I've done articles on girl gamers before and in fact, one of them generated such an outpouring of feedback from female gamers everywhere that my inbox exploded over the weekend. But I've been wondering: we all tend to assume that a guy gamer's fantasy is to find a really cute girl who is also into his favorite hobby. And as the industry grows and the years wear on, this is becoming less and less of a novelty.
So the question is, does your significant other or girlfriend play video games? And if so, are you responsible for getting her into this form of entertainment or did she already have a big ol' game collection when you met her? And if you are currently without a lady, do you want to find someone who shares your enjoyment of the interactive video medium? …how many different names can I come up with for "video games?" Anyway, the goal is to see if the old-school "fantasy" remains the same for both long-time gamers and gamers from a new generation. Personally, I'd have difficulty finding anything wrong with a girl who plays games but at the same time, perhaps there's something a little boring about being with someone who's too much like you. I mean, I suppose there's no shortage of conversation due to your shared interests but sometimes, there are particular differences between couples that prove to be the most appealing and, well, "spark-inducing." So, what's your take on this? Anybody ever date a chick who loved games but still turned out to be intolerable?
I suppose my problem is that my generation never really had girl gamers. That would be like guys playing with Barbie dolls; it just wasn't done that often. Therefore, women around 30 years of age still don't understand gaming and see it as a kid's hobby…but then again, I've outlined all this before. I'm not about to start again. 😉
Mine is not a gamer. She does enjoy some games. Stuff like Katamari and puzzle games. She enjoyed watching me play games like Uncharted 2 and the entire God of War series. Unfortunately that's about it. I'm one of those who gets most of his game playing time when their significant other isn't at home.
same here jackyl, my wife liked UC2, Heavy Rain, dead space, and game show/board games, (monopoly, trivial pursuit etc etc)
she hates mag, mw2, bfbc2, basically all the shooter games, except UC2
I do too, don't blame her.
My wife plays on the PSP all the time and has played (and finished) every Ratchet and Clank game that has been released. She also really enjoyed the first couple Crash Bandicoot games.
Ratchet fan? I already like your wife 😉
Well, let's just hope for her sake, you're only the video game type playa 😉
She sounds similar to my gf. 🙂
Last edited by shaydey77 on 5/3/2010 8:02:32 AM
Mine loves the crash games.
She wants a PSP or DS. I may buy her one soon. Other than that, she mainly likes to watch me play games instead. ALthough we had logged a few hours playing LittleBig Planet together, she loves that game.
Plus she has heaps of guitar heros at home, i think she could be influenced to become more of a gamer after she moves out of home.
I'm single now, but my ex was a pretty regular gamer. We did not part on good terms but kind of reconnected and now she's on my PSN buddy list. She's always on HOME, I hate to say it but I want to follow her Avatar around and see what she's doing in there all the time. I don't though, I suppose if HOME had a fighting mechanic *I'd go in there and punch her in the head.
*World does not advocate violence against women… in real life.
I'd love to have my next girl be a gamer too, we could attend midnight release parties and whatnot. We come from the same generation Ben so I feel ya. 28-30 year old women are likely to still look at you askance when they find out that is your main hobby instead of say wakeboarding or skydiving or something more outdoorsy.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/2/2010 10:19:55 PM
Home happens to be the only thing I'm not interested in on my PS3. Funny imagining someone following their ex around on Home though, and of course dancing like an idiot to seem inconspicuous.
None of the female psxe readers have propositioned you yet? I find that hard to believe. I mean, look at the size of your sword.
haha, I think we only have 1 resident and robochic is married. There might be another girl hanging around here somewhere. I tell ya though, I'm sick of going to bars and stuff. I need to meet somebody who hasn't been passed around more times than a used copy of Gears.
we have more than one girl around here world. i know there is gamer girl something. cant remember her full screen name. but i think there are more girls on our beloved site here than you think.
Gamer girl gemo, you mean? And I think lordalucard (?) is a female as well. There are a couple of girl gamers here.
yeah but they don't post regularly like those of us with no lives 🙂
lol…I can see you catching a case for being the 1st Home stalker on the PSN.
Oh King James, he wouldn't be the first!
I'd be swift and quiet like Ninja. 🙂
I'm desperate for a life…
"desperate for a life"
just stay single forever and adopt a bunch of cats. 🙂
Last edited by Rings0fUranus on 5/3/2010 2:34:56 PM
You can't really "make love" to a buncha cats though.
23 and still single is pretty lame to me, mostly cos it IS me. Unfortunately I have no confidence to take the initiative AND I don't drink. Hate bars.
Meeting a single gamer girl is like finding a yellow needle in a haystack. All the other coloured needles are found and taken, but the yellow one for me is just damn near impossible.
I'm between women for the moment, but neither of my ex's were into games(and like Ben said, mostly because of the era we were in at the time).
But I'm looking, and I have a couple of major requirements for my next relationship(in order)
1. She must like, and willing to ride on the back of my Harley. And if she owns her own, that's a major plus(but she must send me her picture….of the bike,that is). LOL
2. She must like gaming, or at least tolerate the fact that I have 20 consoles & hand-helds.
3. High-maintenance women "NEED NOT APPLY" (I've already had my fill of them over the years(same #3 rule applies for any Gold-Digger wanna-be's).
Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/2/2010 10:21:32 PM
i dont know who would have thumb down you for that. must have been a gold digger. anyway i think thats an acceptable qualifying list. everyone has to find someone they can be themselves around.
I hear ya Saint. Unfortunately, a lot of the "mature" ladies are more into "head games" than "video games".
My girlfriend plays Rock Band, LittleBigPlanet, and Super Mario Wii with me. She's not really into shooting games because she's not skilled enough to feel like a part of the game. That's about all; she prefers social games and isn't really a fan of single-player ones.
My girl plays mario with me, but I;ve also convinved her to play U2 and sonic. She's also played Assassin's creed (I personally don't like it) and RE4 on the wii. Shes not that into gaming but enough that we can talk about stuff.
My girl spends hours and hours playing games. She is a huge FF freak but right now she spends her life online playing Little Big Planet. I have actually considered getting a second system so I can get some play time.
She's a dance dance revolution and guitar hero phenom.
She loves the old school x-x-o-square-triangle games like parappa, jammer lammy and space channel 5
plus she is hot.
She sounds real nice 😀
The wife plays Picross on the DS daily. I introduced her to it and when she was hooked with no chance of recovery, I bought her her own DS so I could get mine back.
As for console games, not really. Trivial Pursuit and Buzz Quiz are about as far as she'll go. She might be interested in other games but I hog the PS3 so we'll never know.
…And thats how marriages stay healthy.
Same as Alienange here. I got my wife a DS. She plays it daily while I play the PS3 (FFIV currently). And yes, it does helps the marriage to stay healthy !
To answer Ben question though, she used to play a bit before I met her. She had finished the original Prince of Persia if that is any indication. She was not a gamer, but she at least understood and enjoyed games. I hadn't really thought of it before, but it has indeed been a great plus in our relationship.
I am single right now, but yeah it would be great to meet a gamer girl. By gamer girl, I mean NOT the Wii, but someone who plays a PC, 360 or Ps3. The Wii is not abysmal, but it is just too casual for me lol.
Hey there 😉
Lol jk 😀
Although, I will say I do own a Wii although it's only really for party play. I'm not too much into the Wii itself, but it's for fun with the family and friends. I'm more into the PS3. Some of my fav titles are: UC2, Dragon Age: Origins (Not so much awakening, wasn't my cup o' joe), MW2, Oblivion, Heavy Rain, GoW Series, SH series, and basically anything you can throw at me. RPGs are definately my thing but I adore shooters, FPS and all, as well. Only exception: I strongly (I know, racism!) dislike the 360.
All my secrets hath been exposed! =O
I'm single but my ex would only play Tekken with me and nothing else. It never dawned on me until typing this that if I weren't pissing her off maybe she wouldn't have played.
I really don't care either way if the next woman I'm with plays or not. She better like the idea of having two ps3's and two hdtv's if she does play.
what's the deal with the women and Tekken thing? I can recall 4 girls off the top of my head that don't play games, but would always play Tekken with me.
My girlfriend plays on the 360 while I play the PS3. When shes playing MW2 I can hear her say "Noob" a few times. It's nice to have a Gamer girl.
Not a big gamer. She loves Mario so we play that a lot.
And she has kicked my ass a time or two in Wii bowling. ha ha.
I wish I had a girl. It's hard for me to find someone that likes a man that can grow a full beard in under 2 weaks with stubble that can make a cactus feel soft.
That's why Im called Chewy. One hairy SOB that had a full beard since before high school. The one thing I regret about the name is that Iv never been able to make that noise, no matter how hard I try.
ever considered investing in a razor?
Hehe chewy, you're just like my real-life best friend. He too has excessive facial hair growth. But don't worry, having a beard is a sign of MANLINESS!
LOLOLOL That sounds like me XD … no problem some girls like hairy guys but nowadays most don't, I girl rejected me simply because she wanted me to wax n order to go out with her LOL!
Well, none of my ex-girlfriends were really into gaming, I tried to play with them and stuff but never really liked it.
But my next one is a Final Fantasy freak! 😛
LooooL World… Lol… man Chewy gotta chop down that bush…
Well world I do have a razor. The thing is my stubble can grow over night and my face hates me every time I use the damn thing. So I only shave 2x a year to keep it from getting out of hand.
This fur grows about an inch a month. If I shave it off how can I be Chewy?
Interesting that the latest Gamepro magazine shows that the male/female gamer ratio is very close. I just don't think female gamers are as loud about their hobby. Can it be that women are embarrassed to be gamers? I would certainly hope not.
That ratio is untrue. If it were true, we'd have more than one or two members here, and the male population of the GameSpot and IGN message boards wouldn't be 97% (which it damn well is).
They still only count casual gamers in such polls and studies; i.e., anyone who might play 20 minutes of Solitaire on the PC before bed, or who plays a few Flash games at work. So then, it appears as if girls come close to the guys.
But just stand outside a GameStop for a day. Figure out the percentage for yourself…I think we all know what it is. Perhaps unfortunately.
You are very correct Ben. The last midnight release my Gamestop had, there were quite a few girls standing in line. I was really shocked until I started hearing them saying "Is it almost midnight" or "I am gonna sit in the car, this is stupid" or "I can't believe you guys do this"
I could go on. It is pretty humorous to listen to them though.
@LittleBigMidget: tell her to get a ps3…i would never touch a girl who played 360. Has she tried ur ps3?
What if she's really really hot?
@ King James
She would be with all the heat a 360 gives off 😉