Medal of Honor will embark on the controversial war on terror in October and if you want an early glimpse, you'll want a spot in the upcoming beta test.
ThatVideoGameBlog spotted the information at the tail end of EA's recent "Leave a Message" trailer for the game. When it's over, the video says, "pre-order now, beta coming soon," which of course is pretty darn vague in terms of a time estimate but at least it's a confirmation. Now, one tidbit of interest is that this may only pertain to US gamers; the UK version of that same trailer did not feature that information, so European shooter aficionados may be left out in the cold. But anyway, we really want a shot at this beta; Medal of Honor really could represent the fantastic rejuvenation of a failing franchise, and they've got the right people involved. EALA is more than competent to generate an engaging, intense single-player experience and with DICE handling the multiplayer aspects, how can you go wrong? We don't expect the beta to be as popular as something like Halo: Reach , of course, but there's no doubt that EA is pulling out all the stops. For now, all we know is that more details will be headed our way "this summer."
In all honesty, I'm more interested in this (and Rage ) than I am in Call of Duty: Black Ops . So sue me.
Related Game(s): Medal of Honor
SM players just can't get no love!
Typo in my post above…..
should have said SP mode, & not MS players
You drinking tonight?
Wow. For a second there, you had me thinking you were talking about having a hard time finding love during S&M. I thought you were doing it all wrong.
Agreed! This game is by far the most interesting of the 2. I can not wait to get my hands on the beta. As for Rage,Its up in the air. I have a bad feeling on all ports from the 360. They just disappointing.
I agree… I think we are in for a treat with this Medal game… looking forward to having a go with the Beta!
No, but I wish I had.
Just had a overall rotten day today, & had my mind on having lost $700 worth of gaming money that I had to piss away today, just to get my truck towed & fixed when my fuel pump went(inside the tank).
Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/7/2010 12:27:41 AM
Once again Rage is not being ported to ps3. Was built from the ground up for all 3 systems.
I'll never pre-order a game just to get a mp beta, but I am very interested in this game. I just hope they've got the mp right. The game sounds quite realistic which is neat, but often detracts from the fun.
Last edited by Alienange on 5/6/2010 11:04:13 PM
Just cancel the pre-order after trying out the beta? It's only $5 to do that.
I too am more interested in this game than i am Call of Duty
I am very interested in MOH but I have always loved the the previous MOH games, not a fan of COD games i find them overated.
i just hope its not an exclusive preorder deal with gamestop again like killzone 2. i'm done dealing with those douchebags.
I hope EA brings something new to the table with this. It would be a bit disappointing if it ended up being a cheap "me too" clone.
I just hope it's different from all the other same ol same ol fps'. It has my interest but we've got a long way to go before my mind is made up.
this is news?
soon could mean anything, im sure everyone definition of soon is different.
GT5 will release soon also, lets set the internet ablaze with that.
anyway, it will be interesting to see what DICE do with this.
will they have it play similarly to BFBC2 or will they go onto a more traditional route?
who cares!?
the only thing i want to hear from DICE is confirmation that there working on mirrors edge 2!
i love that game, its soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun! despite its million and one flaws, bugs and such its still one of the funnest games out there!
kinda like just cause 2 really, it may be messed up but its the most fun you will get out of a video game in a long time!
For once I can agree with you, I am anticipating Mirrors Edge 2, I am hoping E3 will bring some much needed info into the lime-light. I loved ME1 as well.
DICE said it will be nothing like Bad Co. 2's MP. As I am interested in the MP aspect of MOH, I wouldn't mind trying the beta. DICE knows MP and has proved it over a span of many years. Anything but COD and I am fine with it. I'll probably eat those words when the Nam Zombies comes out though haha.
I agree with Robochic, COD is overrated.
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 5/7/2010 11:25:26 AM
LOl EA is with Ps3 while others are mostly with xbox 360.
Well really a beta shouldve have been seen but you know this BETA COULD BE AWESOME! And if its comin to the PS3 First….ILL BE LIKE HAPPY =)..IF the beta dosent suck of course but it is DICE…