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Rumor: PlayStation Move To Be Much Cheaper Than Expected?

Initial price points for new technologies are always key.

When the PlayStation Move was officially unveiled, a few nasty rumors went along with it concerning the possible investment required to partake of this new fancy motion-sensing system. Some said it might cost as much as $99 when it releases this fall, which in our eyes would be ridiculous and likely dissuade a great many consumers. But a new rumor has arisen and this one is far more encouraging: according to TheSixthAxis citing a recent article in The Sun, Move will be sold in Europe for the more attractive price of "about £45." Considering the conversion to US dollars, it would be a bit more here; perhaps $59.99 or something like that. Now, obviously, we have no reason to believe the source in question has any inside info directly from Sony, and there's no indication that this is official in any way. But at least it's a news tidbit that makes us feel a little better about the possibility of Move selling well later this year. Sure, the EyePet is cute and all, but a family's budget can be tighter than a bachelor's, and…well, a hundred bucks would be just plain silly, right?

Let's hope it really is more like $50 or $60 because that seems more reasonable. We have to remember the target audience for this kind of technology; the average age of the Wii purchaser and the relative price of the Wii. Fans aren't used to motion sensing being an expensive endeavor, regardless of how advanced it might be.

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14 years ago

hmm sorry ben i dont know how you get 34.99 from 45 pound, since sterling is more than the dollar, wouldnt it be more likely move will be around 59.99 if its 45 pound in england?

14 years ago

The actual conversation rate will be around $65, but I think Ben is referring to the usual converted price. It is always cheaper in US compared to UK.

14 years ago

lol isit? funny a ps3 cost 299 in the us, yet 250 in the uk. and yh i just guessed 59.99.

14 years ago

and didnt they annouce the 99.99 price a few months back at that event where they showed off most of the games and gave unveiled the proper name for it?

14 years ago


it's not cheaper than the UK, it's usually comparable to Euros.

i always order from UK cause i get ripped off in euros

299euros for a ps3 compared to 299 dolars is a lot.

games are released at 59 or 69 euros while the uk releases them at 39/49 pounds

14 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, at least the hardware has always been more expensive. A 120gig slim in the States retails at 300USD (roughly 203 BP), but over the pond, it's priced at 300BP (or roughly 441USD). I don't even want to know how much the launch models costed.

14 years ago

you are mistaken, the 120 slim has never been 300 pounds, it has always been 250, point being, likewise for games, your 60 bucks game costs 40 pounds here, therefore if the move is going to cost 45 pounds it would cost more than 45 pounds not less than.

14 years ago

Well you would think that they would do some big bundle that came with a game, $40 seems low for what I'm thinking considering the eye cost $40 by itself.

14 years ago

Sad how companies NEED to cater to casuals now…

All that money could've been used on a FFVII remake (though I hate the idea of a FFVII remake). It would've been better than this.

Or on Legend of Dragoon 2

Or something like ps2 BC for new ps3s, etc.

I blame Nintendo and Microsoft.
But at the root of it all, Microsoft's the one to blame

If they hadn't gotten in the way, Nintendo probably wouldn't have chosen the cheap/casual way out. And this MOVE/Natal/Wii thing could have been avoided

I just hope Microsoft gets crushed in the next generation of consoles. They're steering v-games into the pathetic movie industry we see today

The price seems alright

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/7/2010 11:08:13 AM

14 years ago

well microsoft isn't all to blame, just look at all the casual gaming garbage that apple cranks out every year for their products

14 years ago

It isn't like you need to buy it.
And they don't NEED to cater to casuals.. it just makes them boatloads of money. Money they can use for all the lovely things you mentioned. Win-Win I say.

14 years ago

There's nothing wrong with giving the consumer more choices. As of right now its obvious Sony doesn't intend to ditch its hardcore gaming community. It's just trying to get a piece of the pie and we all benefit from it.

As long as Sony doesn't do what Nintendo did and lose focus on what they are best at then the Move should only mean good things to gamers casual and hardcore alike.

14 years ago

You don't like the idea of them making motion controls for the PS3 because you don't like it and would have preferred they do a FFVII remake that you don't like either?

Alright… I see where you're going with this…

14 years ago

Not to correct you Ben, but 45 english pounds equals almost $70 ($68.09), not $35. At least according to my handy dandy conversion app.

14 years ago

As long as the price is below $40, I'll consider buying it.

14 years ago

Well first, like some already have said, the conversion is more like $68. Other than that, I honestly think $40 is too cheap, considering a DS3 controller is at the $50 range and the Ps eye about $30-40$ now.

Other than that, the $99 package does include the PS eye (and some games I think?..don't remember exactly), so it might make sense for it to be that much. If not maybe 70$-$80, but certainly not $40.

14 years ago

Is it just me, or is PSXe cranking out the articles much earlier than usual? Or maybe because daylight time is becoming longer?

14 years ago

Awesome, I am anxious to try out The Move, cheaper would be very nice. Great incentive with great titles and a price would get the skeptics on board for this.

14 years ago

about 0 bucks would make it more mainstream and appeal to the general public. 99 bucks is a lil steep. i'm sure they will bundle it also

14 years ago

so, does this mean they'll lower the price of their dual shock 3 controller to keep it in the same ballpark as the move controller? i would think the tech in the move would be more expensive than the tech in the DS3…

14 years ago

yeah, ds3 are expensive!!!!

14 years ago

I seriously doubt Sony will make another mistake with the price of something related to the PS3. Especially in weaker global economy.

14 years ago

It's either going to be $49.99 or $74.99 here based on that UK price. If they stick tot he old policy of basically using the same number but changing the currency, then if move is 45 quid in the UK it'll more than like be in the $50 region in the US, or if they do an actually currency conversion, it'll be in the region of $75.

14 years ago

a regular ds3 cost 50.00 usd, move will b on par whit that

14 years ago

Is the move supposed to be bundled with the eye, cuz I already got one. Don't need another.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Sorry, it's my fault. I had it backwards. The conversion rate is the other way, so it'd probably be around $60 here.

Article fixed.

14 years ago

I'll get PS Move either way so it doesn't really matter to me.

14 years ago

That $99 bucks was the whole set, which includes camera, game, and Move. Why is everyone so happy when its $60? That less than $100 bundle probably has camera, move and eyepet ($40 game).

I think the price is going to be:

$99: Camera + Move + Eyepet
$59: Camera + Move
$59: Navigation Controller + Move

14 years ago

Why do you write "sold in Europe" when the price is said only in pounds? It isn't like the whole continent of Europe uses the pound, only GB does.
The majority of Europe uses the euro. It sometimes seems that some Americans think GB is the only country in Europe worth considering.

14 years ago

With the fiasco over the pricing of the PS3 at launch, and even more recently over the unappealing cost of the PSP Go, I would hope Sony has learned some valuable lessons in their item launch prices.

14 years ago

What ever it costs I'm still getting it. I agree it shouldn't cost too much. Shouldn't be more then the Wiimote set up. Those run about $50 bucks for the Wiimote and the Motion plus adapter. Then you have to spend another 20 for a nunchuck. Sony should bundle all 3 pieces, the Camera, the Move and the Navigator for $99.99. I'd buy it on day one.

I'm looking forward to what Sony can do with their new motion controls. I know a lot of you dislike the Wii but some of the games on their are great. RE4 Wii Edition is one of the best ports on the console. The Metroid Prime Trilogy also has great controls and i even enjoyed them in Twilight Princess.

Socom 4 looks more interesting to me now because of the Move. If Sony manages to do what Nintendo did with shooters but better then it should be a good day for anyone who is at least interested in the idea of the Move.

14 years ago

The $99 is going to get you a camera, the move, and a game.

The $59 will probably only get you the Move.

Either way, I am getting two Move and Two SubContoller (Navigators) on day one. With at least two to three games.

14 years ago

Besides all the epic games, there's another reason I just love Playstation. It's because of games like EyePet and Afrika. Really unique stuff there. I know the Wii has Endless Ocean which I really like but it suffers in the graphics department. To have nice sweet HD graphics, using the Move to do all kinds of different things in games is going to be fun.

I'm no at all interested in Move Boxing or Move Tennis, but Afrika with Move compatibility? That'd be cool. Actually having to hold the "camera" steady to take the shot? I like the idea of playing games like that.

Anyways, what was the article about? The price? Bah! You know we're all going to buy it no matter what.

14 years ago

I thought Afrika wasn't very good?



14 years ago

"Now, obviously, we have no reason to believe the source in question has any inside info directly from Sony, and there's no indication that this is official in any way. But at least it's a news…"

Do you really consider a "rumor" to be "news"?

14 years ago

IIRC, wasn't it announced as a starter pack being $100? It came with the PS Move and a game and I believe something else. I may be mistaken, but wasn't that what they said before?

14 years ago

I just figured they would do the same thing that they did when they releases the PSEye and the PS Blutooth headset…bundle it with a game and sell it for just over the price of the game to get it out there. Although I guess the Eye of Judgment and Socom:Confrontation bundles didn't really sell all that well….

If they bundled the Move with say Socom 4 for 80 bucks..I'd buy it, other than that, I don't know if I'm going to go out of my way to pay for it seperately on it's own. Sony you're going to have to give me a little more incentive to get on the Move.

Last edited by CH1N00K on 5/7/2010 4:28:56 PM

14 years ago

Considering that the wii plus and nunchuck cost $70 I am betting the move will start out like this.

A starter bundle: 1 camera, 2 moves, 1 chuck 99.99

a normal bundle: 1 move, 1 chuck, 59.99

Sold seperately: 1 move 39.99, 1 chuck 19.99

Thats my bet, then 1 set of move and chuck would cost a little more than a ds3, but less than a wii set. However this would also allow you to only get the pieces that you need at a reasonable price. I say reasonable compared to other controller costs.

I would be fine with that, would just do what I normally do, buy enough to start off and then get more as the money becomes available.

14 years ago

Sony already showed a pricing schedule months ago, so I don't see them changing their minds anytime soon(unless it's just some kind of pre-sales quickie).

If they have NOT changed their minds on the pricing, justgo digging about 2-3 months back into the archives here, and all of the 3 different pricing bundles are right there where I posted them then.

14 years ago

Honestly, at the moment, I am not overly interested in the Move. I may become more intrigued once I see more when banded about at E3. Hopefully Sony will have some impressive stuff to show!



14 years ago

I'm old school, I don't really care for the whole motion movement thing but I support Sony so maybe I will check it out.

14 years ago

This article is lame, you all are lame. 45 euros or even 45 pounds is relatively double in USD. Which would make the "under $100 dollars" just about right for the move. $100 bucks for a new controller, a game, and a PS3 eye ball sounds just right. Y'all forgetting how much a freakin' Shock 3 controller costs? Yeah I'm saying just ONE.

Move all the way, people have money and kids love new shit. Simple as that.

14 years ago

i dont know about you but controller + eye + game = 100 USD is certainly not cheap to me!
and you know what sonys like, 100USD to them = 250 AUD so………………………………..
if sony think im paying more than 150AUD for 1 move controller + one sub controller + one playstation eye + one game than there got another thing coming!
they have to remember the wii is only 300 bucks here and that comes with 4 games 3 controllers 2 nunchucks a recharge station and a few other accessories.
and thats now, come end of the year when move releases it will probably be even cheaper than that!

Last edited by ___________ on 5/8/2010 3:16:55 AM

The Stig
The Stig
14 years ago

Sony product @ 45GBP in UK = $45 in US

14 years ago

As long as it's under 100CDN I'm happy with that. plus the eyepet is coming soon as well my son is looking forward to that and I am to I can dust off the camera now LOL.

14 years ago

lol, sold in europe for £45.. u mean britain since its the only place in europe that used the pound. 😛 meh