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Is The PS3 The Only Console I Need?

I hate owning only one game console. I hated it the instant the Sega Genesis came out and I looked down at my SNES and said…"damn, I need both ." The only other time I was semi-okay with a single console was during the original PlayStation days; it was the era of my RPG craze and let's face it, the N64 didn't do much for RPG lovers. But even then , I should say the PC was another platform, what with the excellence of the late '90s being impossible to ignore.

And of course, this is why I've had a PS3 and an Xbox 360 for a long time. The Wii doesn't enter into the conversation because I've never once believed that it's in the same category of gaming and hence, it's irrelevant. I understand what it does well and I get the mass appeal. But I want…well, whatever. I've gone over this before. The point is, as I've only wanted to play the best games – and now, I only have time for the best games – I need the two major consoles that produce cutting-edge, AAA stuff. So in the past, I needed the 360 for titles like Halo 3 , Gears of War , etc. And even today, I still need it for Splinter Cell: Conviction , Halo: Reach and Alan Wake (and even if SC goes to the PS3 at some point, I'm not willing to wait). But with my PS3 collection always expanding, it's in stark contrast to the one or two 360 games I get every year and now, in comparison, I might not even need those .

Now, outside of exclusives, the other reason I had the 360 early in this generation is because of the disappointing quality of some multiplatform titles on PS3. These days, though, multiplats are almost always identical on both platforms (with a few annoying exceptions; 'cough' Bayonetta 'cough') and it's not much of an issue, anymore. Plus, look at it in terms of priority: what would I say are my favorite games – and possibly even the best games – of the generation so far? Well, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , Heavy Rain , God of War III , Grand Theft Auto IV , Assassin's Creed II , Killzone 2, and inFamous . With the exception of two, those are all PS3 exclusives, and the other two were just fine as multiplats on the PS3. As for Mass Effect , I've never been a fan but it seems likely that the third installment will be on the PS3 anyway.

Lastly, I'm not online that much so a free service is perfect for me and oh yeah, I'd like my system to, you know, actually function . And then there's the Blu-Ray player, which I use occasionally. So say I didn't have the 360…I wouldn't have Gears but I'd have Uncharted , which is superior in my eyes. I wouldn't have Alan Wake but I'd have Heavy Rain . I wouldn't have Forza but I'd have Gran Turismo (well, at some point). I wouldn't have Splinter Cell (yet) but I'd have MGS4. I am glad I had the 360 for the games mentioned and I do not plan on getting rid of it. Having only one console in the house just feels really…restrictive. But I've just been wondering lately how much I'd really be missing if the 360 died tomorrow and I didn't immediately run out and get a new one. By the time 2010 is over, I think one could make a legitimate argument that at least four of the top five games of the generation are PS3 exclusives; you could choose from MGS4, Uncharted 2 , Killzone 2, GoWIII, GT5, and Heavy Rain .

I suppose you could add Demon's Souls (even though I can't agree with GameSpot's Game of the Year nod), the Ratchet and Clank s and Resistance s, inFamous , and eventually, The Last Guardian into the equation, too. There was a time when I had…um…more time. But these days, I can only play the games I love; the best of the best. And while a few of those "bests" are still on the 360, the majority appear to be on the PS3, which means I could feasibly go solo. Times sure have changed since 2007, haven't they? Geez.

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14 years ago

Don't forget Demon's Souls… Omg I finally put my hands on it…

Best game ever. Love mechanics and survival thrill lol.

And I also have a PC so half or more of 360 exclusives don't matter since I can already play em.

Plus the 360 isn't reliable at all so… PS3 as main console and PC for some exeptions and mmos lol

And we are soon going to get a PSWII 3 hahaha (ps move) so now I'll have everythingé

14 years ago

I appreciate what my PS3 can do, however, as mentioned before the reason I bought it was because it "could" do so much.

Unfortunately if I update I lose my Linux functionality, which I really use and need. Also the FAT PS3's have those extra USB ports and card slots and they are so useful.

The DVD and BLU RAY region locks annoy me, and lest not forget, that to enjoy all the services you have to be in specific territories. So in Singapore I cannot enjoy PlayTV, or VidZone, or the PSN Video Stores.

Basically I can use 1/3rd of it's true entertainment value. In 1996, November, when I purchased Her, I had no idea or understanding that all these restrictions would apply. I went into it blindly and in some ways got burned. Don't get me wrong, I like playing my games, but I could be enjoying so much more if all the restrictions were not in place; and now, if I want to use my FAT on PSN, I have to update and lose Linux as well… pretty much all the reasons I bought it for have disappeared.

…But I still love her 🙂

From where I am sitting it seems Sony went in the wrong direction regarding features.

Maybe if they had released a "base model" first, in effect a model that is similar to the SLIMS we have now… 4-5 years ago, then by now they would be making a handsome profit I would think, and probably have an "upgraded" and "premium" model with the extra bells and whistles. So now, having an expanded SLIM model with 4 USB ports and maybe card slots on the side may have gone down better, rather than having the premium model out first and essentially degrading it over time…



Last edited by Qubex on 4/29/2010 9:27:36 PM

14 years ago

I feel your pain. And the slim should have 4 usb's 2 on the front and 2 on the back.

My PS3 has always got PlayTV, PSeye, USB keyboard and mouse along with the lead to power the controller. and one for a BT headset. Yes you can split the usb's with an adaptor but then you run out of power that these devices require.

Last edited by Imagi on 4/30/2010 8:30:36 AM

14 years ago

If you can afford it, I'd recommend you pick up PS3 Slim and use that for access to the PSN.

Save your phat PS3 and do not update the firmware. Once you get the second PS3, use the data transfer utility to copy all your info from the old to the new. I sort of wish I did that before updating my launch 60GB.

14 years ago

While my console of preference is the PS3, I don't think the 360 is as useless as Ben seems to make it out to be – it has a good enough library of enjoyable exclusives.

Moreover, it was the fierce competition from MS and the 360 that drove Sony to come so far in such a short time. If this is what competition forces a corporation like Sony to strive towards achieving excellence, then heaven forbid that such competition were to go away.

In short, the PS3 and the 360 together (along with the Wii for a few games) makes up MY complete stable of consoles, and, although I don't know about needs, I do WANT all of them 🙂

14 years ago

Competition is Good, but Microsoft don't compete, they acquire, nullify, strong arm and eventually own the monopoly to force you to buy broken crap which you can fix by buying their newer broken crap 2 years later..Repeat…Repeat..

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I never said it was useless. In fact, I think I said at least two or three times that I'm keeping mine.

But that library of exclusives pales in comparison to what's on the PS3, plain and simple.

14 years ago


I believe the policy Microsoft engages in is called Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. This is truly what MS does. They enter a market – embracing it and it's standards. Then they extend that standard with their own proprietary additions/modifications, and then they extinguish the competition by enforcing their version as a de facto standard.

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish – the Microsoft way.

14 years ago

Your right Highlander, I have witnessed the way in which Microsoft conducts business, and you don't have to do much digging to see just what dirty underhanded tactics they are capable of.

When they entered the console arena It filled me with dread as to what state one of my most treasured pastimes would be in after a decade or 2 of their savagery.

14 years ago

@ Imagi and Highlander

If Microsoft actually came into this industry competing the way Sony and Nintendo did in the past can you imagine what it'd be like? Third party devs might've actually strategized when and what to make multi-plat and what should be exclusive to what system.

I'd enjoy that gaming generation alot more.

14 years ago

Embrace, Extend & Extinguish is literally a Microsoft policy, they even call it that in their own internal documents. Google it.

14 years ago

I know many people here will despise me, but to tell the truth, I haven't got a PS3 yet. It's still very expensive(around $450, without any freebies) in my country(India). I recently bought a 360 with 4 free games(Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Forza 2, Harry Potter & The Order of phoenix) at about $100 less than the PS3's price here. Until then, I only had a PS2 and a XBOX(I actually started to visit this site for PS2 news, and absolutely loved to lead the comments here on any topic). Moreover I am not a big gamer myself, because I don't have much time(studying in a very good college, where the courses are too tough to do anything except for studies for long, or one will fail and get kicked out).
Anyway, I wanted to get an old phat PS3(It's still available in some shops here) this year, because one can't afford to miss out on such great games for so long. I preferred it over the slim, just for the ability to run Linux. But I'm quite disappointed since Sony removed that feature. Is there any chance of its return? I read on Kotaku that some one has filed a Class Action Shoot against Sony on this issue. Ben, I don't know why you haven't posted it here, but I'd like to see what the people at this site feel about it. The link is:

14 years ago

I have 2 consoles I have my Phat princess the PS3 🙂 and my not so enjoyable Wii. I have my PS3 on all the time if it's not the kid watching movies on it, I'm playing my games or watching my own movies. For my poor Wii I was having fun with it but that was short lived after beating Zelda. I have tried more games on it but I get bored really fast with it so its now collecting dust till Nintendo releases another Zelda.
I wanted a 360 @ one point when the console launched ( thats when our call centre opened) but the further i worked @ the call centre and heard all the complaints, seeing all the defects I said to myself why the heck would I want one I couldn't stand it anymore so thats why I don't have one.

I choose quality over anything and I do believe the higher the price the better the quality and this is true about my PS3 I paid the 600+ for it and it's been nothing but great and amazing. Cheaper never means better.

14 years ago

At the moment it's my PS3 gathering dust. I'm rotating round ME2, Fable 2 and Forza 3 and can't recall the last PS3 title I owned. There are a few on the horizon I'll be getting but not more than a faw.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

With God of War III and Heavy Rain out there?


14 years ago

No offence Gabriel013, but are you on medication?

14 years ago

Heavy Rain looks good and I'll probably pick it up sometime. The demo was nice but it wasn't a day one purchase for me.

I played the God of War demo and although I admit it looked fantastic and the story will undoubtedly be top notch, I just didn't enjoy sitting there with the controller in hand playing the thing. I'd be happier to sit and watch someone else play it. The gameplay style just wasn't to my tastes. I've never been into the DMC/GoW/Bayonetta style. Personal tastes and all that.

14 years ago

Uh, so what are your tastes, exactly? I'm sure we could find you some top-notch PS3 titles. Especially this year.

14 years ago


When GT5 hits, I know your PS3 is going to get a hefty work out 🙂

I caved not that long ago and picked up Mass Effect for the 360. The game play is pretty good and the story is much better than I thought it would be. I just couldn't stand the menu system. Eh, to each their own. This leads up to my question;

What do you think of ME2?

14 years ago

@ Gabriel

Like Ben said.

Are you making an active effort experience these new PS3 exclusive titles? I think part of you doesn't want to leave your 360.

Don't worry. If your Ps3 starts to take up most of your time, your 360 won't be going anywhere. 😉

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 4/30/2010 5:53:13 PM

14 years ago

no of course not!
well that is if you want to play games like mass effect 2 and alan wake, o and dont forget splinter cell conviction.
2 of the best games ive played this gen, and one of my most anticipated titles of this gen.
im really hyped for alan wake, finally a proper horror game AND its being made by the masterminds of max payne and far cry.
how could i not get excited?
anyone who does not want alan wake, simply is not a gamer!

14 years ago

I would love to play Alan Wake, and I probably will at a buddy's house… I'm not a fan of ME (it's good, just not for me), and Splinter Cell has never been a D1P for me, so waiting for the PS3 version is ok by me. I'll probably end up just renting it anyways.

In regards to Alan Wake, I'm just not feeling up to re-investing in another XBOX 360 just for one game. Like I said, I'll try it some Saturday at a buddy's house.

14 years ago

not only for that even crackdown 2.
i loved the first game and this is looking even more action packed!
i hate missing out on good games, thats why im even thinking of buying a wii.
the only game on there i want is of course mario.
alan wake to me is a must have because its unique, theres not many titles out there like it, and the ones that are well there not exactly what i would consider AAA games.

14 years ago

I have the XBOX 360, PS3, and the Wii. The games I play the most are Gears of War, NHL 10, Call of Duty MW2, and Killzone 2. It's good to have variety, thats why I own all three consoles, although the Wii hasn't been turned on in months. Any multiplat game I buy on the 360, and Gears of War 1 is the game I play the most online and is my favorite shooter of all time. I play KZ2 for a change. My PS3 is mostly used for KZ2, Metal Gear, and blu ray.

14 years ago

Almost all gaming options are available to me, but the PS3 is the one that gets by far the most use.

14 years ago

XBOX seems to be a good snack. Wii is great for party foods and potlucks. But PS3 is where the meat and potatoes are for me.

14 years ago

I sold my 360 laster year thinking that someday I may get one again years down the road. Lately, though, I feel it would be money better spent on games I haven't played yet for my PS3.
We'll see, maybe MS can bring out some more goods.

14 years ago

The only game that makes me regret not having a 360 is Fable II; but that said, I won't be buying a 360 until it gets a redesign that's much less prone to get the RRoD.

All that said, I have one thing to say: SONY has made the PS3 so awesome, but where in the heck is our Cross-game Chat? It's the only glaring omission from the PS3's UI.

14 years ago

I have a PS3 and a Wii. I haven't owned a 360 since November 2007. Honestly, I would like to play Lost Odyssey, Tales Of Vesperia, Forza 3 and Alan Wake but I refuse to buy a 360. If only somebody would give one away to me…

14 years ago

I'm 90% agreeing with you. Why 90%? Well first Im a big fan of playstation thats my baby but i decided at some point, maybe about a year ago, to bought the 360 because of the exclusives. I found that Gears is an excellent game even better than Uncharted 1 at some point ( not taking into account graphics and story LOL) because of the engaging moments that keep coming. Thats very good. Also Forza, I love it, its amazing. Even when Gran Turismo arrives I'll still love Forza. Other reason was that I got my 360 for $ 200 brand new sealed and 60 gb version. But you know my fat black baby was worth $499 and 4 years guarantee for a little extra. The queen deserves everything. 360 is my little whore.LOL

14 years ago

Well, personally 360 is way better than ps3, mostly b/c on ps3, if you play with a while, you can cheat…with xbox, you cannot cheat in the us, except modded controllers..which if you need that you're pathetic anyway…I don't mind it, just gives me an actual challenge….ps3 online is garbage, not to mention, playstation hasn't made a smart move in 10 years….sadly, they're on their way out, it's just the fanboys who still like them….let's not forget, bill gates personal bankroll>>>sony's entire corporation….of course he's going to win, he's smarter and he has more money….

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm sorry, nobody has any idea what you're talking about.

14 years ago

That comment should come with a warning! I feel that actually managing to read through it, has cost me dearly in brain cells.

14 years ago

except bill gates has absolutely nothing to do with the xbox, hell he does not even work with M$ anymore he retired.
but im sure a intelligent individual such as yourself would of already known that 😉

14 years ago

As for you there's no need to start bashing the PS3 when we kill the xbox in absolutly almost everyway. And yes BILL dosen't work for MICROSOFT anymore, he's done. If you think Bill is more smarter prove how he is because you really don't have any real explanation on how he is smarter. I really don't see how you can cheating is a concern because on both consoles you can mod your controllers. As for cross gaming chat we could really care less about bragging to other xbots how your games keep freezing because we're too busy experience epic games to talk to our friends we do that until the epicness stops….like that will ever end? So stop this non-sense and trying act smart because seriously you are pathetic.

Last edited by thj_1980 on 5/3/2010 4:38:50 PM

Mr Diamond
Mr Diamond
14 years ago

Funny thing….this past weekend a friend came by the house and we played some SSF4 on my PS3. I only owned a PS3 and PSP at the moment. And half an hour before 9, we made a trip to gamestop and guess what? I Bought myself a Wii!
That way my sister can enjoy more simple games although she likes the challenge on PS3 games. And that way when my niece's come every 2 weekends to stay here they can play some child fun games. I enjoy playing group games as well so no harm done there.

Anyways, what's the funny part of this story?
I always said: "F*ck Wii, i dont want that console, that's a kids console and i like adult games!"

What made me change of idea? Simple. I wanted an xbox but with the passing of years i have seen what a crappy console it is. Not enough games that i wanted to play and….well its a stupid and retarded console.

I mean the idea of owning a Wii over an xbox and going to buy one without giving it half a thought! that says something about quality!

Cause i know Wii is not a great console but it is a hell of a good party console!

14 years ago

The only console I would only need is a computer meant for gaming with liquid cooled system so I never have to worry about overheating the CPU and overclocking won't be as harmful.