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Bungie Possibly Working On A Deep RPG Experience?

So now that Bungie and Activision have signed their deal, everyone is interested to see what the first "Bungivision" game will be.

Thus far, we've only heard a very vague statement from Sony, implying that it's a "new action IP," and we do know that Bungie isn't planning to do any more Halo titles. But perhaps we can learn a bit more from the developer's job listings , which everyone has been watching very closely since the aforementioned announcement. Perhaps the first bit of information we can glean from those new openings is that the storyline in this mystery project will be more complex and robust than what we saw in the Halo franchise. The studio is looking for a lead writer to help design their "game universe" and they'll give the nod to someone who boasts "branching or nonlinear narrative experience." The "branching" part sort of implies something deeper; all the Halo games featured linear plots (with the exception of some flashbacks in last year's ODST ). Lastly, let's not forget about that Player Investment Designer who will be tasked with providing players with a virtual experience "with real value and consequence." It goes on to say we'll have "long-term goals" during the game, and that we'll dive into deeper character development.

Okaaaay, so might this be an action/RPG; perhaps something along the lines of Mass Effect ? Or might we be looking at a first-person RPG like Fallout ? It'll be very interesting to see…

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14 years ago

Oh, i got it!

The Halo Effect


14 years ago

Yes, I'm aware it's not the funniest of jokes! lol

14 years ago

If it's still walking with a screen and gun a on the side, no thank you

14 years ago

Could be interesting.

I do find Halo much more fun to play online than COD. At least you don't die with one bullet before you get a fighting chance to shoot back at your opponent.

An RPG style Halo type game could be awesome. And the fact that it's on PS3 now could sway Bungie to try a PS3 exclusive on the world's most powerful console.

14 years ago

I just read another article on this too,

Bungie’s revealed that their new intellectual property to be published by Activision is set in “a brand-new action game universe” that’s “definitely not revisiting anything from [Bungie's] past.”

14 years ago

BTW, here's a funny take on the new Bungie/Anti-vision deal from the Hitler series….

Hitler Reacts to the Bungie Activision Deal

(Warning: A bit of profanity included)

14 years ago

It's gonna be interesting to see what is finally announced. Hopefully it lives up to their past and they don't end up like Rare.

14 years ago

Bungie compete with Bioware and Bethesda in the RPG department? I would certainly hope not. I mean, first of all, that would mean their game is about three years out and second, it's going to be murdered by whatever those RPG big boys put out at that time.

14 years ago

Interesting comment. So what you're basically saying is that as long as Bioware and Bethesda keep doing their thing they got the whole RPG department covered?

14 years ago

He is saying Bungie should do what they do best. He salutes their passion, but is afraid their best effort will not be able to hold a candle to others who have a lot more experience doing what Bungie would be attempting for the first time.

So to give you a comparison to understand what Alienange is saying, it would be sort of like a President who has never had experience running a business or a State government for that matter, is now running the country. He should have stuck to doing what he did well, community organizing. So in that sense, I completely agree with Alienange.

14 years ago

Although considering the length of halo SP campaigns, this lengthy, deep, game could be all of 12-20 hours long. I still won't be holding my breath, I've grown a little disillusioned with companies claiming to stop making shooters and making something great. They always seem to fall short of anything grand.

I will watch with a wary eye.

14 years ago

I'm already tired of the title "bungivision", we don't call blizzard blizzavision and we don't call dice dicetronic arts. So why are all these sites suddently calling bungi, which is an independent studio bungivision

14 years ago

actually a lot of people do call it Blizzvision, the blizzard side of the corp., LOL. (but they are one company at least, not a random studio like bundie+activ)

14 years ago

Bungie do a RPG?! I can't dismiss any possibilities with those guys at this point.

As long as the new game doesn't have anything resembling those annoying triangular aliens from Halo that sounded like little Jawa wannabes. I almost felt bad shooting those infantile critters…..Almost.

14 years ago

The more I hear about Bungie doing something besides Halo, the more excited I get. Simply because I want to see if they are a one trick pony.

14 years ago

I dont think we'd be reading anything about Bungie if they had released Halo as another RTS game as originally intended, I hate to say it but M$ was the best thing that happened to these guys. We'll see their true talent when they release this mysterious possible "Action/RPG" IMO they still have to earn some respect with something that doesnt say Halo on the box. I hope this games awesome I'm a huge fanboy of awesome games I really dont care who makes them as long as they're fun to play. Just dont gimp the ps3 version with uncurable vampirism diseases *cough* Oblivion *cough*

14 years ago

ahhhhh, i dont think so!
bungie making a RPG is as likely as i dunno, maybe SEGA making a decent game this gen!?
ill eat my hat if bungies next game is a RPG.
just does not suit there style.

14 years ago

could be interrsting 🙂

I've been on the Halo Reach BETA with my flatmate, i was never into Halo much before it but i love the new game! the ability to go airborne is a fantastic addition. I feel like a cop on Minority Report 😀

14 years ago

now lets hope Square-soft anncounce they are also doing an RPG, not an action/sh*t game 😉

14 years ago

sounds reminiscent of what IW wanted to do… and what Activision wouldnt let them do.

does anyone else find it odd that arguably the two biggest names in FPS are, by all rumored accounts, branching out? it could all be bogus, but something tells me that it gets boring on the top of the stack.

14 years ago

If it's got guns, stupid looking bulky armor, and it's first person, it wont matter if it's an Action RPG. It will just be the same sh** regurgetated. I'm sure if anything good comes out of it, it will be ideas from Activision rather than the Bungie side of this collaboration.

14 years ago

Its FFVII Remake. I know it.

14 years ago


Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Whatever Bungie ends up doing, rest assure Activision will be pumping out annual sequels for the rest of eternity.

14 years ago

At least for the next ten years.

14 years ago

I know I'm in the minority here but I really enjoy the Halo games. I don't think they are the life-changing, soul-saving, sacred programs some Xbots claim them to be, but I really like screwing around with friends online in the Halo universe. I like the human tech stuff, and the aliens, while purple and stupid, keep things from getting too heavy. It's a fun romp through space, which is just great as far as I'm concerned. I'm very interested to see what this new, apparently very ambitious project turns out to be. If — and I know it's a big if — Activision doesn't suck the life out of the series, I'm really hopeful Bungie's next project is going to be something really fun.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
14 years ago

I'm with you there, telly. I love me some Halo multiplayer. Getting 15 friends, 4 TVs, 4 Xboxes, and all of the LAN stuff needed for a day-long MP romp in the Halo universe was always a good time.

I'd be interested to see what kind of game Bungie does. I've been a fan of theirs since Marathon on the Mac gave me and my coworkers break-time fun in the office many years ago.

Last edited by SirLoin of Beef on 5/6/2010 9:00:58 AM

14 years ago

I got into Halo 3 when it 1st launched and had some really fun times o line playing the 4 player co-op with some ppl from this site actually. U know who u are, lol.

14 years ago

Bungie mastered the FPS genre but i can't see an attempt at RPG going too well. But who knows? Master Chief ditching the warthog for a chocobo?

It's good for developers to tread new unfamiliar territories but this may be going abit far & could possibly dent Bungie's record if they were to release a dud.

Whatever the outcome. This is something i will be paying alot of attention too. What a great risk if it eventuates.

14 years ago

I really hope it wont be another stupid KOTOR clone like mass effect. I may have thoroughly enjoyed Dragon Age Origins, but it killed me to know that it was almost identical to KOTOR. I want to see an ACTION RPG with a good battle system like Baulders Gate Dark Alliance 2.

14 years ago

So more like a dungeon crawler then? I really liked the ones back in the PS2 days, Baulder's Gate, the Champions series. Hell even Summoner and Summoner 2 were great.

14 years ago

No, not like a dungeon crawler. I just mean the battle system from BG: DA2. With a bit of refinement Ido believe a game like that could be a just what this gen needs in terms of action rpgs.

14 years ago

i hope it's a 2nd person RPG.

14 years ago

So you'd be controlling the main character through the villains eyes? That'd be pretty difficult from a gameplay perspective 🙂

Last edited by convergecrew on 5/5/2010 12:53:57 AM

14 years ago

I'll be that writer!

Seriously, I have it all planned out.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago

I think the real question is: are they still loyal to the 360? Or have they decided to join the black side? 😀

14 years ago

It looks to be a multiplat release what with the Sony reps getting all excited, but who knows if they will do some of that timed exclusive dlc BS for the 360.

14 years ago

Well Halo was originally suppose to be an RTS game. I don't believe Bungie is a stranger to RPG styled games, so should be interesting to see what they come up with.