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Square-Enix Reveals Details Of First DLC Pack For Nier

Nier really surprised a lot of people and we at PSXE especially appreciated its great entertainment value for RPG buffs.

And now, Square-Enix has announced the first downloadable content pack for the Cavia-developed title, which will be available to nab on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace tomorrow, May 11. Called "World of the Recycled Vessel," the add-on pack will boast 15 new special stages, new Shades, and other extra pieces of new content. After downloading, you will find the diary of Nier's wife on the bookshelf of the first floor of his home, and when flipping through the pages, you will be transported to a nifty dreamscape where a whole new battle can reward you with "new powerful weapons and bold new costumes for Nier and his companions." And perhaps most appealing of all will be the chance to finaly play as "Young Nier," a version of the protagonist previously only available in the Japan-exclusive Nier Replicant for the PS3. The primary difference between the two versions doesn't center on the gameplay; it's the characters: in our version (also known as Gestalt for the Xbox 360 in Japan), Nier is an older man attempting to save his daughter, Yonah; in Replicant , Nier is a younger man looking to save his sister, who is also Yonah.  Otherwise, it's basically the same game.

Finally, fans will receive "new configurations for existing areas and towns with original monsters" so there's plenty of reason to snag this expansion. And remember, we aren't the only ones to praise the game in question; the New York Times called Nier "provocative and at times profound in its storytelling" and "exhiliratingly diverse in its gameplay design," while the Associated Press said the game is "one of the year's more pleasant surprises."

Related Game(s): Nier

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14 years ago

Was Nier even good at all. I heard it really wasn't the best game ever. It looks quite interesting as I do find the title of the game very catching.

14 years ago

The game is bad. I couldnt get past the beginning. There are unnecessary foul language. The character design looks bad. The graphics are washed out. I just can't get myself to get the game anywhere.

14 years ago

I liked Nier. The combat was a little off the mark, but the story of a man trying to save his daughter struck home with me because I'm a single dad who has a little girl so I felt his plight a little. And the characters were likeable. Emil gave the game its touching moments and Kaine/Weiss gave the game a few haha moments. Graphics were a little bland and the story is a little hard to get into at first, but the game gets really good around the end(sorta like how FFXIII did). Does it warrant a purchase? No, but atleast do yourself a favor and rent it and come to your own conclusions about the game instead of going off someone else's word.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

godsman: It is not bad. You didn't get past the prologue, obviously. If I had based my review on just that, it would've been well below an 8…but it changes quite drastically afterwards.

14 years ago

Well, I held off on my purchase because I didn't appreciate Square's decision on changing the protagonist based on assumptions that Americans like older, steroid-injected men as protagonists. Since players can now have the right to choose his appearance, I might consider it now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I don't know why it matters. Nier doesn't look over-ripped or anything.

14 years ago

They did change his appearance to have him appeal to westerners, didn't they? I wasn't upset about how he looked; I just didn't like the fact they changed him when they didn't need to. I'd feel the same way if we were given the younger guy instead of the original design based on that lousy assumption.

14 years ago

Have to agree with Sonic on this simply for the fact that I don't appreciate being told what I like and pigeon holed in that way.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

This really shouldn't deter you. Nier doesn't look any different than other game heroes you've seen.

14 years ago

The older Nier we got was actually the original, they changed it to a younger version for the Japanese audience.

14 years ago

Now I want it even more!!!

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Isn't 70 a little old to be having kids anyway? Frankly, I think it's irresponsible.

14 years ago

He's 44 years old.
Who would've thought… :/

14 years ago

Will pick up later on the cheap.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/10/2010 5:55:36 PM

14 years ago

me too

14 years ago

Same here. I'll get it when price drops. Still doesn't appeal to me enough to get it now but the extras on the expansion seem pretty cool.

14 years ago

Yeah so the game has been out for like a week and here comes the first dlc. How much is this going to cost us? $14.99? $4.99? Unless it's free I got 2 words for this dlc pack, rip off.

I didn't hear a mention of free, so I'm betting they're stabbing the jugular of our wallets with this dlc and probably future dlc packs as well.

Maybe a little over a year from now I'll get this if there's a bundle version for the game and all content for $29.99. I won't support price gouging, sorry. I just can't afford it.

14 years ago

Sounds good to me the more I hear about the game the more I want it.

14 years ago

Seems like this game turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I have to admit, I never even mentally garnered the possibility.

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 5/10/2010 6:52:52 PM

14 years ago

I'm not so full of myself that I won't play a game because there's an alternative version out there that isn't in my region. If this game is as enjoyable as many are saying I'm sure it'll make it's way into my gaming history.

14 years ago

And the price is…..?

14 years ago

^^^ Not buying a SE game until they produce a high quality REAL RPG

14 years ago

i really enjoyed nier, it really reminded me of RPGs of old back to their simplistic roots.
but with that said its the perfect example of whats wrong with $E these days, there trying to cater to the western demographic and in doing so there turning their back on their fans.
now, im positive they would make a sh*t load more cash staying true to their fans, than moving elsewhere.
same as crapcom, they use to be the cream of the crop on ps1,ps2, gamecube, but now well name 1 good capcom game released this gen?
thought so!

i got lost planet 2 today and jesus tap dancing christ the reviews were bad so i was expecting crap but i did not think it would be this bad!
after playing dark void i thought they could stoop no lower.
oh, how wrong i was 🙁

on a lighter note I JUST GOT ALAN WAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 days before release, not bad no?
same guy i got nier off, i went to parra today to get lost planet 2 from EB and stopped in to visit him and he offered me alan wake for 90 bucks.
cant believe this ive NEVER! played a game 10 days before release date before, im soooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

you payed $90 for a $60 game just to play it a week early? Wow, can you start sending me money for no reason, because you must have a lot of it to waste.

14 years ago

ahhhhh, no for the 500 billionth time i dont live in the US, i live in AU and here games normally cost 100 bucks.

14 years ago

Strangely I find myself enjoying this game. It's nothing spectacular, but still entertaining and the voice acting is definitely a plus.

Why can't the bigger budget games get quality voice acting like Nier? (looks at FFXIII)…

Anyone get a price on this DLC? Hopefully it's free.

Last edited by Nynja on 5/11/2010 10:54:49 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

FFXIII had good voice acting, but it was hit or miss at times, like Nier.

14 years ago

Generally I thought the voice acting was good in FFXIII, except for Vanille. I just couldn't stand her terrible European accent attempt.

I suppose I haven't been playing Nier long enough to really hear the "misses".