Looks like we're already gearing up for another insane fall. 'sigh' …not sure I can handle it, but it's always fun.
We knew Ubisoft was working on the third Assassin's Creed installment; they gave us a hint at the next title a few months back and mentioned that it would feature an online multiplayer mode. Then we heard about a new registered domain for a game called "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood," which some viewed as a possible follow-up to Bloodlines for the PSP. But as evidenced by leaked retailer information courtesy of Kotaku , it appears that Brotherhood is in fact the next major entry for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The promotional info reads:
"Live and breathe as Ezio, now a legendary master assassin, in his struggle against the Templar order. Lead your own brotherhood of assassins and strike at the heart of the enemy, Rome."
The multiplayer aspect of the game is once again mentioned and further reveals a release window: this fall. If you wish to pre-order with GameStop, you'll net yourself an "exclusive multiplayer character," so that might be worth your deposit. Lastly, besides Ezio, we see the picture of a female assassin in the background so perhaps that's a major storyline character. Being big fans of last year's Assassin's Creed II , we just can't wait for this one…provided there isn't an over-emphasis on multiplayer that sacrifices single-player goodness.
Does this game really need multiplayer, I mean Bioshock 2 was a great game but the multiplayer seem tacked on and unnecessary.
Last edited by BlackBriar on 5/5/2010 9:48:19 PM
if the multiplayer is anything like splinter cell double agent i'll be more than ecstatic
Holy crap another entry already? That's faster than CoD.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/5/2010 9:47:16 PM
I Know is the series going to be like CoD or Left 4 Dead, a yearly entry?
I like Assassin's Creed SLIGHTLY more than Uncharted (gameplay more my cup-o-tea) and I want to play the 3rd BADLY but ALREADY? 1 year later? that's too soon in my book, I'd rather wait 2 years just to be safe. I don't know if this is a good idea personally. I'm already nervous they're gonna sludge the single player by focusing time on the MP (hope to god I'm WRONG). I'm just praying they go the Uncharted 2 route and just toss in a so so mp mode and keep priority focused on single player. We ALL know how bad ass U2's single player was. Here's hoping.
I hear ya completely. A new title less than a year after the last one… It's just too fast! A new title is supposed to take a long time in the making, with an upgraded gfx engine and developed game engine… This release can't be more than a new story slapped on the current engine.
Theyve improved over AC1 so much with AC2 that i don't think they need to improve the engine, it's perfect for me. The story yes that's obvious.
i just don't want ubisoft pulling a microsoft or activision move- slap it together and quickly release it shafting us fans while they bathe in our hard earned money.
Wow this is quick; but I will get it on day one. At least now I have a game I can look forward to geting this year.
That was fast…
That's what she said…with a frown.
lol lol lol lol
Let's hope they don't try & pull another of those 2 locked chapters deals on us to give us as DLC later, cause that's just total bullsh!t, and sticking it to all of their A.C. fanbase.
this is what happens when a game is multiplat on a console with HUGE storage medium and a console with handicapped storage medium. It wasn't like this last gen. funny part is i remember hearing "we don't NEED bluray for gaming, it's not much of an improvment"
lol kids
A yearly entry now?
The future looks bleak for the AC franchise……
Well this is good news indeed. If you like AC, why wouldn't you want more of it? I say gimme.
I'd be worried about Uncharted if 3 came this quickly.
CoD syndrome.
Has it ever occurred to you guys that maybe, just maybe Ubisoft has enough employees to put out another game in the series this quickly? What's the problem with that? You think good gaming needs to be accompanied with a three year wait?
So is this the third installment or will there be a AC III later on? Will this be more like an AC 2.5?
Either way, Love the AC series and unless they screw this one up royally, this is a D1P for me….
I'm also wondering though where there seems to be a emphasis on other characters and multiplayer, could this actually be kind of what Socom did? Could Brotherhood be an online only experience like Confrontation?
With Ezio leading the way, I just get the feeling that this might have been the online experience that they wanted to tag onto ACII but never had it ready for launch. Now they are going to release an online only experience to tie us all over until ACIII is ready in another years time.
I don't know, what do you guys think? It would suck if they didn't do a single player campaign in the new game, but I agree with what some of you are saying, it's too soon for another full-fledged AC already.
Last edited by CH1N00K on 5/5/2010 10:46:04 PM
I think the multiplayer is a great idea. This only works well when you can't play as Ezio. If everyone dresses up like a regular civilian, and your objective is to go across the crowd to obtain achieve the goal, then it'll be scary to know one of those civilian is an assassin.
The combat would suck though. There's no way to work the counter system on a multiplayer.
Oh and Ben I think you've got a bit of a typo there, you said that "it appears that Bloodlines is in fact the next major entry for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC."
Shouldn't that be Brotherhood? Bloodlines is the PSP game right?
Ben says he doesn't drink, but we know the truth 🙂
lol, if it had of been me I probably would have done the same…It's almost like the Ubisoft crew were only on the letter B in the dictionary when they named these games… hmm..okay this one is called AC Bloodlines…this one is called AC Brotherhood, Let's call the next one AC:Bisexual Assassin! ( We put the two Asses in Assassin…)
Yes, yes, it's fixed.
I hope I'm wrong but to me this brotherhood version seems to be a 'trial' title to test out the MP and hence will probably have a sub par SP mode.
AC3 WILL be out and that will be the true sequel with a good SP campaign. The only thing brotherhood is there for is to warrant a MP mode in AC3.
It's true that Ubisoft don't need to make a whole game JUST to test the multiplayer but AC is a multi-million selling franchise so it will sell millions, again, so it's justified. Who knows, if the MP mode is good then AC3 would just be AWESOME considering the changes that would be made. If this comes out within a year, it surely won't achieve the critically acclaimed status that AC2 has.
Just a thought! 🙂
I read an article (i think it was on Digital Foundry) that they didn't have time to polish the second one and they are already planning to release another one.
Seems like there are gonna be a lot of screen tearing again.
Did you play AC2? Screen tearing is near non existent.
You are joking right?
I'm starting to sound a broken record on here but bring it on!
I'm sure this is just a way to make easy money, reskin a few things here and there, blammo. Then they can afford to make ACIII with an all new assassin.
I don't think it'll be so they can afford ACIII. Pretty sure that's already in the bag as far as money goes. My guess is this'll cover the cost of the PoP epic fail we're about to witness.
I love Assassin's Creed I & II and I've already played and beaten all II's DLCs, but I am not so sure about this Botherhood. I need more details, and I don't really care about multiplayers
if this games as good as AC2, more polished and has half the depth and thought put into the story than i cant wait!
but i dunno it just feels to me that ubisoft are just pushing these out as a cash cow.
i swear to god if they do to this what they did to prince of persia i will string them up by their own entrails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'm gonna have to go read Ben's review for ac2, because he seems to love it and a lot of you guys seem to be excited over this.
Personally hated the first one so much I didn't even glance at the second one. 1 hour into the first one and I was bored out of my mind, 2 hours in and nothing new had happened. Now I'm wondering what makes the second one so good.
im the opposite to you. I have the second one but feel the same way. Scale a building to unlock a map area.fall.foam,rinse repeat. Assassinate.
i feel there is just way too much repetition in this game and heard the first one is worse. I finished it but i wouldn't reccomend it. The controls and camera views can be extremely painful and frustrating at times imo.
Definitely check it out, ACII was miles above ACI They did a way better job and way more entertaining…that being said I enjoyed ACI as well..
ACII is as repetitive as any free roaming open world game. It's just done really really well. Especially in comparison to the first one. Of course I loved the first one so…
so you either hate it or love it. 🙂
to me saying assassin's creed is repetitive is like saying god of war is repetitive- square square triangle, square square triangle over and over and over, or saying Uncharted is repetitive- shoot, climb, shoot, climb, shoot, climb 🙂
And before u start freaking out, I'm not knocking any of these games I mentioned as for me personally they are the BEST games I've played this gen.
This is a big risk Ubisoft are making…maybe they need Jade Raymond to give them a massage to help ease the tension of having this installment out in time for the xmas crush. I think they can pull it off, Valve proved this releasing L4D2 a year after L4D despite having a bunch of boycotters behaving like gimps. The result was L4D2 bettered it's predecessor & big hungry Gabe got the last laughing burp. So ACIII this year isn't entirely a suicide mission destined for fail. A big risk? Sure, impossible to pull? Hell no! Bring the creed this year & me and the rest of you lot it seems will be grinning from ear to ear 😉
i'm gonna assume that ubisoft had a team working on ACIII in parallel with ACII for quite some time, and that as a result the third entry will be superb.
cuz otherwise i'll go crazy. AC is too good to let fall in the Activision release cycle.
Last edited by LightShow on 5/6/2010 6:45:56 AM
So, what if the game is based off the same engine? As long at the game is good and you can do more things than you could before, then why complain? If a game company made a brand new engine for every game they made, that would just use up so much time and money and they wouldn't, eventually, be able to make any more fresh ideas for the next generations of gaming to come. Besides, can't be based on the same game engine if it's got online multiplayer added, right?
Gosh i better get around to Assassins Creed II sooner than i planned, good news though 🙂
So I went and read Ben's review for AC2 and I gotta say I'm not convinced. Ben loved the first one and to each his own, but the combat on the first one was just hitting the square button until the game decided to stop countering and killed the guy. There was no skill in a sword fight, just hit square until you win.
As for the repetitiveness, it wasn't even the fact that it was the same mission over and over, but that every tower you climbed was exactly the same. All the handholds were in the exact same place, you climbed them exactly the same way every time and then did the exact same jump to get down.
After reading the review ac2 sounds like more of the same, 1 button combat, repetitiveness galore. I know a lot of you love it, but I'm sorry I just don't get it. It's pretty, but it's a third person action/stealth game that has no action or stealth.
Maybe one day I'll borrow the second one from a friend and see if somehow the 1 button combat is somehow better.
as far as repetitive swordfights go…
i think this was an elaborate deterrent from conventional warfare by the developers, encouraging (by use of making us hate swordfighting) the stealthy "sneak up behind two guys and knife em both, then take care of the last one" approach.
not only does it look cooler, but its easy to make stealth kills varied. slightly more difficult to engineer good fencing.
Haven't even played the second one yet ('-')
This could just be a multiplayer only game, or just like a back story of Ezio's life… Because didn't it say in AC2 that the next one would be in present time or 2012?…
Goodness, another Assassin's Creed? I've yet to play the first two. I have to play these puppies but for some reason I don't care for them. It just reminds me of Prince of Persia and how I never cared for that franchise either. Eh, lol.