Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is undoubtedly a "measuring-stick game," in that developers for future projects will aim for that level of quality.
Said designers will also drop in the name of Naughty Dog's impressive achievement in order to gain attention for their particular title. Enter Visceral, the team currently working on Dead Space 2 ; the game's executive producer, Steve Papoutsis, recently spoke to Edge about the technical aspects. He's pretty confident that gamers will be "blown away" by the super high production values in this hotly anticipated sequel, and he makes no bones about it: Uncharted 2 is fantastic, and EA is well aware of the amount of time and effort required to produce something equally amazing. Said Papoutsis:
"Uncharted is a beautiful, completely awesome game. I think it [Dead Space 2] is going to stack up very favourably. We were very proud of what we accomplished on the first game. Obviously we go back to it quite often to look at what we did and when we compare the two, the advancements the team has been able to make from a visual perspective are unbelievable. It really looks phenomenal and it's a major step up from the previous game visually.
The art team has done an amazing job, along with the engineers and everyone else that's contributing to creating the game and the engine, which we've continued to evolve and modify. They've really stepped their game up and I think people are going to be blown away by what they've been able to achieve."
That sounds very encouraging, and don't be so quick to dismiss his comments. As the years pass, the technology continues to get better, and developers continue to find new ways to take advantage of the available hardware. Of course, Naughty Dog has often said Uncharted 2 simply wouldn't work on the Xbox 360 and Dead Space 2 will have to, so… But either way, we can't wait to see Dead Space 2 , which is slated to freak us all out in the first quarter next year.
Related Game(s): Dead Space 2
Grrr 1st quarter of next year!!..this is far too early for the big wind up i'll have to pretend it doesnt exist! until the date gets closer anyway..lol
I wish they'd bring it out around Halloween, like they did with the first one. Oh well, as long as its done well, I can wait a few extra months.
People Wallets Are Going To Be Blown Away
Haha. Look at the pic. Isaac's getting a hickey from a Necromorph. He's like, "Wait, you're not my girlfriend! Get off me!"
somehow i dont believe this
They compared the Vistas in Bad Company 2 to Uncharted 2 as well and i gotta say, i was underwhelmed. Sounds like more hype to me. If the recent Dead Space 2 trailer is any indication(not to say the game looks bad) its NOT going to look as good as Uncharted 2.
Seriously EA, you REALLY want to make Uncharted 2 quality games? Ditch the freakin DVD9 and the Xbox all together!
I sure the game will look good. The first one did too and im glad developers are looking at games like Uncharted and saying themselves "we gotta do this too" but the fact of the matter is its not going to happen as long as they limit themselves to an inferior format.
You beat me to it Jawknee.
If Dead Space 2 is to look as good as Uncharted 2, I better see the game on more then one DVD.
I wonder whether this game will render at real 720p or not. Designers who lead on the 360 and render at a sub-HD 600p are hobbling themselves before they begin. By the time they get to the PS3 version, they have a hard time rendering at 720p because many of their assets are sub 720p standard.
Oh man High, i certainly hope not. From what i have been told though, EA used the PS3 as the lead for the first Dead Space so hopefully this will be the same.
So tired of multiplat games getting gimped because of the Xbox.
Copy that Jawknee and Highlander!!
10-4 good buddies.
it can come close, but nothing will surpass it on the 360 this gen. i cant wait to play this game.
I'm going to say no, and I will continue to say that multiplatform games won't surpass Uncharted 2 this gen.
You know, it's ironic that this game is called Dead Space and that people will apparently be blown away, because all I get from this game is a sense that you blow people (or things) away in a horrific and gory manner. Making this game little more than a dead space to me. Bleh.
For a survival Horror title, the first was fantastic. I'm starting to have reservations about this one. All their talk about upping the action is making me think the focus will be a bloody mess and little horror.
Last edited by Jawknee on 5/18/2010 11:31:26 AM
Have you played it, yet? If not, I highly recommend it, especially at the price you can get it at (20 bucks or less). It has undeniable atmosphere, superb visuals, sound that WILL make you jump, hollywood-calibre voice-acting and story, and refined controls and game mechanics. It's one of the few multiplatform games lying by my heap of exclusives that will not get sold back or traded anytime soon. I'm definitely going to give it another go before the sequel comes out.
Too many shades of red on the screen for my tastes.
Oddly enough, it really isn't that gory. Sure, you dismember creatures, but they're not very human looking, and even with the dismemberment, there isn't much blood…kind of like deshelling a lobster or shrimp. Not as appetizing, but not much more nausea-inducing, either. Trust me, I wasn't much in to horror, and I never played RE's, but I was glad I played this… Get it especially if you're just waiting on something else. You won't be disappointed.
LOL, I hate seafood – especially shell-fish.
Yeah, me, neither. It was the closest analogy I could think of. I'm actually deathly allergic to shell-fish (though I eat regular fish because it's good for the body and the brain).
I can't eat seafood, but I do like gore.
3 downvotes for hating on shrimp? Touchy, touchy…
It's a EA thing.
First it was Battlefield Bad Company 2. Then Crysis 2 had to get involved. Now we have Dead Space 2.
Yup, i agree. They like to hype, its in their blood.
"EA, it's in the game!!!"
Its the multiplayer aspect that has me worrying about the production value of the single player experience.
since they are using two different teams I am optimistic.
yeah it could work out, as long as the 360 version has opposite discs for SP and Mp, if both on 1 disc, this game will fail.
I'll be blown away on release day, because this is a definite pre-order for me. The first game was absolutely awesome, and I'll happily confess to being a fanboy (if a somewhat grouchy one) of the franchise. 🙂
The screenshots I've seen do look absolutely fantastic. Much more detailed graphics than the first game.
"EA, it"s in the HYPE"
There, all fixed!
Wonder if its gonna turn out to be "EA, its in the hEAp (pile of other dumbed-down multiplats)
I think ull find the PS3 is the lead platform, the 1st one was and that game totally blew me away. I was plesantly surprised. Dont knock the 1st one unless uve played it through. Demo doesnt count 4 shit.
They can strive to match UC2 graphics if they want, but wouldn't that mean the game is going to be wicked short? Better graphics and multiplayer crammed onto the good old DVD? Ouch. My toes are hurting just thinking about it.
It doesn't work that way. Graphical quality has little to do with storage space, especially if the programmers use clever tricks to run the textures.
I'm loving how much attention DS2 is getting these days. The first one is seriously one of the best games this generation, based on the untouchable ambience. I cant stop thinking about what Viseral really could do if this game was PS3 exclusive..
I think this is just part of the hype train as well, the visuals are probably better but it's still multiplat. Kind of a shame Visceral can't go exclusive because they are a very talented team. At any rate I'll still be enjoying their games. Dead Space was a risky buy for me and it paid off big time.
Vicseral single-handedly changed my opinion around about EA. And because how awesome Dead Space was, it's the sole reason why I'm tempted to play Dante's Inferno despite my impression of it being a knock-off of GOW.
You can probably find Inferno pretty cheap by now, I've played it 3 times and it's one of my faves this year. Actually this gen.
All of these guys like to talk and hype and make claims, release day is when the truth comes out.
To all the Xbox graphic bashing. Have you seen Mass Effect 2? Beautiful game that matches Uncharted 2 blow for blow. Uncharted is astounding no doubt. The best looking game on the PS3, but it really is pure ignorance stating that nothing can match it. I play multi platform games on both systems. So I don't have a biased view. And most of the time on a full HD 1080p TV the games look the same. On exclusives as long as the developer has a good graphics team the graphics are going to look great. It's not the Xbox that sets the graphics is the developer using the console that sets the graphics. There have been plenty of PS3 games and Xbox games that look horrendous.
Your graphics rendering statistics aren't accurate.
Uh oh…
You're right. Mass Effect 2's graphics blow.
The comparison doesn't even make sense, because visuals are not even a main focus of ME2 (it takes the cake in it's plot-hooks, customization, and exploration). But while we're at it, I'll break it down for even the blind to see.
ME2 has screen-tearing, and late-texture loading, pop-in, and slowdown, where as there is absolutely no screen-tearing, pop-in, or late-texture loading in U2, and only slightly noticeable slow-down during rare moments in U2. And I do mean rare.
ME2 uses low-res, compressed video (due to dvd limitations). U2 uses high res, uncompressed thanks to Bluray.
ME2 uses generic, assets and washed-out colors. Vibrant colors and beautifully varied and inspired assets is the hallmark of U2.
The only thing ME2 comes close to U2 is in the character models. But even then, they don't animate nearly as well.
You admit, graphics quality has more to do with the developer than the hardware, yet you don't give credit to where it's due. Bioware used Unreal Engine. ME2 was a scripted affair: They didn't have to touch a line of code. Optimization wasn't a big deal for them, and this allowed them to entirely focus on the 700 and some odd plot hooks, and user-customization of the gameplay.
Naughty Dog on the other hand created Uncharted 2 from scratch, and optimized it for the Cell, and tuned it down even to lowest level line of assembly code. The focus was not on plot hooks and customization, but rather gameplay, graphics, and cinematics.
So like I said, your comparison isn't just wrong, it doesn't even make sense.
If you want to make a fair comparison, compare ME2 to Batman:Arkam Asylum. But ME2 even falls short in comparison to Rocksteady's implementation of Unreal!
*Bioware used Unreal 2.5 for ME2 where as Rocksteady used Unreal 3 fro Batman, or the other way around, IIRC.
Care to tell me what the recent high profile titles on the 360 rendered at? I'll throw out a couple at you just for the hell of it.
FFXIII – 576p
Halo3 ODST – 600p
There are many, many others – all high profile so called AAA titles.
The thing is, the games render at a lower resolution and the picture is then upscaled to 720p or 1080p. Your TV will indicate it's in 1080p mode, but in actuality it's displaying a picture that has been magnified from the image that was actually rendered by the game. Xbox360 games do this to clamp down on the amount of processing needed, so that they can do other advanced effects. It's a very common compromise on the 360 because a specific piece of graphics hardware in the 360 provides nearly free functionality at or around 600p resolution.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 5/19/2010 12:45:43 AM
Yes. I have seen/played Mass Effect 2.
You really should Compare Drake while in some jungle environments with your character on ME2 doing the same. The texture work is not even close.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 5/19/2010 1:13:48 PM
Mass Effect 2 looks great. If you do own it and play it. Buy Kasumi's DLC, walk out on the balcony, take a look at the vista. And tell me that's not a beautiful shot. I won't disagree with you about the tearing and what not because of the scale of the game. I can use Demon's Souls as a PS3 example here. (Love the game one of the best this generation) It's polishing is crap. Pure and utter crap. I'm sure it will get better with a better funded sequel, but it's a large game in scale so I don't necessarily mind the graphical hiccups.Any large scale RPG is going to have clipping, tearing, popping, etc. I don't think Mass Effect uses washed out colors. It's plenty colorful. It's not Mirror's Edge Colorful, but neither is Uncharted. Mass Effect looks great on my TV and I'm happy with that. You act like I was bashing Uncharted 2. Not in the slightest. Uncharted 2 is beautiful in the graphics department, but can and will be surpassed. You could probably say that God Of War III has already done that in certain parts of the game. My whole thing on this is that Xbox games and PS3 games don't have big differences in graphical quality. Uncharted 2 is a great looking game, but so is Mass Effect. In the end though who'd give a damn about Uncharted's graphics if the game sucked. It would be an oh that game is pretty, but the game play is trash and it would become a thing of the past. I didn't play Uncharted for the graphics I played it because it's a great game with humor and is a well polished third person shooter. I didn't play Mass Effect for the graphics either. I played it because it's an engrossing story with unrivaled game play in that department.
I will admit I'm a little uneducated in the technical aspect of graphics. I just go by what I see and if games on PS3 and Xbox look good. Then they look good. They aren't good comparisons. I should of used another shooter on the scale of Uncharted. I can admit that I was wrong.
On Dead Space 2. It will look great on both systems. Most likely equal. If it's good enough I will play it on both consoles. I just hope they don't screw the game play.
Oh and since everyone thinks I'm here to attack everybody that's not the case. It's just pathetic to see a bunch of Xbox hate when it's not warranted on every thread about how it sucks and it makes the gaming world trash. Sony is just as bad as Microsoft because they're corporations out to make the most money they can. And they will do it in anyway they can. It just seems that people on here bash for the sake of bashing because they know a bandwagon of people will jump on and join. Does that excite you or something? And Xbox/Nintendo kids are just as bad. Game to play games. Quit the bickering and enjoy what developers do for us. Like I said before we are spoiled and abuse our rights to gripe and moan.
Last edited by NeotericDope on 5/18/2010 11:43:07 PM
Mass Effect 2 is not a bad looking game (like I said the character models at times can be incredibly detailed), but just play a mission or two, then bootup U2. If you can't notice the difference right away, then, honestly, you either need your eyes checked, or your TV blows (which is very possible because I didn't see U2's full color range on my lcd but on my plasma it blew me away).
Uncharted 2 will be surpassed, but by nothing in this generation other than Uncharted 3. I bet my bottom dollar on that.
PS: I played ME2 exclusively for the story and upgrading stuff. The core gameplay was glitchy as hell and damn-near broken at times. That's another department that ME2 simply can't compare to U2 in.
Oh, and the planet-mining was pain in the a$$ and a cheap and uneventful way to add play time to the title. How it remained unscathed by review scores in regards to that is testament to where the bias actually exists in the general population and the industry.