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Square-Enix Turns Profit, FFXIII Hits 5.5 Million Worldwide

Square-Enix's latest numbers show an overall profit of $102.7 million (9.51 billion yen) and games like Final Fantasy XIII and Dragon Quest IX proved to be huge sellers.

As reported by GameSpot , FFXIII has now managed to sell 5.5 million units worldwide and DQIX for the Nintendo DS hasn't been far behind at 4.26 million. Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham Asylum has done very well in North America (1.82 million) and Europe (1.39 million) but unsurprisingly, it has been almost non-existent in Japan, selling only about 30,000 copies. Square-Enix can also thank the likes of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days , which came in at around 1.49 million, and the DS remake of Dragon Quest VI , which garnered 1.29 million units in Japan alone. On the PSP front, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has sold 760,000 copies in Japan; the long-awaited and critically acclaimed portable RPG will land on North American shores on September 7 . Last but not least is the recently released Just Cause 2 , which has sold 1.19 million copies as of the end of April.  We had some problems with the game's definite lack of sharp and reliable control, but the over-the-top nature of the action has compelled many.  And we can understand that.

Well, is it any surprise to see such numbers? Final Fantasy will likely always be a blockbuster…now, about that Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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14 years ago

Sony should give you a job! and no, I'm not kidding.
I have been thinking about it for the longest time, why don't Sony creates its own RPG developer…?

14 years ago

@ Zetta

That would be fine by me. I would hope that everyone that believes in Tetsuya Nomura's vision would leave with him. Just like how Nintendo bought Monolith Soft, Sony should instantly pick up Tetsuya Nomura and his loyal gang.

14 years ago

I hope they're not willing to throw away over half the work that they've done just to make Versus a multiplat game. I still believe it will be an exclusive to the PS3. If it becomes a multiplat, I think I may even give up on gaming…

14 years ago

I had just saw the comments on my Twitter about FFV13 possibly going to 360 and had to come here instantly to see if there was a story and found the comments here by others. I for one still have yet to get 13 will be getting it used which is something I dont do alot but Sqeenix has been giving PS owners the shaft this entire gen, all the series that were made popular and filled Squares pockets by PS owners have all seemed to go MS this gen all in the name if greed.

Square seems to forget where their true fan base resides and what made them the top RPG maker in the world. I was gonna but FFV13 new day one but if it indeeds goes to 360 it will be another used buy for me. Last announcement I need to hear is the next Kingdom Hearts game is also gonna be multiplat and the last hope I had for the new Squaresoft will be thrown out the window. With other great RPGs being made by BioWare and Bethesda and others I can honestly care less about Squeenix for every non true JRPG they produce.

At this point unless a real FFVII remake or KH3 is announced as a real PS3 exclusive Squeenix can take their new direction straight to hell. Wired how a company can go from being elite to mediocre all on their own efforts in such a short time, but I think we all know who is to blame at their camp for this fiasco. Sony should indeed start their own RPG studio for PS3, when FFVII came out Legend of Dragoon ( which I still have my original launch copy of ) was right on par with FF imo.

Last edited by Mista on 5/19/2010 11:22:31 AM

14 years ago

I've read that a few people are wondering why Sony hasn't built their own RPG studio. I personally think that would be genius of them to do. It would definately gives developers, programmers, graphic design artists, what have you a chance to apply for a job with Sony if they infact believe that Sony is where true RPG fans reside.

Sony isn't oblivious like SE. SE would just become another competitor like Microsoft and Nintendo. Sony would be inovative and strive to do RPGs and JRPGs better than SE.

And the best thing of all? When Sony says its for the PS3 "only", you can damn as well believe that it WILL BE for the PS3 "ONLY".

14 years ago

Perhaps Sony could look into acquiring Level 5…

14 years ago

I agree, acquiring Level 5 would be awesome
Expanding their company so that they could make more rpgs would be even better

Wish I knew where the guys who made Legend of Dragoon are…

You know which company Sony should buy? RED Company! <3

14 years ago

this a sad day for JRPG, now squeenix will think they on right path and destry all their other IPs… sad sad day