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Analysts Predict GTAV Will Crash E3 Party Next Month

Some say Grand Theft Auto IV was overrated, but I will fight you if that's your belief! …okay, maybe not, but either way, we should all be excited about the next GTA.

And you know, the official unveiling might be a lot closer than you think; it might even surprise the heck out of everyone next month at E3. According to Game Informer citing EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, we should see a non-playable version of the fifth Grand Theft Auto at the upcoming trade show. This makes perfect sense because most analysts believe you'll see GTAV hit in maybe the second or third quarter of next year. Said Divnich:

"I think we're going to hear about another Grand Theft Auto. I think there won't be any playable stuff. I think they'll give you some type of teaser, because we do think that a year from then in 2011 we're going to see another Grand Theft Auto."

And if you're entertaining any thoughts of a return to PlayStation exclusivity, you can forget about that; it's far too lucrative on multiple platforms. And Divnich reinforces this by saying, "I don't foresee Microsoft or Sony attempting to obtain any type of exclusivity with the next Grand Theft Auto ." He also adds that although Microsoft paid a lot of money for the rights to exclusive DLC for GTAIV, that "unfortunately did little to move consoles." And of course, with 35 million PS3s and 40 million Xbox 360s out there, it seems silly to eliminate either gigantic audience.

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mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago


14 years ago

eh', the games are great but GTA is gettin old. a reboot like GTA3 brought is what it needs to save it FOR ME! Plus the whole exclusive content being delayed for the PS3 ruined every single piece of dlc GTA4 had.

Still great games though!

14 years ago

Three stories with the word "Analyst" in them. I wish they didn't exist sometimes.

14 years ago

Maybe, then the release year will be in 2013.

I expect until GTAV, there's gonna be a lot of spin offs like Vice City or San Andreas….oh wait, the spin off has already begun with the episodes from Liberty City?

14 years ago

At first I was going to say "Why is everyone assuming this will be GTA V?" but you make a great point. The dlc came out way after I had played GTAIV to death, just kinda forgot about em really. Maybe it could be GTAV. I've thought of this for a long while (After playing through San Andreas) It would be something new for the series to play a cop. The rules of the game would change enough to have options for the devs to keep things fresh. Of course, eventually you'd get so deep into something that you'd get setup to look like the bad guy (or girl?) and things would change yet again. Then I would love to see the final several hours of the game with everything out of control, riots and peds going nuts… awesome. Maybe I should just use my ideas for LBP2 >.>

14 years ago

I just hope we see something new and original in GTA V.

14 years ago

It needs it!

14 years ago

with so many other things to look forward to, GTA has a lot to prove for me. I dont see it as a show stealer really. it probably will, not that it'll deserve it though.

14 years ago

I still have to beat GTAIV thanks to a massive bug that stops giving you missions. Ultimately though, GTA is showing its age. I hope they do return the silliness, even if it's just in the form of cheat codes. I want the military back too. But I don't think I'll be going full price with it this time around.

14 years ago

im with you all the way!

14 years ago

Hope the game engine will be better enhanced. From what I have read and seen there were plenty of glitches to be had in the game. GTAV will be the version to have in the collection I would guess…



Last edited by Qubex on 5/17/2010 10:35:42 AM

14 years ago

If it has a more interesting character than Nico, and a little bit of the San Andreas rpg-lite elements. I'm down. Who am I kidding I would play it even if not much was changed.

14 years ago

Loved San Andreas and everything about it. So much in that game. Ambulance, pimp, firetruck and taxi missions. Jetpack, dual weilding guns, leveling up weapon and vehicle proficiency, buying businesses and residences, gambling, etc

14 years ago

If it seems to be following in the footsteps of 'IV' more than the 'Episodes', I'll be really excited. Otherwise, it will just be another 'Grand Theft Auto' to me, and I'll pick it up when I pick it up.

Then again, who am I kidding? If they set in Vice City, I'm there, day one!

14 years ago

Red Dead Redemption will probably fill my Rockstar sandbox for me. Infamous 2 is what I'm looking for at E3.

14 years ago

Exclusives are seriously overshadowing any multiplatform games

We'll see, but I'm way more excited 'bout the Last Guardian and a possible Demon's Souls 2 showing at E3

14 years ago

Just cause 2 is much better than GTA right now. Rockstar better do something.

14 years ago

I bet my life it won't RockStar Games usually reveals the game when is almost done. Just look at every previous GTA analyst are paid for nothing what a stupid job. Any idiot can now be a fu**ing analyst.

14 years ago

The game is definitely not going to be PS3 exclusive when Xbox sales are a bit higher than PS3 game sales. Considering the attach rate of PS3 are closely catching up to Xbox, it's interesting to see if the PS3 GTA V will outsell the Xbox version, especially if PS3 can get an exclusive DLC content. It's not farfetched when Rockstar is giving so much love to PS3 this year.

14 years ago

It's GTA, I don't think the game being a multiplat would matter with it. The graphics are never all that great in the first place and the game is practically universal. I don't know anyone who plays GTA just to kill countless innocent civilians. Really, I don't. I know people who tried, but they all ended up going on a rampage after like 20-30min.

14 years ago

You never know whats going to happen at e3. I doubt gta v makes an appearance but like I said ya never know.

14 years ago

We already got Agent from R* so I know we won't get next installment of GTA exclusively for our beloved console. I'm definitely excited about this news, and I'm waiting to see if R* is able to bring something new to the table this time around.

14 years ago

If it's anything like San Andreas with better graphics and better physics, I'm sold already.

14 years ago

Made me think, has 360 got any big exclusives next to Fable 3, Halo Reach and Gears 3? Okay, Crackdown 2, a possible Forza 4, but anything else?

… anything?

I seem to see nothing but multiplats hitting 360 and MS treating them like Golden exclusives won from Sony.


14 years ago

I'd really like to see a GTA IV: San Andreas, with a HUGE map, at least three times as much as the original SA. Of course with 3 cities almost as big as LC and the much-needed countryside.

I don't care if the xbots need to have 3 discs and have to change their disc every time they want to go to another city.

Apart from that, put the fun from the original SA back in, with a ton of random cheats, the RPG elements and last but not least: airplanes.

Last edited by faraga on 5/17/2010 9:59:30 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

You guys have all these different ideas about what you want in a game, ALL THE F*ING TIME! Rockstar* can only do so much in a game. Especially because it's multiplatform. Anything EXCLUSIVE to Ps3 automatically is better than X-Box. ( Sorry X-Box it's true) You guys are all " Ooh I want this, that, this & that. " " Hey Porn wouldn't be a bad idea! " I Know how Rockstar* is are developers. They explain themselves in Red Dead Redemption, " Rockstar* is Always Pushing The Boundaries " When GTA III was released it was A MAYOR HIT! It revolutionised gaming. What happened with GTA IV? ROVOLUSIONISATION again. The whole city was open for our community to play in. GTA IV I look as an introduction, a feel, a taste to what Rockstar* can do. I guarantee you guys, GTA V ( Or the next GTA ) Will truly revolutionise how we gamers play. I can imagine. Rockstar* never lets you down, when you say it does, you don't appreciate anything developers do. Till GTA V comes out, we have Red Dead Redemption,"Pushing The Boundaries".

14 years ago

you gave me a headache, but i know what your saying.

To me Rock* is a fantastic developer. But GTA needs a major overhaul, kinda like GTA3 had over previous installments to save it FOR ME. The franchise is awesome and all the GTA games were good, but something new like what Red Dead Redemption is doing would be a major step forward in the GTA franchise.

14 years ago

I expect RockStar Games to announce something next year anytime but this year there's no way knowing them nah.

I hope they bring for PS3 not PSP for now. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Stories for PS3 exclusive.