Some have been wondering why Media Molecule would bother with an actual Blu-Ray sequel to their innovative hit, LittleBigPlanet . Why not just keep expanding on the original via DLC?
Well, 1Up posed this very question to MM co-founder Alex Evans and his response may surprise you. Early details of the game have excited fans of the original, as the team plans to provide us with the next step on the evolutionary player customization ladder. The ability to make your very own levels has been upgraded to the point where you can make your own genre of game, and let's not forget about that PlayStation Move compatibility. But there's another "compatible" aspect of the sequel that Evans mentions in his reason for a true LBP2:
"There are kind of two reasons. It's all predicated on [having] to make [the game] backwards compatible, which is huge and epic technically, and also quite unheard of in terms of all of the content that comes across. If we did DLC, [it'd be] a drip feed. If you wanna do 10 features at once and then holistically make a story that uses all of those together in all the different combinations, [retail's] the only way to do it. It has to be an event. We couldn't release a new story with all these tools, bit by bit by bit.
I think the Blu-Ray is still the best way to reach a wider audience. DLC, in a way, is like preaching to the converted, you know? It's to people who want to evolve their experience. But LBP2 gives a new entry point for loads of people, and the people who have LBP1 get all the bonuses, they can keep all their stuff, and they don't lose anything."
So essentially, the game really is building off the original; if you've spent some quality time with LBP, you won't have to worry about losing anything you've done when you pop in LBP2. How freakin' awesome is that ? With all new cinematic creation tools, six major game themes with which to work and fiddle, and a horde of fresh features designed to give the LBP fan more creative freedom than ever before, LittleBigPlanet 2 should, in short, do it again. A huge holiday title if we ever saw one.
And by the way, the game has been officially announced for winter 2010.
Related Game(s): LittleBigPlanet 2
how freakin awesome is that you ask????
sweet, all my time spent creating stuff will not be wasted 😀
This is SOOO AWESOME. *High Five*
Knowing MM's comment on the feasibility of a sequel (or the lack thereof) from an article written by Ben last year, it seems MM was already working on it via DLC drip feed (race pack, rpg pack, etc..). Sony most likely came to them after acquiring MM and suggested that the ps3 could use another flagship title for 2010, and LBP probably could use another injection of marketing that only a full-blown, marketed release could offer.
MM's only concern was making sure all the 2 million and some odd user-created levels wouldn't get flushed down the toilet, potentially losing the LBP1 community, and Sony assured them that they would fund anything and everything to get it all working together (b/c).
Offtopic, but has anyone noticed how groovy the franchise's musical score is (besides just about everything else)?
Another cool tidbit found in the article on playstation blog posting the trailer, is that in a response posted by one Eric Levine (presumably from MM), says that "We" have made LBP2 with a new graphics engine, making all the previous user-generated content and levels looking even better!
Definitely agree Qwark, I am pretty stoked to see more of the new features and the game in action. E3 this year is going to be EPIC!!
Its gonna be heaven for Little Big Planet creators and artists around the globe… way to go Molecule!
Last edited by Qubex on 5/10/2010 10:41:15 AM
I will get this day 1.
same here!
that vid on the PS blog has me so excited 🙂
same here, wolf!
i remember driving 75 mph up to utica to pick upthe first LBP, because gamestop never called me to say my pre-order was ready, and i saw people on my friends list playing and i kinda freaked out. i live about 45 minutes from utica and got there in about 25, lol. damn gamestop…..>:(
Last edited by Rings0fUranus on 5/10/2010 5:37:22 PM
All I can say is "WOW", just "WOW"!!!!!
Not only is there a ton of new stuff, including numerous amount of creation tools, but MM has amazingly made it backward-capable for their first game too.
And, they put it all on a blu-ray disc, instead of saddling those of us that don't like DL's & only want our games on physical media.
Now, this is a developer who really knows how to treat it's fan-base right!!!
To all the other developer's out there…..
This is the customer service I've been yearning for from developers! I almost want to buy it for the sole purpose of rewarding their loyalty to fans! I'd probably buy it anyways, though. ^.^
Yahoo! i spent too much money on LBP DLC for it to go to waste. What Sony is doing is awesome. I suspect well continue to see Blue Ray releases of PS3 games for many years.
Dare I say….
Thank god it's not coming out in 2011 (the wait would have been excruciating!)
That trailer was beautiful!
Did you guys see the sackbots? haha!
I'm so building myself a Yoshi-like creature!
"Build your own game"
^Really like the sound of that. It seems you can connect levels and tell a full story this way. This is probably the rpg aspect where you can backtrack and explore more of the world.
Only on PlayStation!
I can't wait to see the levels people come up with for this one. The transitions to different gameplay styles looks so smooth.
Day 1 purchase for me 🙂
Nice 🙂
Game of the Year.
With more people introduced to the PS3 hopefully this game'll recieve the most appreciation for what it's worth.
I also read that Stephen Fry will be back to narrate too!
Excellent, Fry has the 'perfect' voice for voicing this kind of games narration.
OMG, just watched the new trailer and I'm ready to start crying tears of joy… this is going to be epic!
Done my research, checked the official site….my god.
This won't just be the greatest game yet….but it's gonna be the greatest THING made!!
good to see your excited about a game!
I didn't think that media molecule could improve anything on LBP, but now that they're including different customizable genres I'm really stoked. 😀
D1P for sure.
I've started singing in my head: "Anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you…"
I can not wait to see what the LBP developers come up with for this game, just because I love when people from the LBP community produce a level that goes above and beyond what came included in the beginning. The sky's the limit folks, let's see what you creative types have got! lol
Can I make an RPG?
…and cart racers, shooters (top-down, side-scrollers), puzzlers, programmable sac-bots, cut-scene creation (with voice-overs and adjustable camera), the sky is the limit (or rather one's imagination).
MM sold me at customizable genres. To even further my desire it will boast backwards compatible capabilities.
This is the true meaning of being S.T.O.K.E.D (So tripped out kan't even describe). LOL
I knew this would be the case. MM isnt dumb enough to make a LBP2 and not have it backwards compatible. They new if they did this, it would be first priority.
All I can say is, this game is going to do what LBP did with the critics…
Its already Game of the Year! Im really excited for the new gadgets like the grappling hook.
how cool would it be if they allowed you to import the levels from LBP and play that linked with the sequels like a collections bundle.
oh, now that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is exactly what we(the people) wanted, this is how it should go, not friggin' Square Enix like, just listen to your people.
I now have nothing to hold against this game, and that's something I'm glad to say.
The trailer looks awesome btw, I lol'd at the last part, and the 2 million levels? they're all still there and they look better than even.
DAY 1 PURCHASE, even if I don't have cash at that time, I'll find some way to get it.
I'm here to tell you that your opinion… is correct 🙂
OMG! Great news! I can't wait! I can't even put together complete sentences!
Me and sackboy… that's how we roll!