Like I just got finished saying , more and more developers are beginning to start their projects on the PlayStation 3.
A great article over at NowGamer elaborates on this fact and included in the piece are a few comments from co-founder and CEO of BioWare, Ray Muzyka. The studio has said in the past that they wish to continue working on the PS3 (after debuting with Dragon Age: Origins last year) and Muyzka reinforced this desire by saying quite simply, they plan to "work more on it." Said Muzyka:
"Well, you know every platform has its pros and cons and they’re all challenging in different ways. The interesting thing about approaching a new platform like PlayStation is that it’s very powerful and it’s just different from anything else. You have to embrace that and make sure that you’re fully aware of the technology differences and make use of all the strengths of the platform.
I think it’s a huge opportunity with the pricing changes, now the platform is definitely on the upswing and there are some great games coming. We’re planning to work more on it. We haven’t announced any future projects, but I’d love to see more BioWare games launch on PS3."
Many journalists and analysts are expecting that the third Mass Effect will find its way to the PS3, so perhaps that's one of the projects BioWare currently has in the works. We know the sequel to Dragon Age: Origins is already scheduled to land in February 2011 and there will certainly be a PS3 version for that, but what else might BioWare offer…? It'll be interesting to find out.
"More power to the PS3 players"
Can you imagine Mass Effect 3 being PS3 exclusive??? Wait, no, it's… MICROSOFT WITH A TRUCK FULL OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS. Oh well, we'll have to wait till Mass Effect 4, maybe by then Microsoft will give up on timed exclusives
Last edited by hellish_devil on 5/7/2010 10:00:47 PM
That would never happen I would think 🙂
Mass Effect 3 on the PS3 would be fantastic. Mass Effect is my most wanted game series that is currently not on the PS3. I hope Bio does something about that in the future!!!
Woo! I have yet to be dissapointed by a Bioware game. Theyve been some of my favorite RPGs.
So how about bringing Mass Effect 1&2 over to the PS3?
BioWare wants to be PS3's bitch, and I'm cool with that.
It's fine if they want to "work more on it", but it remain to be seen what kind of games will they be making for PS3.
considering they finally gave me a RPG I could be proud to own in my collection this generation they are welcome to bring more games to the party.
I never played pc games before but I picked up Mass Effect 2 a few days ago since I don't have my ps3 with me on my travels. I loved DA:O on my ps3 and read the reviews for Mass Effect 2 and so far it's living up to expectations (I'm just adjusting to the Keyboard and Mouse controls though). I'm starting to regard Bioware as one of my favourite Devs and this is very cool news that we'll see more from these guys in the future on the ps3. Awesome Stuff!
so release mass effect 2, that would solve the problem no?
i really liked mass effect 2, ive been playing it this week and really enjoying it.
only thing bugging me and really bugging me, like almost completley destroying the game for me is everytime you have to start a mission you have to find out where it is with absolutely no info.
for example i was doing a level where i had to go to the cidedel so i went there, my journal told me i had to call a taxi to take me over to a area, so i go to my map and surprise surprise theres nothing telling me where the taxi stand was.
i honestly spent like a hour walking around trying to figure out where i had to go, than gave up went to the rapid transportation hubs and tried the first selection wondered around, second wondered around, till i got to the last and than finally i traveled where i was suppose to and got the cutscene.
why couldent the game say go to the rapid transportation hub and select the last option.
not hard, no?
i absolutely fu*king HATE! HATE! HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! it when games do that.
tell me what to do, but not how to do it.
you have to find the president of the united states.
where is he?
somewhere on planet earth.
THANKS REAL HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why do games have to do that?
nothing, and i mean NOTHING! pisses me off more than just spending half a hour walking around like a headless chook!
note to developers out there.
like the level in dead to rights retribution where you have to pick up and drag that guy through a million and one rooms, letting him down every time you enter a new room to kill all the enemies than tracking back to collect him.
honestly its like there trying to make the game as frustrating as humanly possible.
i thought games were suppose to be fun?
wondering around in circles trying to figure out where your suppose to go IS NOT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NERDRAGE!!!!!!!!!! CAPS!!!!!! <3
What's the fun in playing a game with a big arrow pointing in the direction where you are meant to go? I haven't played ME2, but I bet it was your fault for not using the information given to you properly.
I don't know what you're talking about, but I had no problems finding things in Mass Effect 2.
It seemed pretty straight forward to me, but then again I don't mind the exploration side of things and finding where things are and what things do.
a arrow pointing to your objective is much more enjoyable than running around in circles for half a hour.
so you like ME2, you find it enjoyable, but you HATE HATE HATE it?
they have medicine for bi-polar disorder, ______.
some parts i like and some parts i dont.
since when do you have to either like something or hate it?
there are many aspects to any game i hate the needless wondering around like a headless chook, but i enjoy the RPG elements, story, and combat.
there, that explanatory enough for ya or do i need to spell it out for ya?
maybe flashing neon lights will help?
MASS EFFECT is the best WRPJ I have ever played in my whole life
That is why the PS3 should have it!
I know, it will give me less incentive to replace my 360
Why not just get it on PC? Seriously, only 4 big games are 360 exclusive
1. Halo Reach
2. Gears of War 2 and 3
3. Crackdown 2 (if you count it as big)
4. Fable III
Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction and Halo 1 and 2 are all available on PC too, yet MS continues to market it as exclusive.
Unless you're a big fan of those 3 games listed (or if all your mates are on Xbox Live) there is no big reason to get a 360 anymore.
1. 360 is old tech.
2. 360 isn't taking chances with new IP's, or even new genres for that matter.
3. No blu-ray or 3D support (true 3D support, let's be real here)
4. Halo and Gears are the only TRUE console exclusives to 360, everything else is PC.
So tell me, what the hell are those guys at Gamestop saying about the PS3 to try and get people into the 360? Are they just lying and protecting themselves from the inevitable demise of MS in the console war?
1. God of War will NEVER EVER come to 360.
2. Insomniac may be making games multiplat now, but Ratchet and Clank is PS3 EXCLUSIVE, like Bungie and Halo with 360.
3. Blu-ray is dominating the HD market. Next to digital downloads, it remains kingpin of hi-def and only PS3 offers it.
4. Halo and Gears fans (along with those who won't give up their large 360 game library) will less likely change to PS3 unless Sony revamps their PSN to match Live and releases a Halo killer, which is sadly unlikely.
5. MS has made an Eyetoy ripoff which has already been tested and failed in the long run. Sony is bringing Wii-like controls to the PS3, making it the cheapest, most advanced and widest reaching console on the market. Move Sports HD could be good competition for Nintendo.
6. NO MORE WHINY 10 YEAR OLDS OVER THE MIC!!! Sony embraces the mature gamer, not the potty mouth kids with no parental supervision in MA rated games. However, this could change.
360 has Halo Reach, Gears 3, Fable 3, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2 and Natal.
PS3 has Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, FF XIV Online, The Last Guardian, Modnation Racers, Littlebig Planet 2, Demon's Souls, Killzone 3, Uncharted 3, Agent, Infamous 2, 3D support and motion controls.
PS3 also has all the big multiplats coming to it that are big on 360, like all the CODs, Red Dead Redemption, Assassin's Creed 3, Medal of Honor, Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2 (I know, it's got bad reviews).
So, still interested in getting that 360?
Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 5/9/2010 6:34:26 AM
Love Bioware. One of my favourite developers right now. They got Shooter RPG with a great story done the way it should.
Fallout 3 was great, but the characters seemed robotic and lifeless compared to Mass Effect 2.
Fellow PS3 users do need more Bioware action, missing out on Mass Effect 1 or 2 should be a crime. Pretty stoked for Mass Effect 3.
Your datapad tells you where you need to go and what you need to do, also by clicking the left or right stick leads you or brings up a MAP. There needs to be a bit of do it yourself on any game, it would actually take the fun out if the game always told you exactly where and what to do with every detail possible. I could understand that gripe but it just sounds like you don't pay attention enough to even know what your doing, seriously man. Take a Xanex or just go outside and take in some fresh air, your bad crack freak outs are not needed.
As I grew tired of the same animations and voices for all the characters in Fallout 3, I thought the dialogue was hilarious. Loved it.
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 5/8/2010 8:28:46 AM
no its not, im talking about the garrus side mission you have to do to earn his loyalty.
you have to go to the cidedel, go to the warehouse than once you get there a cut scene triggers.
once thats done your journal is updated and tells you to catch a taxi to place X but does not tell you where the taxi stand is.
how am i suppose to know where the taxi stand is?
it would be ok if you were in a small area that would take 5 minutes to fully explore, but the cidedel takes a little more than 30 minutes to fully explore.
i hate it when games force you to just walk around to discover things.
i like being able to finish the game, than go back and do some sight seeing once im finished it.
a game that forces me to just spend a hour walking around so i know where everything is, just so my map can be updated to me is a game going in the bin.
sorry, but i got better things to do than walk around for a hour, thats not exactly what i call entertaining!
Doesn't it tell you to go to the factory district. The area which is on the rapid transport list but up until this point has been unselectable?
I can understand where your are coming from man, but a keen person would notice on the map, that it shows the location of the Taxi Stand. You have the choice to see and explore everything before the suicide mission, which is exactly what I did. Explored, upgraded, and obtained hundreds of head-shots. A very well 20 hour time span spent. The game forces you to think in squad combat, explore, save the day, and have a blast doing it.
no it does not, im staring at it now.
there is no taxi stand, you have to go to the rapid transfer hub and select the last option.
but NOTHING! told me that, i had to just stumble upon it.
See my answer higher up. It says to go to the factory district which is on the rapid transport list right from when you first ever use it.
When you look at the caliber of games that Bioware has put out during it's existence, you can just tell that they love a good challenge. So to hear that they want to embrace the PS3 and it's power is not surprising.
Rather than blaming the PS3 for being different, they see it as a challenge. A challenge they must "embrace" in order to "make use of all the strengths."
For this I applaud them and for this, I buy their games on day one.
they should release baldur's gate over PSN. a classic that is no longer compatible with my PC, i'd love to play it again.
So long as Multiplats are developed from the ground up on both platforms. No more unjust ports. Do it right devs.
Bioware if you wanna be the 'Toruk Makto' of video gaming then you have to tame its Toruk. That will be the PS3.
Also Dragon Age is one of the few multi-platform games that actually looked better than the 360 version.