Sony has released the findings of their latest fiscal report and as many expected, the company hit their goal of selling 13 million PlayStation 3 units in the 2009 fiscal year.
As of March 31, 2010, Sony reports that approximately 35.7 million PS3s have been sold worldwide since its launch in late 2006. Furthermore, they have made their 2010 fiscal year projection, saying they expect to sell 15 million systems before March 31, 2011 arrives, which would bring the total sales number to over 50 million. A good sign of growth is, of course, growing sales statistics in year-over-year comparisons, and one can clearly see this trend with the PS3:
In comparison, the PSP fell just a tad short of the anticipated goal of 10 million, coming in at 9.9 million units and the PS2 – perhaps amazingly – not only hit the expected number of 7 million units but actually sold another 300,000 beyond the mark. To date, the latter continues to raise the bar as the most popular video game console in history, now registering a grand total of 146.8 million units since its debut a decade ago. The PSP has sold 63.2 million units to date, although Sony has lower expectations for both the handheld and the PS2 in this new fiscal year; 8 million for the PSP and 6 million for the PS2.
Sony has hit their sales projections for the PS3 for the past few years and 15 million seems reasonable for 2010. Perhaps the likes of LittleBigPlanet 2 and Gran Turismo 5 will generate another sales boost this holiday season…
Little Big Planet 2 and GT5 is going to sky rocket their sales. Then games like The Last Gaurdian and Final Fantasy Versus XIII are going to come around and boost it even more, just using those games as examples, but very good examples in my opinion.
Nice, it's funny to see the PS2 is still selling so well, Sony must've made a lot of profit from that machine.
Go PS3, on to first place! (not counting the wii…)
go ahead and count the wii, the ps3 will eventually outsell it. Even if it is because it's still selling well 5 years after the wii has stopped being sold.
I completely doubt that the ps3 will outsell the Wii. People who have never even thought about video games have bought Wiis, and with The Other M and SMG2 they can expect to move a few more units, especially if they release the black wii around that time.
While im certain the ps3 will sell very well over its lifetime i dont think it can take down the wii.
With the Move, it might, because a parent might buy a console that's hardcore enough for them, but with some weakass toy motion games for their kids.
come on you know the wii itself will win an award
"Collects the most dust of any console in history (even beats the magnavox odyssey)"
Only a matter of time.
M$ is sh*tting in their pants. they're really banking on natal. they'll need a new console soon. it's amazing they survived on old tech ugh
tells you how much microsoft is banking on natal. from what i've been reading, microsoft is doing a circe du solei type of launch for it. i want kevin butler on stage asking if microsoft heard of the amazing invention called buttons.
I went crazy looking for a PS3 in NYC for a friend of my who, was visiting from Uruguay but could not find any. BestBuy and GameStop were all sold out.
He got lucky on Monday and found one while shopping for cloth for his daughter.
Hope they can step up production and still sell toms of PS3, if they play the balance right, I have a feeling they could go beyond their own expectations.
Bundle Baby, Bundle!!
Toy R Us had five of them in Carle Place out on Long Island two weeks ago. Got mine! I was shocked they had so many as I was looking all over too.
that's where my friend found it, in Long Island.
I gave him my FIFA10, my HDMI cable(got a new one today) and a bluetooth headset so we can talk smack while we play 🙂
Viva PS3!!… and free online play 😉
Last edited by Karosso on 5/13/2010 3:10:36 PM
Unfortunately chaps, having done some additional research on this, Sony actually made a loss this past financial year again, mind you it is half the total loss of the previous years $1 billion odd, with this past financial years loss clocking in just short of $500 million.
In addition to this, by their own very admission, their console and gaming division contributed to the majority of those losses, but they are narrowing. I expect 2011 to be the turning point year, both with earnings and finally getting to parity with the 360. But is isn't a bed of roses and it has been a difficult road for all concerned.
Sony did make some blunders early on, but let's see how this holiday season turns out 🙂
Thank you to ever thumbed me up, there are some sensible people in this world…
I was hoping that Sony sells more than 13 million. I'm pretty sure they could sell more last year, but was held back from limited shipments of PS3. This year's 15 million prediction, I'm sure Sony will sell exactly 15 million with due to limited supply again.
Let's see if Xbox can break the 10 million this year, if Natal fails, PS3 will catch up by 5 million, and finally catch up to Xbox lifetime sales. Hang onto something guys, this will be the best year in gaming history.
Last edited by godsman on 5/13/2010 12:06:56 PM
I don't see how Natal is going to get as big as Move since the PSEye can practicly do the same thing along with having Move included, ya know? How many people are really going to be excided about hitting a virtual ball or something when you could be building levels and other things with max precision.
I'm just glad that people are finally starting to realize the awesomeness of the ps3. Been preaching it for 4 years now and people are finally starting to smell the roses.
I've been preaching it ever since sitting in line for 4 days for my fat 60 gig, lol. Keep preaching, spread the word PS3 reigns supreme over ur crappy technology…. All u other companies, um yeah. Lol but yeah PS3 has the games the userbase and the better tech and this battle is theirs to lose from here out. Keep the commercials, advertising and games coming Sony and this gen will fall into ur lap.
Well, hope people catch up
We've been enjoying 'next-generation' gaming for years now while most have been enjoying a xbox 1.5
Xbox is only 4 million ahead and we all know that includes all the warranty replacements in there that make up around 88.88% of their sales.
Keep up the good work PLAYSTATION 3
*does a happy dance*…
…ON XBOX'S GRAVE!! mwahahahaha
lol jk, but this is still good mews!
Question: PS2 sales are still amazingly strong but I cant even think of one person I know in the last four years who has bought a new PS2.
Just who is still buying it??
Otherwise its SONY FTW!!
lol, i dunno man, but sony's predicting 6 million more people will buy one!
With all the 360's re-buys due to RROD, & those million banned bot-boxes, Sony has had to have already surpassed MS in "TRUE" sales numbers.
Weren't Microsoft crowing about their 38 million very recently? I think they made a lot of noise about being 5 million or more units ahead of the PS3.
Um, well 35.7 million puts the PS3 perhaps 2.5 million units behind the 360 in terms of total sales. Considering the awfully high mortality rate of the 360, that 2.5 million gap may in fact not be there.
Could the PS3 actually have surpassed the 360 in terms of working, installed units?
The numbers of active PSN users vs XBL users suggest that. The sales numbers of games over all kind of suggest that as well. In fact with EA announcing a huge loss (some of which is I am sure an extraordinary charge on their balance sheet)…With that loss one in mindhas to wonder how much of EA's revenue is actually coming from the 360 and how much from the PS3. I think it was a year ago that we heard from EA that they made more money on the PS3 than the 360, and I think Capcom has expressed similar sentiment.
Still 15 million PS3s next year is a nice target, I wonder whether they might not hit 16 million. Their sales are up nearly 30% year on year. If they held the same growth into next year they'd be on course for 16-17 million units.
Well, let's hope so TheHighlander, I for one would love to see parity, however, as I stated in my above post, Sony actually made a loss again this financial year. It may have hit 13 million units shifted, but it continues to bleed cash. The loss this time around was not as high as the previous year, but still, $500 million odd is no joke.
For some strange reason I was thumbed down for merely stating a fact, and, even more extra-ordinary; by Sony's own admission in the business press the corporate giant stated that it was their games/console division that caused the majority of those losses.
So whilst I am happy that we continue to erode the overall market lead that the 360 has, if one wants to take off their rose tinted glasses, the facts speak for themselves… Sony still has work to do…
But… with GT5 and other great titles on the way… it can only help Sony's cause… No doubts though, it has been a tough road…
I am also very excited about the PSP2… I was waiting for an excuse to get on, maybe now I can if its up to it 🙂 …2nd nub should there I would hope.
Do you think you will pick up a PSP2?
Last edited by Qubex on 5/13/2010 9:07:07 PM
goodbye 360.
I hope one day there will be a big update to be able to play PS2 games on the PS3 systems(the one's that don't have PS2 support), when PS2 reaches 10 this year. In this case they will not make PS2 games anymore.
thats no surprise.
i really hope at E3 sony announces the death of the ps2, shows us a few small games coming to move, but not too long maybe 10 minutes is heaps.
than the rest a montage of unannounced exclusives including syphon filter 5 and a remake of the crash bandicoot series.
than to leave with a shock and awe, a announcement but no details of a psp2.
its been 6 years since the PSP game out, i think its about time we say goodbye to the dying handheld and get with the times and really give apple and nintendo a run for their money!!!!
announce that it will be compatible with ps2 games via software you can download onto your PC which converts your ps2 game to your memory stick, or via download on PSN.
oh, and how could i forget. PSP trophies!!!!
add a upscale for TV use, that way i can bring my psp home hook it upto my TV and play it in full 52 inch screen with decent graphics!
than for icing on the cake, add that the ps3 will have the same functionality.
but with the PSN versions if you buy the ps2 games, you actually get a remake of the ps2 game in HD with trophies as if it was a ps3 game!!!!!
and the same treatment for ps1 classics, instead of charging us money for games we already bought, make it worthwhile us buying them again!
imagine playing crash bandicoot 3 warped in full HD!!!!!!! o, great, thanks now i need to go change!!!!!!!
LOL PS2 at 7 million, DAMN MOFO!!
Anyways, that is quite the bit LOL for a old system. Really there's no more value to the PS2 as the only games you would only buy is from ebgames, because only the older used games are actually good. With the games nowadays for it sucking terribly. Still PS3 might finally surpass XBOX 360!!! As for PSP well, maybe if they lowered the PSP go's price down to $200 mayeb it will generate more sale. From the PSP go's I here people purchasing, looks like might have to rethink about it or risk removing it from the market?
I also do find it quite IRONIC how it's called XBOX 360 but it can't even spin discs a 360 degrees without scratching it!
PS2 might even last 20 years!! Nah!
PS3 might last FOREVER!!! Nah I want my PLAYSTATION 23! LOL
Last edited by thj_1980 on 5/14/2010 6:06:09 PM