We took a break from the general polls last week and asked whether or not you'd be interested in user reviews here at PSXE.
And it seems that over two-thirds of you would at least read them, while a great many would even contribute. Considering our overview of the current community, this doesn't really come as a surprise so thanks to this feedback, we might just give it a try in the near future. Of course, if we do, we'll take into account other suggestions users provided in the Comments; this includes allowing other members to reply to reviews (as they would the staff reviews), a rating system of some kind, and maybe even a qualifying element; i.e., someone has to be a user for one month or the idea that utterly silly and "spam" reviews would simply be removed. It would be a bit of a process to see what works best, but we're looking for ways to expand on your typical PSXE experience. This might also include an ongoing incentive program to contribute to the forums…if you hadn't guessed, our expansions and upgrades will be closely tied to the one thing that matters most to us: our community.
This week, we want some more feedback, but this one is for Arnold's new site, ApPoppa , the Metacritic for portable apps. You seemed interested in the idea back when we first announced it but now, Arnold would like to know which portable apps would get the most attention. Hence, what do you have? What's the operating system for your phone? What do you bring with ya on road trips? Let us know.
Lol, you know you voted fast when the results show four 25 percents.
My phone is just a phone, shocking I know!
Oh and Ben, even without flashy things like user reviews, PSX is hardly "typical" 😛
Forgive my ignorance, but I have no clue as to what an 'operating system' is.
I don't know as much as, say, TheHighlander, but the general idea is that it's the whole interface of a phone, computer or console. The XMB is the PS3's operating system, and computers use operating systems such as Linux, Vista or Windows.
The Operating System is the software on a computer that sits between you and the hardware. It handles the graphical user interface, it handles making sure programs run without running over each other and crashing. It handles your file system so you can find your files, it provides all the basic services needed to let your computer work, and let you use it through an interface that a human can understand.
As Kowhoho and ffrules have pointed out Operaint systems include Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, etc… On the PS3, the OS is less visible, but it's there providing all the basic services, you see it as the XMB.
Remember to include AmigaOS 4.1 – and yes, the Amiga is still around. The new model is called the Amiga X1000, Google it to read up on the specifications if you're interested.
User reviews is definitely a cool idea. When you tend to like someone's comments or ideas you might think "Hey, let me go check out what they thought of my favorite game."
As for Arnold well, I don't want this to come across insulting, but shouldn't he be working on THIS site first? The guy's like a submarine. Every once in a while he pops up.
Yeah, that's definitely the word I would use to describe something that "pops up" once in awhile. Definitely. 0_o
I've been working on this site for 10 years now. I'm entitled to do other things, you know?
Yes, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, and Arnold speaks when he has something to say. Besides, he's like E. F. Hutton, when Arnold talks – people listen…
I don't know what my operating system is, it's just a T-mobile Tap so probably nothing.
And if anybody showed interest in myself reviewing a game I'd be willing to contribute 🙂
I would read it, I like to see different opinions people have on games. Everyone likes different elements of different games, someone might elaborate on a feature the initial reviewer only 'touched on' and it could be the deciding factor in the purchase. (i.e. The ridiculous possibilities of the character creator in 3d dot heroes) I think I've spent more time creating characters than I have actually playing the game XD i'm only on my 3rd dungeon and Red Dead will be out in 24 hours, I love good problems.
I'll read yours if you read mine 😉
Seriously though, I'll look at whatever you dish out, man.
I would probably split mine into objective observations, and then personal opinions. People seem to think a review is ONLY a personal opinion sometimes.
Yea World I would definitely read some of yours 😀
I myself want to do some too but I figure I'll do the ones that Ben and Arnold don't review so there is more variety. Doing a second opinion would be cool but I feel I would want to have A LOT more experience under my belt before I offer an opinion to be compare and contrasted with those of experts like Ben and Arnold
O and on the note of the forums I've definitely have been wanting to contribute more to that… honestly its just been a time constraint thing and pure laziness that since its a different site, you have to log in again to post.
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 5/17/2010 2:57:55 AM
I would do games that I felt strongly about or was asked to do.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/17/2010 3:06:25 AM
OS – Operating System. Basic computer software that allows users to interact with their computer (or device such as a smart phone) and the software installed on it.
I would read WorldEnds review of Fallout 3.
the ever slow windows mobile. why i pick it? coz it has the phonebook sync with outlook, and lotsa programs galore. i just wished they'd fix the usability and speed…
I wouldn't mind for user reviews.User reviews would be better than the critics out there, like IGN, Gamespot, and Gamesradar.But then again the reviews here are the best ones I've found, anywhere.Whatever, I'll be glad either way this turns out.
I'll definitely scope out some user reviews, with the mature, gaming addicts in the community here. It could be a good second opinion so people can stop b****ing about you guys' reviews. I would like to see if our friend _____ would be doing some reviews as well I think those would turn out interesting to say the least. I'm assuming Ben and Arnold will still be doing the 'blockbuster' reviews (i.e. COD, Uncharted, GTA, FF)
I'd read your review of MW2.
Believe it.
It'd be all MP haha. I've got a group I've been playing with since COD4, so they pad my stats a little, at least in the Win column. I might try one for Black Ops though it looks pretty awesome so far, I just hope they get rid of Commando and Marathon. Extreme Conditioning was good enough.
droid ftw!
Right there with you guys. Love my droid much more than I enjoyed my jailbroken iPhone.
Android 2.2 will bring tethering to the Droid. Soon you'll be able to use that nice Droid as a USB broadband modem…
I can already do that but I am not saying anything else about it.
User reviews will be welcomed. It will also bring a greater appreciation for Ben and Arnold with how detailed their own reviews are.
And possible discoveries of new and exciting talent.
Isn't evolution great?
Also, I'd be anxious to read some of the Highlander's reviews.
Since we are taking suggestions how about an app for the site. Its painful trying to access this site on the mobile web.
Last edited by main_event05 on 5/16/2010 11:12:22 PM
lol,also how about another Blue PS3 give away.
I'd definitely like to see a psxe app. Hell, engadget has one and even the phone software modding community I visit regularly(xda developers) has one.
If you have a Motorola Droid and you go to psxextreme then it is formatted for the phone.
It would be cool if the forums were formatted for it as well though.
I think this is what they mean by No OS!!!
You have to add a Symbian option Ben, and delete the No OS option. Any phone has an OS.
So do I… Symbian on my Nokia E71!
…currently posting from the Nokia E71 🙂
Laptop computer
Mobile online browsing sickens me
I CAN wait to get home or to work to browse a bit…
Sorry Arnold, nothing personal
The user reviews don't sound so bad
Specially for games which you guys might not be interested in. Like Ben not being that into a game like Demon's Souls
Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/16/2010 11:22:52 PM
I guess hermies just don't do it for everyone.
sry wrong game
I'm interested in reading user reviews, but less likely to contribute to them.
I use the phone as little as possible, so mine doesn't have an os. I keep my phone bill low and my gaming bill high.
just a normal LG key-Bo.. Nothing fancy about it LOL.
I prefer to keep my phone bill as low as it can go as long as I have my unlimited texting and call display I don't need anything else.
Cell phone companies are a rip off anywase they charge WAY to much for the perks of features, but hey thats how they sucker you in.
Looking at my avatar I'm sure everyone knows what phone os I use(I own a HTC Hero, soon to be HTC Evo).
I'm down for reading user reviews.
I would probably write as many reviews as I possibly could, it'd be great!!!
Oh, and I don't own a cell phone, either, lol. What about user generated polls as well? That would be cool!
User generated polls are in the forums. Make one. A ton of people will answer it.
Well my phone is only for emergencies so I'm useless to arnold.
As for user reviews, I'd probably write a few, but they would probably be distanced out as mine would probably be rather lengthy and detailed. However I like to be organized when doing those kinds of things so they would probably be split into segments, this paragraph covers sounds, this segment music, etc… etc..
I would be really interested if implemented well because I like to scour reviews before making some purchases and some people mention in detail things that others don't even hit on at all. I don't however want to read some page long profanity soaked drivel because someone didn't like it. So a good system setup will be welcome and leave us with a good user review selection.
I have Sony Ericsson Aino, not sure what OS it runs.
Look what Play Create Share has done to us!
slightly OT: I accidentally nudged my PS3 fat over the edge of my dresser yesterday. It fell about 3 feat onto stiff carpet flooring. I almost shrieked in horror of what I might have just done. I was packing it all everything up to bring it with me to NY. But upon what had just happen I plugged everything back in and checked it out. I was exponentially reveled to find that my die hard PS3 still worked fine.
I think User Reviews could be a good idea. I might even have the time to through one in the mix.
As for my phone… well I still use a trac phone and it makes a better flash light than anything. I've found that trac phones are defiantly cheaper to have provided no one calls you and you don't call anyone.