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Koei: Two PS3 UK Titles “This Summer”

They may not be ready for the UK launch, but at least we know when they're coming. Originally only scheduled to have a few games "some time this year," Koei is now unveiling their UK PS3 titles for "this summer." UK gamers now have a couple more reasons to consider a PS3 purchase.

Fatal Inertia is first on the list; this intense hybrid racer blends the arcade street racing of Need for Speed with demolition derbies, which is an awesome idea that should be crazy fun. Next up is Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War , which is the historical strategy/action title set during the 14th century. Here, we'll get to control the likes of Joan of Arc and Prince Edward, the Black Prince of Wales.

Koei has not released any official dates for these games, so we'll just have to be satisfied with "this summer."