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Red Dead Redemption Releases Official Launch Trailer

It's one of the most anticipated titles of the year and now, it's only a few days away! To celebrate, the launch trailer is here.

Set to release on May 18, Red Dead Redemption has already raked in a few super high review scores, including the very recent 10/10 from OPM, and we're very excited. This launch video highlights the host of eclectic characters and various backdrops, including the slowly developing New Austin and the revolution battlefield just south of the border. Rockstar would also like you to know that all the music in these RDR trailers comes directly from the game's official score and soundtrack, produced by acclaimed recording artists Bill Elm and Woody Jackson. Other exclusive tracks from contemporary artists like Jamie Lidell, Jose Gonzalez, Ashtar Command and William Elliot Whitmore are also featured.

Okay, so what do you think? How long have we been waiting for the defining Western-themed shooter? And given the open-world format, you can explore the vast landscape almost whenever you wish, and approach the diverse objectives however you see fit. As I've said before, it sort of reminds me of a Western Assassin's Creed and that is quite the premise. We may be a ways from the next Grand Theft Auto but who cares; we're getting Red Dead Redemption !

Related Game(s): Red Dead Redemption

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14 years ago

I really mean no offense, but I would be more surprised if you had something nice to say…about anything. Why do you game if it brings you such woe?

14 years ago

Well if I wasn't sold on this already I definitely am now…

I can't wait to get my hands on RDR. It is definitely a day one purchase for me….

14 years ago

I wish it reminded me more of a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western – you know, with rather laid back and uber-cool characters. It seems more like a western version of a current video game. And why do all the colors look so washed out? Was that a stylistic choice or something?

Oh well, I'm sure it will be awesome. Now if I only didn't have so darned many other expenses 🙂

14 years ago

This Game is going to be a goty atender. I preorderd it last saturday. This game looks sweet like i've said before. I can't wait tell the 18th, A late B-day present but Thats ok It'll be worth it. I would like to see GT5 goty but if this game takes it's place I'll be plenty of happy.

P.S. next preorder… GT5!!!

Last edited by StangMan80 on 5/14/2010 8:09:28 PM