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Ninja Theory: Early PS3 Titles Tainted By Negative Press

Ninja Theory produced one of the first great PlayStation 3 exclusives back in 2007 and although not everyone agreed with that description, everyone did appreciate the technical accomplishment.

Unbelievable acting and choreography combined with voice-to-mouth syncing that, in our opinion, is yet to be matched, made that game a must-see. As we now know, the developer has gone multiplatform with their new project, Enslaved , but it doesn't have anything to do with a lack of PS3 capability, obviously. In speaking to NowGamer , Ninja Theory chief designer Tameem Antoniades said they entered their latest project with a firmer understanding of what they wanted to do and in short, the PS3 "didn't scare them anymore." Therefore, the process has been much smoother. One might assume that's a good reason to stay exclusive, especially after selling 1.5 million copies on a platform that had barely sold a few million to begin with, and after producing such a technical marvel early on. But maybe the negative press surrounding Sony at the time left an indelible mark on the developer…

"I think a lot of the games that were announced back then were tainted by that negativity about the price of the console and the things people were saying about it."

There's no doubt that's true, but it almost sounds as if he'd be scared of releasing another PS3 exclusive for fear of similar repercussions. That can't be right, though, as we're sure he understands the console's new and much loftier position in the industry. Well, multiplatform certainly is a better business option, provided everything goes smoothly, so we're not about to second-guess the decision.

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14 years ago

Andy serkis is the voice of the lead character in this as well 🙂 , I know I never hated any character in a video game more thank king bohan was it????

14 years ago

Okay, so they are not going to make a ps3 exclusive now [2010] because in 2006 there was a lot of negative feedback towards the ps3 and its exclusives. Does this make any sense to anybody? The price of the ps3 is now half the amount when it came out; the amount of exclusives has doubled of maybe even tripled; and the same goes for the user base. Why can't they make a Heavenly Sword 2 when all the chances are now favoring them?

14 years ago

Meh. Just looks like more justification for them going multiplat. This is two different reasons they've given us in the past couple of months for why they went multiplat, and I'm sure they'll have several more before Enslaved's release.

14 years ago

I've just taken the time to rent and play through most of Heavenly Sword. Some of the voice acting is very well done. The main-evil dude is convincing. In fact, most of the boss enemies are convincingly eerie and mentally deranged. And the game has some moments of charm.

But I really wish the frame-rate held up better. It feels anywhere between 15-30fps. I don't understand why the devs chose to sacrifice so much performance for some of the visual effects used. I know they used a higher-quality HDR implementation (higher than the norm) and also 4xMSAA(rarely implemented on console games). Which, by themselves, are rarely used because of the significant performance penalty for doing so. And more-over, it seems nearly insane to use them both in tandem on the same application.. Maybe I just need to remember it was first-gen.
Anyway, some junk food for the tech-heads thought.

14 years ago

This why I only discuss politics on a political websites, it takes away from what makes this site fun to come to and it take away from the discussion of the article.

But to the whole birth certificate thing, two things one are you telling me that President Obama's mother had enough foresight to call her parents in Hawaii and told them to place a birth announcement in a Hawaii paper because she knew someday her baby boy is going to run for president? And two I'm going to borrow a line from Bill Maher I'll ask to see President Obama birth certificate only I get to see Sarah Palin's high school diploma.

Last political thing I swear Ben and company after what this country experience for the last eight years no one on the other side of the political fence should talk. They crashed the car and they're complaining that the towing crew isn't working fast enough.

14 years ago

Actually I believe some are trying to stop the towing crew from helping.

14 years ago

Actually when the wreck was small and the towing crew comes in and starts damaging the car 10 times worse than it was, then yes we will try to stop the tow crew. It;s like having my two year old help fix my ps3, she's there to help but doesn't know what she's doing and only makes the problem worse at the same time creating new ones.

Last edited by Bigtuna1 on 4/28/2010 3:12:43 PM

14 years ago

i heard that they were not happy with the support they got from sony, and that explains all the delays and issues the game had.
just seems a little coincidental to me that the 2 3rd party exclusives the ps3 had has had the developers complaining about sonys support.
maybe its time sony opened up their arms and embraced developers like M$ are and stop keeping the lollies exclusive to first party developers.
you hear 3rd party developers praising M$ support all the time, almost every time a company is asked why there exclusive to M$ they mention the incredible support M$ has given them ex splinter cell conviction.
the last thing we need is another haze debacle………………….

14 years ago

I'll second guess Ninja Theory's decision to second guess the PS3. If a game sold 1.5 million copies during the times when the PS3 had less than half of the consoles it has out now? I'd say they're fools for not thanking those 1.5 million people who supported a game in the PS3's early days.

Word a mouth has such a strong effect, good and bad. I see bad here for Ninja Theory. Those 1.5 million people who purchased Heavenly Sword could have easily made Ninja Theory look like Naughty Dog or Insomniac right about now. Oh well, lol.

14 years ago

Does M$ own their soul too? Weird…