Well gee, that turned out to be a silly question.
A recent study measured the percentage of consoles hooked up to the Internet, and the PlayStation 3 had the highest overall percentage. And while it would make perfect sense for readers of PSXE to have their PS3s attached to the Network, who likely are more into their hobby than the the vast majority of casual gamers, we still wanted to ask. As it turns out, most all of you have PS3s that are indeed connected to the PSN, and they've been hooked up since the moment they got the machine. Only a small group say it's occasionally connected to the Network, and a very small assortment of people say the Network doesn't really factor into their ownership of the PS3. Perhaps we should probably ask a follow-up question that would give us a better idea of typical PSN activity amongst PS3 users. The Network is continually expanding and with more and more content becoming available with every passing week, there are multiple reasons to log on and peruse. Me, I never thought I'd pay much attention but I find myself using the PSN for demos, new trailers, and downloadable games quite often.
How about you? How often do you check the PSN? Every week when it's updated? Or do you only log on when you're looking for something specific? How's about PSN-specific content, like Qore, Pulse, and The Tester? By the way, remember that as of this week, PSN updates shift to Tuesdays.
"All your PSN's are belong to us"
I still don't get why people say Live is better. It's better if you want to throw your money away.
"How often do you log onto the PSN?"
Everytime i turn on my ps3, it automatically logs on…but if the question was "How often do you go on the PSN Store?" I'd say once a week, when its updated.
yeah that wording was strange, wasn't it?
I don't actually go to the store unless I'm looking for something specific like a demo or game or theme. Thing is I have no intention of throwing my money away on the expensive shows and movies that would just eat up my hard drive.
It's sort of like comparing a hdmi cable to an hdmi monster cable. If people want to brag about how much they spend on live, AKA the monster cable, then let them piss there money away. I'm happy with cheap cables and the psn. BTW cheap cables are the same as monster, not dissing psn quality.
yeah what is the deal with that? I ripped my friend a new one when I found out he had only bought 2 games with his PS3 and spent hundreds of dollars on facking cables so he would have "the best"
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/2/2010 10:22:33 PM
I don't know but I think for some people a $3 cable just can't be good. Even though they are the same.
HDMI transfers 1s and 0s from your PS3 to your TV. How much the cable costs doesn't factor in to whether or not those 1s and 0s get to their destination. Anyone trying to charge $50 or more for an HDMI cable is doing nothing more than gouging the ignorant.
but Alien, they are "Monster" cables and are all thick and stuff! They must be good!
Damn you're right! I didn't even think of that…
My 20' gold HDMI cable was $7. Woo!
Got a 6' hdmi cable for $0.05 on amazon with $3 for shipping.
I got a $15 HDMI cable from the dollar store. Sometimes the image kind of flashes a darker shade for some reason… My friend and my fiance's mother have the same one and they flash on them too. A few times, when it changes from game to XMB after quitting the game, there's a double image and I have to unplug the HDMI and then plug it back in and it's just fine. Wish I remembered the brand so I could warn everyone to stay away.
I wish there was a, "Depends on if you are busy" option on the new poll. I play my ps3 when I have the time to do so. Some weeks, I am extremely busy and cannot make time for gaming; but there are some weeks where I have a lot of free time on my hands….
I thought Ben made it clear "FACTS! FACTS! FACTS!" There is a difference between Monster cables at 120 bucks to a nameless brand for 12. (I worked at Best Buy. I was the Home Life lead. Covering gaming, movies, cds, tvs)
The gist is, the PS3 runs at 60HZ. Getting a Monster cable that runs 120HZ or 240HZ, etc for your PS3 is pointless. The cable does matter. Just be logical and comprehend your specs
You were lied to by the people who hired you.
im gonna have to go with the it does matter on the quality of the cable. some of those cables have a transfer rate cap on them. limitations to color band and data rates vary with quality of the cable. if you will see a difference comes into play with your tv and the quality of the picture. i dont agree with spending a ton of money on the cables and just for the record i bought a new one for $40 and could tell it was better then the one i paid $25 for.
either way the cables are to expensive. these are not the old composite cables of the past though and you are paying for a diference in quality.
Firstly you should use the reply button to keep the threads intact. Also Bestbuy aka "BestLie" puts a markup on every cable. My sister works at bestbuy and get the employee discount of 5% above the price with no markup. She bought a $80 monster cable for $5. Also don't use Ben's words of wisdom to support your corporate lies. No hard feelings man.
My cable was 8 bucks and the picture is beautiful, no issues at all.
So the main consensus here is that it does matter what type of HDMI cable you get period? Regardless of your TV stats? 720's 1080's, 60hz, 120hz, 240hz, etc.?
If thats all true, then I clearly spent too much on my HDMI cable.
Where's Highlander?
@ frylock25 – "Transfer rate cap?" No sir there isn't. To cap a transfer rate, as in make it slower than the cable would normally allow, would require firmware embedded into a microchip somewhere in the cable. HDMI has no such thing.
Alienage just owned you with knowledge.
damn, 5 dollar hdmi monster cable? i missed out on that one. worked for best buy before but they never tell you what your discounts are at all.
There are differences in quality between all cables, hdmi cables are no exception. HOWEVER, for most people it makes no sense to spend a lot of money on expensive cables!! Besides, you can get really good quality cables for much less from places like monoprice. Don't ever, and i mean EVER buy cables from places like BestBuy, that's one of their top profit margin items.
Last edited by Crabba on 5/5/2010 8:43:48 PM
My ps3 is set to automatically log in, but I usually don't visit the psn store more than once a week. I don't buy movies or tv shows at all. I download games, demos, and sometimes add-on content.
Same here, for me its the odd PSN title… spread over 3 years and one or two DLC packs… very limited usage. In my previous posts I mentioned it is better for me to sweep up those extra dollars and use them for AAA games that can bulk up a nice games collection over the years!
Why would you look through PSN every day? If you look through all the new stuff, what's there to look at until the following update?
My PS3 is almost always on for some reason or another. Whether I'm playing a game (Hurry up RDR!) watching shows (Breaking Bad and Lost at the moment) or browsing all my usual websites. Amazon.ca, PSXE, Joystiq, PS Blog, FFXIVCore.com, IGN (I really like their PS3 podcast, you guys should do one at PSXE, wasn't that brought up before through an article? Hmm) etc etc. Glad most everything is workable on my PS3 through the browser. Only thing I use my pc for nowadays is downloading tv shows to move to my PS3. If I could access the vid store (and it was a decent price, which it isn't) then I'd have no reason to own a pc. For serious.
My PS3 is set to log on automatically, but I do go to the PSN Store about 3 times a week just to check on things or note something down that I want since I use the PSN cards so I know how much I need to buy.
I had a cheap brand HDMI and it kept giving me lines at the bottom of the screen, I picked up a monster cable on sale during boxing week for 30 bucks and it works amazing never had an issue but I do find it depends on the tv cause my LG works with the cheap brand of cable amazing on it but my sony bravia it doesn't want to work at all half the time? not sure why.
Sony merchandise seemingly depends on quality stuff.
Same here, my PS3 logs into PSN automatically. I don't always log on to check store updates, but depending on what game I'm playing I will log on to play some free online gaming.
As for the HDMI cable. I bought the PS3 and have a Sony Bravia and Sony stereo receiver, So I figured the best thing to hook it all up would be the Sony PS3 HDMI cable. I picked it up for cheap and have never had a problem with it. I think it only cost me 15 bucks or so.
My GF's brother went all out on the monster cables, one day we hooked the systems up side by side just to see because I'd been harrassing him about how he'd wasted his money..and Suprise! Same game, Same Bravia Tv's, different cables…no difference in quality..
I'm always connected & I usually check out the store weekly on the day of the updates so I can check for any new demo's or trailers.
But, whenever I buy batches of games like I did this week, then I also check on those days too for any free add-on's for single player mode, equipment, maps, or other extra non-priced goodies out for those games.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/3/2010 12:44:51 AM
If I have alot of good games to play, I barely ever check PSN, but last summer I was checking it every week for new video previews, or demos, or any of the other free stuff.
Ben, I'm assuming that by "PSN" you mean the PS Store. I don't go check the store itself, I check the PS Blogs (EU for buying, US to see what we might get in the future), because they post the store updates there.
i dont connect to PSN because every single freaking time i want to play a game theres a update i need to download for it before i can play.
some of us dont live in Japan with unlimited download usages you know?
well, that and there has been nothing on the PSN i want since freaking February!
last year we were absolutely flooded with demos and decent ps1 classics.
this year its been DLC, DLC, DLC, DLC, DLC every single week NOTHING but DLC!
dont like DLC? tough than nothing for you!
where the hell is earth worm jim and joe danger?
why is it that the wii is the only console that has some 2D puzzle or platforming games?
im sorry, did i miss a law or something?
Well here at Uni i dont have wireless, i can only have 1 ethernet cable, which is generally plugged into my laptop. Also i can only play 2 games online (Resistance 2 and Unreal 3) due to my uni having the wrong NAT type, i do check the weekly PS Store updates, but thats about it.
As long as my wireless router is switched on, as soon as i turn on my PS3 it automatically connects to PSN. I usually play Fifa10 on there, and only occasionally check out the store for demos etc.
I kind of only check the PS store after every update, sometimes, randomly though, when I'm super bored…
I usually don't have the PS3 connected to the net, but when I do it's to download a particular demo, or to check for an update when I start a new game. And then I invariably wind up at the Playstation Store and end up spending money on something I probably shouldn't 🙂
I'm logged on all the time when I use my PS3, IMO it's the best investment I've made in a while but on a personal note, I'd like to say that the PSN should consider their members outside the US a little more in that it's a little difficult to get PSN cards where I live in the caribbean and I've tried using my credit card but they apparently don't accept international cards…
I connect to the PSN just about daily, mostly for online play. I'll check the Store once every couple of weeks for demos.
Last edited by Hezzron on 5/3/2010 9:01:38 AM
I agree with the user ( sorry you're name won't appear on my iPhone) who has commented that connecting to PSN when playing a game usually requires you to download some update or other. It's a minor inconvenience, of course, but it can be quite time consuming when you have to download multiple updates at once ( for example when you haven't played that particular game in a long time). If these updates could be done in the background, that would be quite a good addition for the next firmware update
I normally log on PSN daily. As of late I haven't been so much because of hanging out with old friends I haven't seen in years and the large pile of single player games I have yet to complete. I still will find time to log in at least once a week for the store updates.
Mine is not since the most recent firmware update removes the multiple o/s functionality (one of the reasons I bought a ps3 in the first place). It's Sony's loss as I've gone over a month now with none of the usual, small 'impulse buys' from the PSN. All I play is Dragon Age these days so I don't need to hit the PSN again until I get Awakenings expansion but I realized I'll prob just buy that retail as then I can trade it in and get some money back for it once i'm done, unlike the DLC which is the same price as the retail media. Sony's just making all kinds of great, customer based decisions of late. I figure if I need to get on PSN again I'll just buy another PS3 that way I'll still have a fatty that can be modded.
BTW, where the heck is the news article regarding the class action suit now being launched against Sony per the firmware upgrade that removed the functionality? I thought that would be all over the place here. There's some valid points in the civil suit…Like them or not.
Btw, since psxextreme is ignoring it some details about the Sony being sued in regards to latest firmware update can be found at:
and apparently the first european user who complained about it got a full refund from Sony but that was about all the love they had…
Only when looking for a specific game/demo
Or sometimes (rarely) when I'm bored
I'm always signed on the ps3 everytime I turn it on but I go the PSN store once a week when its updated.
I only take my PS3 offline when I play SFIV, because it gets annoying when you are playing and someone challenges you.
Yes I know bath salts yada yada yada……
Ben, you have my permission to delete my account if the real Kevin Butler wants to use it when you interview him.