
UFC 2010
I'm sure there are so much more in the future, probably announced at E3. What's interesting is that some of these are existing contents on disc that are locked out from Microsoft's end. I don't know if it's a good thing or not, but PS3 owners are getting the better side of the bargain.
Last edited by godsman on 5/24/2010 11:52:48 AM
More options is always good. 😀
Not really sure on this one but would HD3DTV + the eye + move be the best combination ever? Or would having both the eye and move together be redundant?
And I'm pretty sure PS3 owners have almost always been getting the better side of the bargain. I'm not afraid to say it, PS3 is the superior system.
I thought the PS3 Eye was needed to track the PS Move and help it do what it's needed to do?
Well we have been getting the short end of the stick on some games for DLC. But at least we still are getting it but at a later date.
Really wish they would release the DLC at the same time for both systems.
Would like to believe them however I have my reservations, expecially because what they have shown so far has been a lot of Wii imitations.
Brunswick Bowling (already on the Wii), Sports Champions (a Wii Sports knock off), Motion Fighter (Wii boxing), The Shoot (on rails shooter), Socom 4, etc. were all hands on at GDC. Which of these experiences are new?
From what I've read from those that actually touched it they left pretty much impressed with the hardware but disappointed with the software. Maybe I'll be wrong but I see Sony having a hard time telling publishers "do as I say and not as I do".
Motion Fighter is a tad more complex and hardcore than Wii boxing, as is the Gladiator game in Sports Champions.
Furthermore, the Shoot uses the camera extensively. You need to physically sidestep left or right to avoid taking fire onscreen and physically spin around to unleash a power up.
Move is already distancing itself from what Wii + Wii Motion Plus can do.
I don't see myself using the Move all that much. I prefer the "non casual" games I guess, like Red Dead Redemption, Bad Company 2, Uncharted 2. I just don't see playing games like that with the Move. I prefer the regular controller.
The Wii is awesome for casual games, but I lost interest fast.
And Mario!!! The Wii is great for mario and Zelda games.
If it weren't for Mario Galaxy and Zelda Twilight Princess, I may not have bothered. No More Heroes is a great one.
Let's hope the Japanese decide to realease the PS3 version of No More Heroes outside Japan. That game is hilariously awesome!!!
I'm hoping they update Bioshock 2 and a few other FPS's to support it. With the right games, it could be fun. I almost never play the Wii unless it's to hop into a game of Mario Kart against the gf or the 6yo.
It's strange. I'm not as excited for this as I used to be….and it hasn't even come out yet.
It happens, that's happened to me a couple of times.
Mini games?! no that's what sports champions is for not some 3rd party game that would likely be as bad has Raving Rabbits.
So I'd love to see some Japanese games as they have potential to be fun and insane.
Ape Escape FTW!!
Last edited by Naga on 5/24/2010 3:21:30 PM
If they can produce enough solid titles I will consider getting the Move, whereas I was against it before. I do need some exercise…
I've said/ thought for a loooong time, that these games need to cater to the hardcore crowd aswell as the casuals.
The casuals are mainly for the market and business but remember, the PS3 is a hardcore gaming machine… i mean look at the titles we're rocking out now. (I say we, all i've done is pay £40 a pop)
If the Move just produces casual titles, it'll be a step backward for Sony after everything they've done. And so it will either fail or isolate the hardcore gaming crowd. to merge the hardcores and the Move, will be an incredible strategy.
I very much enjoyed reading the interview, it's interesting to read how they actually go about looking for games and which qualifications say a Wii transfer game should have to meet to get to the Move.
I'm still not sold on the Move, they really need multiple hardcore games supporting the thing, but I'm sure we'll see a couple more at E3.
Also, I still think they should like make some game, which has a Samurai Champloo-like(an awesome anime, for those of you who don't know it), traveling swordsmen story, with Move implementation for sword fights and that type of stuff, real 1:1 scale that is, would be mighty hard to create though, all those movements with the sword(effecting your wrist, arms, stance, etc.), though they're doing that with the gladiator game for Move, so I reckon' they should be able to make it.
Even if the majority of the games specifically made for were casual games, I don't understand why other hardcore gamers would be against sony releasing the move. It just means more ps3's sold and more reason for sony to keep doing new and things and to keep pushing the boundaries in gaming.
I don't however think that it will be all casual, knowing sony, they will provides some seriously hardcore move games that most likely will impress us all. Sony isn't the kind of company to dump crap on us and expect us to like it.
Move + Blu-ray + 3D = Ultimate win for Sony.
All I want and many others out there would want is a Star Wars game where you control the lightsabre, 1:1 motion, human speed physics and interaction with all objects and characters.
Here's my pitch:
"Playing as a sith lord or jedi knight, you force pull the guy towards you, and roundhouse kick him Chuck Norris style when he reaches you. You jump into the air as he hits the wall, pull out your lightsabre in slow-mo and drive it through him so hard it sends sparks and force energy exploding around the two of you… and that's just tackling a stormtrooper!!"
The Move would sell like hotcakes with a kick-@$$ game like that, exclusive to PS3 and Move. Do it Lucasarts!!! The fans demand it!!!
As long as 3D really works and Move doesn't flop, but i can see what you're saying. it does look very promising.
Also, is it just me, or does the Natal have less than half the amount of games to show off their tech as Sony does with Move?
I swear, all I've seen from natal is the rebound red ball mini-game, moving your avatar, navigating menus and painting.
Really Microsoft??? That's the best you can do to show off your new tech?
E3 2009 belonged to Move, their basic tech demo trumped anything Natal offered simply cos it was playable and worked, even in early development form!!!!
a physiological thriller, horror, or platformer would be perfect for the use with move.
imagine playing through alan wake my new favorite game and using the move controller to control your flashlight.
even side scrolling platformers or even games like 3D dot game heros.
i really cant see move not being suitable for any genre, obviously not racing but thats about it.
i can see it fitting into alpha protocol perfectly though, i got it today along with blur and am really enjoying it so far.
god, 6 games to complete plus 3 assignments wheres that time freezing device the prince gave me????
im really starting to get worried about E3 though.
everyones expecting sony to reveal heaps of new unannounced games, but im getting the feeling its going to all be on move.
i certainly hope not, they did that at GDC which makes perfect sense since it is a games development conference its for game devs not the announcement of games.
E3 is for the industry to show off games, not tech.
if sony focus on move and only announce 1 or 2 games im going to be really disappointed.
apparently the getaway 3 is suppose to make a comeback at E3 if that happens ill FREAK!!!!!
and for icing on the cake through in 8 days now that would make my day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by ___________ on 5/25/2010 3:09:33 AM
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