Some publishers just know how to treat their fans.
Aksys Games has announced that BlazBlue: Continuum Shift will be "shifting" to consoles this fall. If you enjoyed the excellent Calamity Trigger , you'll probably want to sign on for the PS3 or Xbox 360 version of Continuum , which will boast new gameplay modes, the option to create your own army in Legion Mode, plus brand new characters, stages, soundtracks and moves. New 3D effects mix in with the brilliant 2D visuals and you can battle your friends or go online and challenge both domestic and overseas players. But if you really want to get into it, you've gotta nab the Limited Tournament Edition; the combined effort of Aksys and Mad Catz that features an arcade joystick!
"Style and comfort reign supreme in this authentic arcade experience featuring Japanese-style joystick & buttons, multi-speed turbo functionality and officially-licensed artwork portraying your favorite characters. Using the exact Sanwa joystick and 30mm buttons found in arcade machines, along with realistic spacing and an eight-button layout, the BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Tournament Edition brings the arcade experience right into your lap. The Tournament Edition is the perfect weapon to bring your fighting skills and level of gaming enjoyment to new heights. Inferno Divider!"
But Aksys will only sell 1,500 of these special editions in this region, so they're definitely "limited." If you're a true fighting fan, you'll have to be proactive and snag it the instant it hits store shelves. So who's up for a visceral, old-school throwdown?
Related Game(s): BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
this is great news!
did you eat breakfast? cat punch!
i like taokaka 🙂
"You again?!!"
"I don't have anymore food…"
Tough as hell to play with though. Gotta be quick with your fingers.
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 5/3/2010 2:31:01 PM
btw, if any of you guys still play blazblue calamity trigger, or plan on getting this one, add me! my PSNid is FlyingKickPunch, and i still play blazblue pretty much every night.
hope to see you online! fluffy wuffy!
I'd play you, but depends on where you live. Where do you live (continent-wise)?
i'd play you too.
thanks, good guy!
i live in new york state, usa
So… across the ocean, then. 🙁
Sorry bro/sis, I don't think it's possible.
So… across the ocean, then. 🙁
Sorry, doesn't seem possible without humongous lag.
yeah, lag kills tao's drive loop. i found out the hard way 😛
well that sucks. enjoy continuum shift when it comes out! 🙂
I have it…but I haven't played it in a while due to playing SCIV so often. It's starting to pick up on it again :S
i love this game. next gen 2-d fighting at it's finest.
Fall 2010 seems really far away, but that's okay. I kinda don't approve of the new system changes (which are still solid, btw… theoretically), so I'll have enough time to keep on playing CT.
from what i've read, they nerfed everyone 🙁
that makes me a sad kaka.
i hope they have a full new story mode for consoles. best fighting game story of all time!
I really want to get into this game, what other fighter are the mechanics close to?
ummm, kinda like guilty gear, but really it's unique
I find it absolutely amusing to hear people say they won't buy Blazblue unless it's a downloadable game from PSN.
No 2D fighter please.
Why not?
why do you say that world? 2D fighters are the best! and blazblue is the cream of the crop.
i respect your opinion, though. we're all buds here. 🙂
I've been waiting to get my hands on Continuum Shift ever since I played Calamity Trigger.
so will AU be getting this the same time, or do we have to wait another 6 months like the last title?
amazing what publishers can get away with!
slap on a new character here, a few new levels and we got our selves another new game!
*cough* super street fighter *cough*
It IS another new game because it doesn't do what SSFIV did. It has huge system changes and it continues on the story from last time.
And I agree with the very late release in EU and AU, but one can always import.
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 5/4/2010 3:49:46 AM
so a few new levels and characters warrants a full retail price?
no, sorry it does not!
you cant take half of a released game, change the other half and expect people to pay full price for it.
same goes for games that get really delayed here, like deamon souls.
i was going to get it but its 110 bucks, why would i spend 110 when i could get it for less than 60?
sorry, but i dont pay 110 bucks for a year old game!
SSFIV is as much a new game as halo ODST is.
Dude, BB:CS is a continuation of the story (so that's a NEW story), which has alot of dialogue, and has new characters, new moves, balancing old moves and game system changes. Believe me, that deserves full retail price. If it doesn't, then neither does Uncharted 2, and any other sequel to a next-gen-entry game. You can't slap it with the same label as SSFIV, because it's a true sequel, not a rehash.
It's a different story and a different matter if it has a delayed release in your region, I agree with you in that regard. However, you do NOT know if it's going to have a 'one-year' delay like Calamity Trigger did. So please reserve judgement till further news.
you are new in fighting games?
almost all of them just put some new scenarios,storyline and about 2-5 characters.
Last edited by Oxvial on 5/4/2010 9:30:07 AM
the story alone in calamity trigger takes about 30 hours if you complete everyone's story 100%
(and the true ending ended on an awesome cliffhanger!)
and then you have online, score attack, the awesome art gallery, and much more. and they're adding to everything in continuum shift.
mr. ________, please get this game. i want to destroy you and make you cry.
@oxvial: Were you referring to me or "blankline"?
I was referring to ''Mr. I'm gonna take ballet lessons if the gta episodes appear on the Ps3 Blankline'' .