Assassin's Creed II was one of our favorite games of the generation, which is why we can't wait to step into Ezio's shoes once again.
Ubisoft has released a horde of new details for the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , set to launch on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC this holiday season. Ezio does return, this time as a legendary Master Assassin (ACII dealt with the origins of Ezio's initiation into the trade), and he will visit Italy's great city – Rome – in order to combat the rampant greed and corruption that plagues the metropolis. This time, in addition to his own vast array of skills, Ezio will have an entire Brotherhood of assassins at his command, who will be ready and willing to assist in sticky situations. This, in addition to the new multiplayer option, will really open up the gameplay; each member of the Brotherhood will have his or her own set of skills and weapons. Ubisoft also says the single-player campaign will last about 15 hours and as far as we can see, we may only be visiting Rome (in contrast to the multiple cities on display in ACII). But we're certainly expecting a vastly expanded city and key historical characters will be involved, including Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli and Caterina Sforza. You've read "The Prince," right?
Secret weapons like darts, parachutes, double hidden blades, hidden guns, and an advanced flying machine will be featured as well, and instead of always blending in and avoiding the citizens, you'll have to get the city to join your cause. The key is to get the mob to love you, right? Anyway, we'll have more on Brotherhood as it becomes available; we're just hoping this new multiplayer mode and seemingly shorter single-player campaign won't turn away long-time fans… But we're optimistic. This is Assassin's Creed , after all.
I just dropped in to say I am not an Assassin's creed fan purely because you asked who isn't in the description. Have a nice day 🙂
What an odd thing to feel a need to do… Does this qualify as a social irregularity?
They are going to have to implement that whole multiple assassin brotherhood pretty well, sounds like it could be a disaster. Multiplayer=lame so I'm not game.
World, the world hasn't ended just yet – lol – give it chance… wait for the reviews, you may be pleasantly surprised 🙂
Last edited by Qubex on 5/11/2010 10:23:25 PM
I dunno man, I have like 6 games to beat, 3D Dot Heros on the way, RDR coming soon, and later on Fallout New Vegas. I did not like the first AC so I had haven't looked back. If I find part II for like a dollar and love it then I'll consider this spin-off. But yeah, multiplayer just isn't my bag.
Yhea, I know what you mean…
I am all ……… < dotted > out too!
" 3………D "
I'm with world, Ac wasn't worth the time and I've never gone back either. This new one just sounds like a train wreck.
Assassins that the city loves? Aren't assassins supposed to be cold hearted and evil? When is hollywood and game devs going to stop making dark profession good guys. Man if he has an evil job make him stinking evil.
A multiple assassin brotherhood showed up in AC2 so this isn't much of a stretch.
Not always World, MP has been done right and proven so by many games. Co-op in my opinion is one of greatest inventions ever, fo sho. Although this sounds awesome for AC2 my next big TP Adventure is the next PoP.
I'm all for sit down split screen coop with buddies, but with strangers over the network? Rarely fun, I like it in WKC though. And it's just way too hard to coordinate decent times with my psxe friends. When they want to coop on something I always had my heart set on playing something else entirely you know? I'm a control freak in many ways and a solitary gamer in many others.
I'm with world again, just because I can play coop with my friends doesn't always mean we're both in the mood to play the same game.
Looks like Kraygen and I are buddies.
But when you are in the same mood it's a beautiful thing.
what do you suppose happens when two people are in the same mood to make it a beautiful thing?
This game is sounding more like an expansion to me. I hope they don't charge $60 for it because if they do, I will be less tempted to buy it. I love AC, but I don't want to pay the same price I payed for AC2 for an expansion. Example: Halo OTSD and MW2. But so far, the game sounds exciting and I cannot wait for more details.
15 hours for the single player campaign? It took me 25 hours to finish Assassins Creed II and I didn't do any of the races, hitman jobs or collect all the feathers…
So it seems a bit of a multiplayer expansion to me.
I loved ACII but I'm not into multiplayer so will probably give this one a miss.
Hm… It's not exactly ACIII, but at least it's something AC. Thanks for the heads up Ben! I absolutely adored Ezio in ACII. Probably because we got to see him on a more personal level. I'm actually kind of excited to see this new installment, even if it isn't necessarily ACIII. I probably won't really buy it, just try to get it on gamefly. That'd be good enough for me.
Let's just hope that Ubisoft delivers like they always do and they give us another awesome go with Ezio! (Haha, I'm a poet and didn't even know it!)
I rather play a true sequel than a spin-off or extension of the same story.
BTW Resonance of Fate is truly awesome!! I can't put it down!
I don't know about this. Multiplayer anything to me is just not good stuff. I enjoy the submersive thrill of AC1 & 2. I don't see how multiplayer will incorperate who I'd want to be in the game and what I'd like to accomplish. (ie, play as Ezio and for a storyline, not an online feud)
HST is the man.
This seems way to soon to me. I have yet to finish Assassin's Creed 2.
So many games, so little time..
Last edited by maxpontiac on 5/11/2010 11:12:40 PM
This sounds kind of disapointing, I mean Ezio was cool and all but the fun thing about the old games was upgrading your arsenal and learning new techniqes to assasinate people. So if you bring back Ezio as the main character all those things are already learned and upgraded. I just hope that in ACIII you will play as someone else.
What the hell are you people complaining about. Ubisoft is giving the fans what they want, more Assassin Creed in a timely fashion. Does a game have to take 2-3 years time intervals to be good?…NO. I hate the fact that sequels to games take so long to come out. I played GOW 1/2 (collection) for the first time in December, so I only had to wait until March to conclude the journey. If I played those games back in 2007, I would be ancy and a little tired of waiting. I wanted to play Dead Space 2 after Dead Space back in 2008, and now its 2010 and not DS2…dissappointing. And 15hrs is not that short unless they are also talking about minor exploration and side missions. I beat the original ACII the second time in under 15 hrs (minus the DLC), so this is not that big of a deal im my opinion. GOWIII only took 7-8 hrs to beat, but then again, GOW is a different beast, but still no one should be mad about a 15hr game, most games don't even last that long. I will definitely be picking this up to continue Ezio's story, but not for the MP portion, but I will try it. I just hope they make the combat more interesting (combos), fix the stealth mechanics, add smarter A.I. and actually let Ezio crouch. If they do that while providing a good narrative, I'm happy, but either way…I'm already sold even though I hate the fact that Ubisoft is only adding multiplayer because they think everybody wants it. I coulb care less.
all the games I buy brand new at release last a lot longer than that.
You make one good point, it's awesome that the fans get what they want.
Guess you haven't purchased that many games then unless they are all open world, RPG's or for Multiplayer.
Assuming you were referring to me. That's not true for me either way, I just wait patiently for some games to drop in price. I got the saboteur for $18 and it lasted about 25 hours and I can still go back and play more to get trophies if I want.
My $60 purchase games include Lbp, dragon age, demon's souls, fallout 3, white knight, civilization revolution, folklore, infamous, just cause 2, mg4, naruto ultimate ninja storm, oblivion goty, burnout paradise, and valkyria chronicles.
15 games I paid full price for and spent over 50 hours on all of them. Large library of different genre's to me. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I love each of them a lot for different reasons.
And yeah all my other games I got for $30 or less.
Last edited by kraygen on 5/12/2010 3:29:47 PM
I agree with most people here… I really enjoyed ACII. A lot more than the first one. But by the sound of things it seems that this one is more of an expansion than anything else.
I was really hoping that the FULL ACIII will finally be in the future with Desmond and not back in time again. I think it is time to move to the modern day cities and let Desmond go for his revenge. Then use the flashback system to go back in key points in the past…
So with AC Brotherhood it is all good and well if they make this as an expansion before they bring out the real AC:III
this is my most anticipated title for this year, and my most dreaded at the same time.
most anticipated because i loved assassins creed, and AC2 is one of my favorite games of all time!
but dreaded because, well, ill point you to prince of persia.
im worried ubisoft are just doing the rushjob to cash in on this cash cow.
i swear to god if ubisoft destroy this series like they did PoP there will be heck to pay!
like destroying one of my all time favorite series was not bad enough!!!!!
anyway, i wonder if this will be a direct sequel to AC2, if it will pick up right where AC2 left off.
im dying to find out who that women at the end of the game was, and what the hell she was on about.
the game guide gives you some hints as to who she is, but it really raises more questions and confusion than it answers.
a MUST! read for anyone whos really interested in the storyline.
you really cant appreciate the amount of thought, time, and effort gone into the story until you read the guide.
I am not to interested in ACIII. I wait till it hits the budget basket. Imo they should upgrade their whole engine, but they choose first to milk the old one completely dry.
I want Altair back, that guy was a bad ass.
EZio is a pu***
Looking for a bargain deal on AC II but until then this game falls to the very pits of my gaming list..
To only have ROME….no other cities? That would be a huge dissapointment. I'm also not at all into the MP aspect of this game. For me, AC has and always will be a single player game…so I'm hesistant to drop any pre-order dollars on this one.
This looks really good however I learned my lesson in buying AC2. Paying full price is a mistake. AC2 dropped to $30 on Amazon pretty quick so I think I'll play the waiting game for this one and finish up my rpgs while I wait.
I'm with some of you…it sounds like yet another casualty of the multiplayer craze. ACII was so good, too…it makes me want to cry.
But who knows?
It's just like I thought, they're skimping on the awesome single player to slap out a mp game. Thanks, but no thanks Ubisoft, I'm not gonna fall for your Microsoft/Activision move in disguise, not at $60 anyways. A 15 hour campaign is worth about $20-$30 in my book.
I love AC & AC2 because of the long single player campaign, not EVERY game needs multiplayer.
Make Arnold review it 😛