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Move Will Make Shooters “More Accessible To More People”

The PlayStation Move is a popular topic of discussion these days; i.e., "will it really help move PS3 units?" "Will it help to define gaming as we know it?" "Will it be better than Natal?"

Perhaps another interesting question would be, "will Move have a significant or even drastic impact on certain genres?" According to one producer, the answer is yes. Elliot Martin, producer of the upcoming Move-compatible SOCOM installment, told Develop that Sony's new motion-sensing technology will generate a "huge change" when it comes to shooters. Said Martin:

"With the Move controller what it allows us to do with SOCOM is have the player basically point at enemies on screen with Move as if they were aiming with a real gun in their hand. It’s a huge change to the genre because rather than having to move the camera, you can just point and shoot. I think Move is going to make that style of game a lot more accessible to a lot more people."

Accessibility is becoming more and more important as more and more individuals begin to discover the benefits of this form of entertainment. There was a time when FPSs were essentially reserved for the hardcore; for those who would spend all night creating a new level in Wolfenstein 3D on their PCs. But these days, just about everyone plays shooters and in fact, it's arguably one of the more casual genres out there. But how to make a seemingly hardcore game like SOCOM "casual" with Move controls…?

"We were hesitant because we thought a new control system meant that we would completely have to redesign the game. Actually, the basic implementation was up and running in a matter of just a few hours. Not only did it work, but it was immediately very intuitive, and it didn’t require any great change of mindset. It was very easy to pick up and play."

Well, if you can do it with SOCOM, what's stopping other developers from taking Move to just about any other genre? Of course, each will present its own set of unique challenges and new technology always presents plenty of obstacles. But still, it'll be intriguing to watch Move unfold and evolve.

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14 years ago

Is the new SOCOM specifically being made for Move or is it compatible with the DS controller also? Move isn't moving me much but I loves me some SOCOM!!!

Last edited by frostface on 5/12/2010 10:56:57 AM

14 years ago

It IS compatible with the DS and this is creating a problem of balancing the game. The question is does the MOVE give the player an unfair advantage over people with the DS or vice versa.

I think they're going to allow competitive online matches with a mix of both controllers because their testing proves that it's fairly balanced but we'll just have to wait and see.

Last edited by Crudii on 5/12/2010 11:11:17 AM

14 years ago

I'm cautiously optimistic, but just imagine if it does indeed give people an advantage in shooters… man those things will be flying off the shelves!

14 years ago

To me I think it will all come down to preference I don't really see it as being an advantage one way or the other. With both having the same precision ratios I don't think it will make a huge difference. I will be getting move but I doubt I will stop using my ds on shooters.

14 years ago

At least we'll have a controller with those things we like to call buttons. No 'Pew! Pew! Pew!' for us…

14 years ago

Yeah, gotta have them buttons. Invention of the century.

14 years ago

I wanted to go pew pew pew and use and empty supersoaker.


Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/12/2010 2:28:44 PM

14 years ago

We'll feel like professionals with move!lol

14 years ago

Exactly what I needed to get me into shooters. I just hope the Move is supported for all games from now on, not for dedicated games, but also as an extra choice of controllers for ALL games.

14 years ago

I'm not too concerned about SOCOM, but it would be cool to play shooters like that.
COD would be better for it, coz knifing would be more realistic,

14 years ago

I wonder how the move will play out for those of us that have smaller screens?

14 years ago

screen size shouldn't make a difference between ds and move. You will still have a reticule, you will just aim it differently.

14 years ago

Good to know.

14 years ago

Good to know.

14 years ago

nausea here we come…

14 years ago

Like more people need to be attracted to shooters!

14 years ago

I've never been interested SOCOM but the Move compatibility has sparked my interest. I looks like a lot of fun. I will probably get a Move shortly after it releases, SOCOM seems like the best choice for a launch title.

14 years ago

I'm wondering if playing with the Move will make it similar to using a mouse, if so, it might actually give people using the Move a pretty big edge over those using a standard controller.

14 years ago

That's what I was thinking. If it does give people a big advantage, online shooter fans better retire their DualShock 3, or else get massacred.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

At first I wasn't interested in Move. But the more I see of it, the more I like it.

I'm really interested to see what the future holds. Shooters would be great, but I'd like to see something like Demon's Souls. I think the sword and shield mechanics would work pretty well. I don't think I have the space in my apartment to roll when dodging though.

14 years ago

thats what I've been harping on for weeks, Demon's souls 2 with move! I can't wait!

14 years ago

If "shooters" were just pointing and shooting then yeah, it would be good. Seeing as how you also have to maneuver your character by ducking, jumping, running, climbing, going prone, slashing knives, using weapon attachments, switching to sidearms and using killstreaks and driving an assortment of vehicles, I'd say it's going to fail in that regards.

If a dev creates a "shooter" to rival any of the latest Metroid games, well THEN they would be on to something.

14 years ago

You forgot about the buttons.

14 years ago

yeah the second caddy controller is supposed to handle that. Or something.

14 years ago

Yup, more similar to mouse-dongle/mouse-keyboard experience than controller, and probably the reason why Sony decided against supporting mouse-keyboard or natively supported mouse-dongle controls. I'd even say that it is a more authentic experience to the point-and-click experience of mouse-keyboard.

I don't know why, but I never noticed the "mouse" controller in the Move pair. It is better than the mouse-dongle (which has only been implemented by 3rd parties but not very well at all so I hear) pair, and for that reason, it could really pickup a following amongst hardcore gamers, particularly those who are fans of shooters. And I'm sure it will enjoy an edge over Natal, thanks to being less laggy and more accurate (1-to-1 accuracy).

14 years ago

Actually, the PS3 *does* support mice and keyboards, and has since its release. It's the *games*, that don't (with a handful of exceptions), largely for 'balance' reasons.

14 years ago

Yup, that part's obvious (since ps3 could support Linux, and certain games like Unreal Tournament 3 support mouse-keyboard). But the majority of games didn't support mouse-keyboard.

14 years ago

The only thing I have to compare this idea to is the Zelda crossbow gun thing that did nothing for Nintendo. Either you have a plastic gun shell that makes your Move buttons inaccessible and therefore limits the actions you can make, or you don't, and you have to hold the Move in your hand and keep your arm up the whole time you're playing like a wand rather than a gun.

Either way it's not improving the fun of fps.

14 years ago

Won't it look weird if your gun isn't aimed at the thing your Move shoots?

14 years ago

I think your gun looks where your aiming, from what I've read and seen the move tech is pretty smart, like it looks where you're aiming but if you aim off screen it doesn't send your guy spinning in circles looking for your aim.

14 years ago

I wonder if they'll implement Move with KZ3…

14 years ago

I'm pretty stoked to try out move. I am hoping for some solid experiences like the Wii version of Resident Evil 4 or Metroid Prime.

Off Topic:
Any White Knight Chronicles fans or people interested in the game at all should check out Andriasang.. interesting rumor there.

14 years ago


People who haven't played white knight here's some incentive to wait for the second one.

Nice call piratedrunk!

14 years ago

haha thanks for linking it I wasn't really thinking when I posted that but yeah I hope it is true because I would love to get another look at the first game with the updated engine.

14 years ago

Oh that will be awesome. I'd happily re-play WKC1 if the game has been polished to the same standard as WKC2 and with all the game play/battle tweaks and improvements. Excellent!

14 years ago

me too, I was planning on getting second one, but running through the story again on first one right before 2 was released, but I'll probably start over with the new engine if I like it better.

14 years ago

Seems like an awesome thing to do… but wouldn't that mean that there would be less disk space for the second game?

14 years ago

Is this real?
am I dreaming?
did I read it correctly?
this is not really happening is it?

*please wait moment…*

14 years ago

@ wolf

Maybe and then again maybe not. Technically all you need to do with a bluray disc if you need more space is add more layers. dual layer @50GB not big enough, add a layer, now its 75GB.

Problem solved.

14 years ago

Excellent. Oh wait…

So if i need to shoot someone standing behind me, i'd actually have to turn around 180 degrees physically, and go "pew pew pew" while facing away from my television?

Or simply turn the Move @ 180m degrees in my hand and shoot at my physical self?

And what about the functions other than shooting?

Last edited by swapnilgyani on 5/12/2010 2:57:04 PM

14 years ago

Ah, sorry, my bad. The second didilo would do it…

14 years ago

When are people going to realize that the move has buttons? You will still turn your character like normal, still be able to do every thing you can with ds3 but you will be able to do more and aim faster.

Think about some uncharted 3 with move, or lbp2, demon's souls 2, a fallout game, dragon age, possibilities are endless. I can't wait for move tech to be used on the ps3's uber awesome exclusives.

14 years ago

just wait til we all get pwned online by some grandma with her move…

14 years ago

Yeah, but she'll be doing it with a stick….

A STICK!!!!!

14 years ago

or is it a complete waste of sonys time, money ect?

anyway, i dont think move would make games more assessable to people, more inviting maybe but not more assessable.
it will make some games easier to play though, like im playing lost planet 2 now and the reticule is so effing twitchy!!!!!!!!!!
your trying to pull a head shot off from a bazillion kilometers away and the targets moving, you just feather tap the stick ever so slightly and the cursor goes flying like a plane fell onto it!
things like that i thank god KZ2 uses the sixaxis for sniping, it makes it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! much

so in that aspect i think move will make games much easier and more accurate to pull off difficult shots.
but than theres also the other side, where you perform a move and move thinks you performed something else.
thats where i can see me going bald and left with a broken TV.
perfect example is worms on the Iphone, the controls on that game are so FU*KED! i cant describe how fu*ked they are!
you have a touchscreen and use that to aim, move, jump and back flip.
i only played it for like 10 minutes today during tafe, and every time i went to move me cursor to aim properly instead of aiming i would jump.
every time i go to jump instead of jumping i would walk and walk into a freaking mine!
i can see move doing the same thing, i can see a whole lot of "NO I DID NOT SAY DO THAT, I SAID DO THAT YOU STUPID PIECE OF %$#@" moments.

14 years ago

seeing how 'Move'looks, its going to be pretty popular with the ladies…

i mean

AFTER USE, they dont gotta hide it up under the bed or cabinets, just leave it lying there with the TV, people be thinking "ohh she got a ps3…"

hell no she doesnt!!!! its just a disguised dil….

ah never mind. she probably does have a PS3.