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Activision Inks Decade-Long Publishing Deal With Bungie

Update: SCEA just sent over their statement concerning this news:

"The partnership between Bungie and Activision is a big win for gamers worldwide. Combining Bungie's creativity with the incredible power of the PlayStation 3 will add serious muscle to action gaming. We look forward to extending Bungie's 'next big action game universe' with PS3 users."

Original Story:

Bet you didn't see this one coming. …then again, maybe you've been expecting such an occurrence after Bungie split with Microsoft a few years back.

In one of the biggest news breaks of the year so far and as reported by CVG , Bungie and Activision have signed a 10-year deal to produce games for "multiple platforms and devices." They will deliver Bungie's "next big action IP" to the market some time soon; this deal gives Activision the exclusive worldwide rights to publish and distribute all of Bungie's creations over the next decade. The developer remains independent and will retain the rights to anything they design, and Activision says this new deal "significantly broadens its global reach." What if that analyst is correct in his prediction? What if Activision really does plan to shut down Infinity Ward and transfer the responsibility for Modern Warfare 3 to Bungie? After all, Bungie is really only known for Halo and although we're talking about two very different styles of FPS…it's still the same genre. But either way, this partnership should be quite fruitful in the future, and we'll all wait with bated breath to see what games come down the pike.  Should be fun.

And yes, it basically says Bungie stuff will finally be coming to the PlayStation platform. Activision doesn't really do exclusivity and there's that "multiple platforms and devices" statement. So, what say you?

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14 years ago

I'm surprised that Bungie would consider a contract with Activision after this whole mess with Infinity Ward.

Best of luck to Bungie.

14 years ago

I am sure this has been in the works long before the I.W. fiasco came to light. Oh, and checks with lots of zeros on them help too.

14 years ago

Very good point(s) 🙂

14 years ago

I read that the deal started being worked out about 9 months ago. I wonder if Bungie is just a bit nervous with the recent developments. Hopefully they dotted all their "i's" and crossed all their "t's" in that Activision contract.

14 years ago

There's no way Bungie does MW for Activision. Why put all your eggs in one basket? Activision is all about quantity. Bungies next IP will sell tons on its own, and a MW3 banged out by monkeys in a closet will sell tons too. That's two big sellers instead of one.

So it looks like Activision was trying to prevent IW from doing what Bungie did to MS. The irony.

Last edited by Hezzron on 4/29/2010 10:52:23 AM

14 years ago

"a MW3 banged out by monkeys in a closet will sell tons too"

In the great words of Metallica; Sad but true.

14 years ago

I only enjoyed the first of the Halo games, but I recognize that Bungie can make a damn fine game. I'm looking forward to seeing what they produce.

…but if it's just a MW2 or Halo clone, I'm gonna get pissy.

14 years ago

my thoughts exactly..Here's your chance Bungie, show us what you've got..

Last edited by CH1N00K on 4/29/2010 10:59:41 AM

14 years ago

(sarcasm)Oh gee, I'm so excited that the most over-rated game on the planet might be seen on the PS3.(/end sarcasm)

14 years ago

it will never be seen on the ps3, so don't be alarmed.

14 years ago

That's why Activision didn't want to pay their employees, they need the money to get Bungie on board so they could shut down IW.

But since Bungie is known mostly as a MS developer, it just makes sense for them to take over the Modern Warfare franchise. I've always considered MW to be more of an XBox game anyways, (I don't know why, I just have always associated MW with Xbox players) And the sales figures show I'm not the only one. The MS version of MW2 was outselling the PS3 version 2 to 1.

This will help Bungie get known on other consoles and they are a well known company that will help Activision dig out from under this Sh*t storm they created for themselves.

As for me? I have yet to own an Activision game this generation, and I don't see that changing unless Bungie can come up with some new IP that is absolutely mind-blowing, which I don't see happening anytime soon. The last thing I want to play would be a FPS that shows Soap as Master Chief….

Last edited by CH1N00K on 4/29/2010 10:58:21 AM

14 years ago

I won't be purchasing any Activision games, at least new. If there is a game that comes out that I feel like I must play, I'll go to the nearest GameStop and get it used.

Last edited by Nynja on 4/29/2010 11:02:13 AM

14 years ago


try ebay first then gamestop.

14 years ago

I like to support my devs, but this is an exception. I will buy used too.

14 years ago

What you just said above about MW2 being more for Box Bot's, reminds me of two late-30's aged guys that were heading over to the 360 racks at Gamestop yesterday.

One of them zoomed right in on MW2, grabbed it off the shelf and wildly exclaimed to his buddy…
"Dude, yo dude, do you know what this is"? "Like it's f*cking MW2, man". "Dude, it's MW2"! "This game's so f*cking assume dude, it just is, it's so f*cking awesome, it deserves it's own capital A".

Now, while he's doing all his maniacal caveman grunting, he's also flailing the game around wildly in his hand too.

And just then, he holds it right up against his heart, and then yells out to his buddy…
This game IS the sh!tZ dude, I just gotta have it.
I can't believe they have this game", "I'm about to have a f*cking heart attack, Dude".

At that time I headed to the counter with my bundle of games

But as I passed the 2 overgrown Box Bots, I just to get a little dig in asked him… "should I call 911 for you….DUDE"????

Moral of the story is, Box Bot's may come in all age groups, but some only seem to come with the one narrow same single-mined mentality.

(BTW, I was able to pick up Saboteur, Fuel, Crash's MOM & CotT, Afro Samurai, Spyro AHT, 007 Quantum of Solace, and 5 PSP's Silent Hill:Origins, & Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, & Nirvana concerts & got them all all dirt cheap, almost at bargain bin prices).

Off topic for a second:
If anyone who doesn't have them yet, but still want try them out, GS has a 50%off clearance sale right now on these games(and they're all NEW, not used copy's)…

Afro Samurai $8.99
007: Quantum of solace $12.99
Crash: Mind over Mutants $9.99
Crash: Crash of the Titans $9.99

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/29/2010 4:48:52 PM

14 years ago

well activision will only be publishing, they won't own any of bungie's creations, so i say, power to em.

14 years ago

yeah that's what IW thought too, I'll be looking into this story in about 10 years when bungie trys to leave.

14 years ago

Oh goodie. maybe I'll get that sequel to Oni Ive been wanting since the Clinton Administration.

14 years ago

HOT DAMN!!! Call of Halo: Modern Combat Evolved Hero 47!

I can't wait!

14 years ago

Call of Halo STDS.

14 years ago

Well, whatever we get from Bungie, expect a crappy port.

They will obviously develop the game for the 360, and then with no prior experience on the PS3, we can expect a hastily ported game. Big Whoop.

14 years ago

I don't know. They did say in an interview somewhere that they were up to the challenge of creating a game on PS3.

14 years ago

They'll be making games for the Wii as well. Look it up. I nearly split a gut laughing.

14 years ago

Don't be so quick to judge! Bungie already has some PS3 programing experience! Just watch the credits for the game of the year known as Uncharted 2!!
I'm excited to see what they'll be coming up with! To bad it's with Activision. EA would've been a better choice.
Just imagine, a hot new IP from Bungie and ReSpawn trampling the competition under the EA flag developed on the PS3, and then ported to the 360, on 3 discs!

14 years ago

I agree with you PanicINc. Wait until the game is announced, then judge.

14 years ago

"Call of Kotex's Bungie-butt STD's"

14 years ago

Panic, you too should not be quick to judge. There is no proof that Bungie helped program Uncharted 2. N.D. gave thanks to anyone who helped them in some way, which could be as simple as bouncing ideas off of them on how to do their multiplayer.

I too will copy and paste this in two threads so you don't feel special to be the only one to try something so vile.

14 years ago

Not surprised. Now hopefully Bungie takes the PS3 and it's capabilities and runs with it.

14 years ago

activision = multiplatform so that means they're never gonna max out the ps3. all we'll get is the usual "just good enough" to work on both systems.

14 years ago

Get ready a Halo game every year!
Can you say "Guitar Hero: Halo Edition"?

14 years ago

I wanna be Master Chief on the bass!

14 years ago

Never play any Bungie games before, and I don't care for Activision. That said, I will just wait and see what they are doing next.

14 years ago

Hi Ben. I'm a new user for psxextreme, thought I'd sign up since the community here looks really good. Anyway about this Bungie-Activision deal, I think it's extremely unlikely that bungie will start producing MW games anytime soon. Remember, they are still an independent company and hence still have their own IPs and creative talent. They are not the type of developer that will work on a franchise created by another team. I think the reason that they signed this deal was to get enough funding of their next big project, which they've been keeping under wraps fror a while. I also read on eurogamer that this deal has been in the works for about 9 months!

14 years ago

A warm welcome NazzyQ! No doubts… a great community of people await to converse with you, enjoy your stay!



14 years ago

Welcome to tha club.
These peepz be like tha stepford community of the gaming websites.

For real though, it is a great community and welcome to the site.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Hey there. Yeah, this is one of the better communities around.

14 years ago

Welcome here. Yes sir! I love the community here alot!

14 years ago

Hello and welcome, or welcome and hello.

Hope you enjoy your stay here in the not so crazy ward of the video game entertainment fan community.

Just watch out for those tricky Canadians. They have been know to blend in by speaking American, eh.

14 years ago

Hey now! Nothing wrong with being a Canadian, were not all a bunch of hosers, eh?

14 years ago

AH! All this time and I thought you was an American.

LOL! But seriously I have no problem with anyone from anywhere. I have lived in many different locales and have developed a universal blanket hatred for everyone equally.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Thumbs down the hoser! j/k


14 years ago

"Welcome" into our humble abode.

Good first post

14 years ago

pftha! Good luck with that. Bungie is highly over rated anyway. Halo Reach doesn't look any different then most Halo games.

14 years ago

I feel similarly Jawknee…



14 years ago

Correct,Its no different from past titles. With the inclusion of the MW2 perk system. The twitch gamers are in heaven. Now they have everyting they wanted. MW2 Halo Frag fest.

14 years ago

I'm glad some people realize this besides me. I've seen some people saying that Reach is gonna be the 2010 game of the year. No way.

14 years ago

The Bots think Reach will look better then God of War III and Uncharted 2. They say the same about Gears 3. Sad to live in denial.

14 years ago

Ben, i am surprised by the news, who would have thought? Honestly though, i could care less, there are a good deal of new games coming out that interest more than what Bungie and Activision my produce. Halo never particularly interested me, and from what i have played of it I think Killzone 2 does a better job.



14 years ago

Thank you Qubex! As I've said before, the insightful and intelligent community is what attracted me to this site, so Im very sure I will enjoy it here!

14 years ago

No problem my friend. I am sure Ben will be about to welcome you in once he goes through the posts 🙂

