Have you been playing Sodium One in PlayStation Home? If not, and you require another incentive to log in, perhaps you'll enjoy flying around as Iron Man.
According to Joystiq , Paramount Pictures and Audi have teamed up to help promote the new Iron Man 2 movie by releasing a mini-game to Home. It'll debut this Thursday, April 29, in the new Audi Space, where you can take your avatar out onto an aerial obstacle course in an effort to turn a good time. See if you can't make it onto the Leaderboard; the top 10 scores at the end of June will be rewarded with a virtual Iron Man suit you can add to your avatar's collection. In other words, it'll be plenty rare. But there's a downside…it's only coming to the European PSN, for some bizarre reason. So if you're outside of SCEE's jurisdiction, don't bother logging on and looking around for this mini-game. I suppose it's because Audi is a European company but one would have to assume that "Iron Man 2" will be a giant blockbuster in North America, so how's about breaking the rule and giving us a taste of mini-game goodness? Well, even if we don't get it, it's good to see Euro gamers getting a nod now and then.
Personally, I don't care about superhero movies but I might suck it up just because someone named Scarlett is involved. …I'd watch her wait for a bus. Or do anything.
Wow. I really do mean it, Wow!!!
Playstation Home has come a real long way since it first launched the public beta. I found it quite boring at first, but last time I logged in, so much to do!!!
While I'm not a big fan of wasting money on virtual clothes for an avatar, winning an Iron Man costume would be freakin' awesome!!!
Now THAT would be a costume I'd pay money for to suit up my Home avatar!!!
Awesome thing is, it might be available in the Australian PSN Home since it affiliates with European releases and not North American ones.
YAAAY!!!! Totally giving it a go.
…and why is this not available in NorthAmerica?
because germans hate americans…………….
wonder why?
…uuummmm….. Yeah actually I do wonder.
Germans? wtf?
and surely they hate Britain the most. as Clarkson said, two world wars and the world cup…
anyway, enough about my patriacharl views (hahaha…)
I reckon this'll be good. Sells iron man 2, but without the shitty game adaptation.
I doubt I'll ever be found wondering around in Home again. When the friggin Batcave only holds my interest for five minutes, then I know it's not for me.
holy sh** were actually getting something the US dont?
to bad its nothing good, a friend of mine has iron man 2 and it completley sucks donkey balls!
just like the last one, but than what did i expect it is a movie to game tie in……………….
Iron Man 2 doesn't release in the UK till Apr. 30th.
Chill, I'll be checking that out, guess it'd be mighty awesome to have an ironman suit, even if it's just in home.
And btw why audi? as in the car company audi? Oh well, it doesn't really matter where your sponsor comes from, as long as it's a sponsor.
I'll be logging on to my Euro account and checking the hell out of it. I don't care about Iron Man 2 or even getting the uber rare suit, just like trying the new stuff they come up with in Home.