As you may have already noticed, there are instances of pretty controversial situations in Rockstar's latest epic title, Red Dead Redemption . It's hardly surprising, as the game is essentially Grand Theft Auto in the Old West.
Hence, it's bound to raise the ire of many an anti-game activist and/or concerned parent. But this time, before the sh** hits the fan (which may be inevitable, after the reports of killing children and nuns go mainstream), Rockstar has decided to be proactive in their explanations. As most all gamers know, the ESRB places these things called "ratings" on video games – much the same way the MPAA does for movies – and yes, there are indeed plenty of games that aren't made for kids. This isn't 1984. And if you're a responsible parent, chances are, you aren't going to be buying RDR or GTAIV for your 9-year-old; if you do, even Rockstar condemns you. The developer's Lazlow Jones had this to say in a recent interview with the BBC :
"Our games are not designed for young people. If you’re a parent and buy one of our games for your child you’re a terrible parent. We design games for adults because we’re adults. There’s a lot of kids games out there that we’re not interested in playing. Just like you enjoy watching movies and TV shows with adult themes and language and violence that’s the kind of thing we seek to produce."
You know, it's just downright ridiculous that Rockstar should even have to make this statement. The ESRB has done everything they can for quite a long time to educate parents and other consumers, and if such parties wish to remain ignorant and still believe that all games feature nothing more than interactive cartoons, game designers can't be held responsible. No, don't go buy Red Dead Redemption for the kid in 4th grade. While we're talking about it, don't rent Saw for him, either…and don't let him drink the stuff under the sink. Need any other helpful albeit absurdly obvious advice?
Backup provided above. 🙂
But as for your GoWIII thing…I'm sorry, but that's just…bizarre.
haha, I guess it is 🙂 To each their own.
For the record, were I a critic, GOWIII would still get the higher score.
You shouldn't have to change your opinion to please the masses World, you prefer Dante and think it's a better game, nothing wrong with that.
It's a bit like those who thought Saints Row 2 was the better crim sim over GTA IV. Sure, most will argue against you, but it's just personal preference.
If you think Dante deserves a 9 and Kratos an 8, that's your review and your opinion.
As for me, I agree with metacritic. 😛
It's true I liked it more, I'm not changing anything, what I'm saying is that if I were to remove my own feelings it is obvious where the higher technical score goes. I can't ignore facts in favor of personal taste when it comes to theoretical reviews.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/24/2010 2:19:01 AM
World I agree 100 percent Bayonetta is better than DMC 4( I know u dont agree ) still
but Dante's Inferno was super awesome.
Did anybody here play Revolver? I know it didn't get tons of great reviews but it was pretty solid imo.
Yea I did. I actually still have it. Sadly its not as great as I remember. Its still fun especially the weird midget level. Or where they clowns? Gotta play again.
World, I enjoyed RDR(but mine was on the original Xbox).
I also enjoyed the other Western called "Gun"(on my PS2).
I've never played Gun, but I'm in a Western mood now that I've got RDR so ya never know.
GUN was really good. Probably outdated nowadays, but it had a lot of potential.
I did, I actually liked revolver. It wasn't anything fantastic but it was certainly fun
It's funny. I don't hear people kicking off as much about 18 rated movies. What's the difference between a game and a movie in that respect? You wouldn't buy Saw or a porno for your 10 year old kid (if you do shame on you), so why do they buy games like GTA for them, ONLY then to complain about the themes in it?
I also admit that I got Vice City when I was 13. I'm 18 now and looking back I think I was too young to play it. And especially San Andreas. I don't think it did me any harm since I was smart enough to know that it's a game and not real life. But it seems that some kids don't know that.
that's the "problem" these days. I put it in " " since this is how the industry (and console owners) want it–more realistic graphics and gameplay. When if borders on reality its hard for kids to distinguish the fine line. Now, granted RDR is about the Old West and I've no qualms since those years are over. But when I play GTA4 it sometimes bothers me coz its like real life, y'know? It can happen and it does happen (whatever you do in GTA4).
Gaming is in it's biggest season of change. Yes the ESRB has been around forever, but only now is the media catching on to what gaming really is. A few dinosaurs that don't think gaming is an art form will have to go before the transition is complete, but the change is definitely happening.
In the meantime, yeah, Rockstar has to let people know they're stupid if they buy adult games for children.
Hey where the hell is Jawknee? Hey people I still haven't received any $20 credit or code or anything from Amazon for my RDR preorder, has anyone got theirs?
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/24/2010 3:09:19 AM
Those usually take a while to process. I remember I got one for pre-ordering Heavy Rain about 1 or 2 weeks afterwards.
I didn't get mine yet either…..and I only got my Golden Guns code 4 days after the game arrived. Is the email-man on strike or something?
Last edited by Hezzron on 5/24/2010 8:44:32 AM
No email from Amazon here either. I tried going through the process of buying a game to see if it would show in my account by no cigar. Strange, they had promised you'd get it within two days of RDR shipping out.
I tried that too Alien, when I preordered Heavy Rain it was there like right away.
Do we have a 12a rating in the games industry just wondering … think is maybe teen but I aint sure.
anyway the games industry will always have stigma, remember when mass effect(1) came out … the media when crazy about the so called sex scenes ….. there is a movie called antichrist with willem defoe the content in that movie is very controversial yet it is being hailed as daring provocative all other big words I cant be arsed to type. Wonder why the media aint up in arms about that….
If I had it my way games would and should be looked at, as a entertainment medium lets face facts the games industry is finally taking its rightful place in what we would call entertainment with millions of dollars invested into it… and as a ADULT I want my entertainment made for ADULTS. as Ben said if parents cant tell the differance between an 18 cert on a movie and a 18 cert on a game … then something is definatley wrong in the world.
It all comes down to how the parents teach their children.
I taught my 10 year old cousin how to play GTA Vice City(Yea, I know I'm a bad influence).
And now he is still a good kid who doesn't get a bat or pipe and smash anything in his way.
I remember a key anecdote…
i was round my mates house, and me and him were playing GTA (san andreas i think) and we let his lil brother have a go, and his mum flipped out. S'all right for me n my mate (we were about 13/14) but dont giv the lil ones ago.
The games are for adults, but if kids want them, they have to ave their parents permission.
You cant blame the games that kids are being influenced, when it clearly says 18.
sigh every time i see or hear this i just want to smash my head against the wall.
why is it that cartoons, books, movies can do what ever they please and no one says boo!
but than a game does something not even half as bad as some of the sh*t i have seen in movies and all hell breaks loose!
and dont give me that its because games are interactive crap!
as for the game so far its ok, kinda boring but ok.
im really missing the duels red dead revolver had, im preying there later in the game or something.
i miss being able to turn on dead eye, mark a few spots on some a$$ hole, hit a button and fill him up with more holes than Swiss cheese!!!
peopole should leave the game alone, and let us gamers enjoy them, cause we are the ones, who are buying the game and not then,
freedom for choice for the consumers, and if you old enough to buy it, no one has the right what to do with your money.
I hope the co-op mission pack is free, but I doubt it will be.
I read it was. Here's hoping they stick to their promises.
It is free, and will be released in June!!!!
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/24/2010 9:38:42 AM
Sweet, now I just need to fix my PS3's connection somehow.
whats wrong with it world?
Chemicals under the sink, always made me laugh.
You put your alcohol or medical drugs in high places to avoid toddler interaction etc….but, the bleaches and harmful chemical substances that can burn your insides if drunk are right under the sink! lol
Games are bad…mmkay?
As said, it truly is a shame. Rockstar and other developers have to treat the masses as toddlers. "Look parents/Mr. Thompson (or any other anti-game activist), this is a game, it's for adults, see it says on the box 17+, so if your child isn't 17 then he shouldn't play it, ok".
I'm glad they are willing to do it though because it's the only way we're gonna achieve anything, ever.
LOL, I enjoyed reading this article. It made perfect sense and only pointed out the obvious. That parents are becoming dumber generation after generation. As well as kids are becoming less obedient generation after generation.
Man i coulda made a great job about a kid doing drugs and smoking and drinking and buying m rated games and all that but im scared that i might get thumbed down like i did by some crazy guy who labeled me as being a perv for saying that bungie knows all of the xbox threefitties dirty little secrets… but anyway so what are these ratings of which you speak for??? and how could i apply to my everyday living ummm something… and while were at it ehh nevermind… so much negativity towards my comments that i dont even want to comment anymore…
Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 5/24/2010 5:38:13 AM
Are you kidding me? Talk about a cry baby…
what do you think of when i say "adult entertainment?"
thats right, porn. really, putting "adult" (or for that matter, "mature") in front of anything will cause everyone to think you have sexualized it. this is a gigantic red flag to any parent of a child under the age of 12 and many parents with teenagers.
its an emotional response. giant media backlashes arent from misinformed parents alone. its from a subconscious mental trigger equating "adult" or "mature" with "bad for my kid"
with that understood, if these parents were interested in their childrens hobbies, they'd get themselves informed, theyd read the box before they bought it for their kid, and all this stuff would be irrelevant. unfortunately, lots of parents dont want to bother, and usually dont care until they hear on the news that their kid is killing nuns.
See, now right there is the problem. Society has morphed two words "adult" and "entertainment" into a term that doesn't mean entertainment meant for adults or grown ups, no "adult entertainment" has become synonymous with porn. Sad reflection on our standards today isn't it?
That said, "games for adults" doesn't quite sound as bad as "adult entertainment", although I suspect a better phrase might be "games for grown-ups", or alternately, "not for children", or even more precisely, "not for under 18s".
However, I suspect it won't matter. the M rating is already ignored by legions of parents who seem to believe that "M for Mature" simply means "M for Mommy doesn't want to hear it anymore". Of course no one wants games released with AO ratings, I mean who wants to buy games rated A$$holes Only?
Last edited by TheHighlander on 5/24/2010 10:13:56 AM
Lol I guess people who like A$$holes! The very dreaded ao raiting just pretty much removes mass market appeal.
Who cares about the game haters anyway, as long as we play games without any problems and we buy the games, there's just now way the video game industry will fall.
Banning video games for good will definitely create some chaos on earth and so yea,…….IN THE END THERE WILL ONLY BE CHAOS!!
Say no to haters? I'm on board for that!
I believe the simple fact that Rockstar said this comes from alot of parents not accepting responsibility and getting involved in their childs activities.
Even with this in mind, I still have to question the reason behind allowing players to kill children in game. It adds NOTHING to the game what-so-ever!
Like I've said on & on in other threads about this very subject, it all boils down to just 2 words….
Although, if you were to give a lot of those "so called" parents a dictionary opened to that very page, & even highlighted those 2 words for them, they'd still would need at least a few more clues…
plus Vanna White & a couple extra vowels thrown in just for good measure!!!!
Anyways, "KUDO"S to R* for having the stones to tell it like it really TIZ!!!!!!!!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/24/2010 1:24:58 PM
I had Gun and Red Dead Redemption an both were good in the time but a bit dated now this one is the business.
I'm printing this article and giving it to a collegue of mine. I let her 12 year old son be on my friends list and the only thing the kid plays is GTAIV and now RDR.
His comment sometimes has profanity in it too. I have a 12 year old daughter and I won't let her within a mile radius of this kid.