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User Reviews Up And Running: First “Staff Choice” Is…

You probably thought we'd just put up our User Reviews sections and forget about 'em, huh? That we'd go on about our business, never really reading or even seeing the reviews our members take the time to write.

Not a chance. We love our community. But first, the update- the User Reviews feature should have most everything you guys have requested: we automatically weed out spammy or just utterly hostile reviews by manually approving every submitted user review, so you will never see trash in those sections. Simply by clicking a user's name, you can view a list of their reviews, and we're working on adding links; a link to the staff review of a particular game from the user review, and vice versa. Also, just like articles that go up on the main page, members can comment on every user review so people can get some feedback on their game breakdowns. But to occasionally bring these into the limelight, we're going to make a "Staff Choice" for our favorite recent User Review, and feature it in updates like these.

And the first Staff Choice goes to user Underdog015 for his Final Fantasy XIII review . Some of you might think it's just because he wrote a lot, but that really isn't it; it's just a good review. Honorable mention goes to TheHighlander for his Star Ocean: The Last Hope International review. Good job, guys! And you know, we're liking that some of you clearly have your own styles; that's half the point. Review as you like, present the game as you like, and see what people have to say. So feel free to write to your heart's content!

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

And by the way, if a user happens to continue to impress us with his or her User Reviews over an extended period of time…maybe I'll do something nice for them.

You never know.

14 years ago

maybe throw an ice cream social for him/her?

14 years ago

Hey, that's a great idea….Who could turn down an ice-cream social? You can *never* have enough ice-cream.

14 years ago

I'm lactose intolerant. ;(

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Will you introduce them to the "wonder twins" from your previous stories? 😛

14 years ago

Free Cookies?

14 years ago

Lol World, I just want a nice retro chrome toaster 🙂



14 years ago

I had my doubts about this user reviews, but once I read it, It turned out fine I guess…

Way to go Highlander, Underdog!!!

14 years ago

I want a ball in a cup ,its easy to clean up ,all you got to do is put the ball in the

14 years ago

I wonder what type of nice thing….
Will you at least give us a hint?

14 years ago

i hope it's blue and plays games. wink wink

14 years ago

It still hasn't given away yet?

Last edited by Vitron on 5/21/2010 4:58:16 AM

14 years ago

Ben, how many hours do you spend on doing one review?
And what game gave you the biggest headache to review?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Depends entirely on the game.

As for the biggest headache, I'm not really sure…I've reviewed hundreds of games. I'd say fighting games are usually a pain (which is why Arnold typically does them).

14 years ago

Many thanks.

I am pleased that people enjoyed the review. I think that the user review section will prove to be a very popular feature.

Thank you Ben and everyone at PSXExtreme, for making additional ways for us to contribute to this community and site.

14 years ago

So what games are you planning to review next?

14 years ago

Not sure. Most of my reviews will be kind of extended test drives since I rarely have time to finish a game within a week or two of release. Time is always a factor.

There are several games on my list 'to play' (Mod Nation Racers for one) but I'm not sure when I'll have played enough of any of them to do a review.

I may write some real short reviews of some of the personal & public spaces in PlayStation Home.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 5/21/2010 10:09:39 AM

14 years ago

Well, why not try some games that won't immediately catch attention but has great aura of potential in your opinion? Just like Valkyria Chronicles and Blaz Blue?

14 years ago

Oh, Valkyria Chronicles is a possibility. I haven't completed the DLC yet, and I could definitely have some fun replaying the final few missions as well…Hmmm…..

14 years ago

Congratulations guys!

…I hope you realize, though, that you just made this a contest. As I stare at the screen at this very moment, I have a silly sideways grin on my face that says: "Bring it on!"

The frendlier subtext beneath what I just said is that I will be contributing soon and i'll do my best to put out something useful!

14 years ago

Oh No's! They've created a monster!


14 years ago

Can I haz thumz up? :3


14 years ago

There thumbs up kowhoho. I probably won't review 🙁 very bad grammar.

14 years ago

Yeah lol it kinda does feel like a contest now. Btw will there be a way to rate the online?

14 years ago

Congrats guys!!!!!!

14 years ago

Alright, good to see the site grow n prosper. Since the games I considered doing have already been done I will probably wait until something comes along (as I noted before) that I feel strongly about, one way or the other. It sure would be hard to beat the reviews here at PSXE though.

14 years ago

I'm still looking forward to it… I have a couple in mind but its hard not having my ps3 with me and the actual game to play it and capture exactly what I feel about the game in order to write about it.

14 years ago

Nah, it's great to have multiple perspectives I think. There's already a couple titles that have more than 1 review. If you have some insight to contribute to a game, I say you should contribute. Worst thing that could happen is that people have more points to consider when thinking about their next purchase. Nothing wrong that!!

14 years ago


The best feature ever has to be:

"Simply by clicking a user's name, you can view a list of their reviews"

^That way we don't have to go through an annoying search engine to find reviews users have submitted

14 years ago

Nice job guys! Both those reviews are well deserving of praise and they are both much better than mine. 🙂

14 years ago

Going to have to find some time to write a review sometime…

Ben, don't know in the future you could maybe look at user "editorials" of sorts, where users could for example write about trends in the market, gaming/style trends, gaming gadgetry or even pieces on gaming/console/computer histories and your experiences. I for one would like to write a piece on my experience as a gamer during the 8BIT days…

To the guys who wrote the first user review, gonna read them this weekend… great effort… 🙂



Last edited by Qubex on 5/21/2010 1:20:41 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

It's possible. We did something like that with the Reader Submissions thread in the forums, but it got so I didn't have to time to read everything, select one, and post it.

14 years ago

In other news I have decided to completely abandon any hope that square enix may soon shape up and start making good games again. They are apparently considering a xbox version for FFV13.

14 years ago

Somehow, Ben just aroused something(competition) on giving user reviews by giving *something nice*

….Sneaky Ben, sneaky….:)

14 years ago

I'll finish up Yakuza 3 and I'll give my attempt to review this game.

Or maybe 3D dot heroes.

14 years ago

Wow, thanks psxextreme! ^.^ Made my day!

I'm just really honored that people took the time to read it. It truly was a longer review, and I wouldn't have blamed anyone that might just skim it over. lol.

Thanks for the support guys! I've been reading everyone else's reviews so far, too. Everyone's doing great work!

14 years ago

I'm gonna do a user review
(and it will have correct grammar)
but not until theres a new game out. Ive haven't got anything new, apart from COD and Uncharted2 (but those are a lil old) and GOW3, but i haven't finished it yet.
My first review will probably be Fallout: New Vegas; Collector's Edition (because im getting that sweet cookie) and Brink. I think i'll go for alternative reviews, so not the huge up titles, the lesser mentioned ones.

Last edited by Zorigo on 5/21/2010 8:27:04 AM

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

Wow, awesome idea guys. PSXE is officially my favorite PlayStation site by now =)
Looking forward to your community's opinions on games 😉
Keep 'em comin' fellas.

14 years ago

ice cream scares me…

14 years ago

maybe that's why he hates you 😉

14 years ago

Where did you go after XFL?

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Good input Underdog (congrats) and Highlander.

I submitted a really sh** review for GTAIV haha. It was for kicks because I was thinking this was just a completely friendly user contribution thing.. but just to let you know, my writing has really improved over the past two years.
