Roger Ebert is at it again, but this time, he's not specifically singling out video games. However, the fact that gaming will soon embrace new 3D technology – and that the PlayStation 3 is now a functional 3D system that will play 3D movies – makes his statements relevant.
And despite his recent claims that video games can't be art, some of you might actually agree with Ebert on this subject: can 3D be considered a 100% positive thing for movies (and for games)? Is toiling in that dimension worthwhile? Does it enhance the experience as advertised? Well, Ebert has given six reasons as to why he hates 3D , and we leave it to you to judge those reasons. The very first case he makes against the technology is an interesting one, at the very least; it's called "It's the waste of a dimension:"
"When you look at a 2-D movie, it's already in 3-D as far as your mind is concerned. When you see Lawrence of Arabia growing from a speck as he rides toward you across the desert, are you thinking, 'Look how slowly he grows against the horizon'? Our minds use the principle of perspective to provide the third dimension. Adding one artificially can make the illusion less convincing."
He goes on to talk about how it "adds nothing to the experience" (what would "Casablanca" gain from 3D?), and the fact that it can indeed be a distraction. Personally, I haven't really seen enough movies in 3D to form any sort of opinion, and I've never yet played a game in 3D. However, I can understand his points and in some ways, I do think 3D is a bit silly and its effects are somewhat over-exaggerated. I'm wondering how it might be for games, though…if it's interactive, maybe it really would enhance the experience.
You misunderstand me, TonyRob,I never said that anyone else should not like it.
The gripe is mine and shouldn't effect any other persons feelings toward 3D.
Like I said, if they ever come out with 3D that requires no head gear I will be glad to enjoy it like everyone else.
No, sorry realmad. I just meant people like Ebert or whoever should not say I should not like 3d. To me it does not ruin the movie. I didn't mean you directly. Sorry I didn't make that clear. I now see why you would think that now that I reread what I typed.
Typical of the usual anti-tech nonsense you'll hear everytime a new advance in technology is made.
Nothing but nit-picking at limitations in the tech that will be gone quickly, as the technology advances further and claims that what we have already is good enough. Why invent phones when we can talk? and so on.
Truth is, even with tricks of the mind a 2d image cannot equal sights in reality. Why do people still go to the zoo when they can watch nature documentaries?
His points are a cheap justification of a conclusion reached before he even thought about the subject. I'd rather look at the facts and then make a judgment. So far, i don't see 3d as particularly adding much, but it certainly doesn't take away.
Oh, and hate? yeah, that sounds like a rational mind is giving this opinion.