Considering the huge media circus that would surround another Manhunt title, it probably makes sense that Take-Two is reluctant to announce a third installment.
Although early rumors said ideas and concepts for Manhunt 3 were being considered, it seems like Take-Two doesn't want to do another game. Either that, or they're just keeping it quiet for now; according to Go Fanboy , the current answer is "no." This quells whispers that Rockstar was planning to have the new title support motion sensing with the PlayStation Move, and that it might be exclusive to the PS3. Maybe that somehow got leaked to the wrong group of people – the same group that probably worship at Jack Thompson's bedside – and the idea of sawing someone's head off with the Move controller struck a chord. Either that, or the internal designers had the same feeling and decided to nix the plan. Manhunt has always been a series that pushes the limits of violence and brutality; there are still certain places on this earth where Manhunt 2 is most definitely unwelcome. And lest we forget, game makers are in this biz to make money , so it'd be tough to do that if retailers refuse to sell it.
But anyway, the bottom line is that until Take-Two changes its mind, Manhunt 3 is either on indefinite hold or has simply been discarded. Would you respond to another title…? Or do you just not care?
So… Bully sequel, R*? Call it, oh I don't know… Hazer and set it in a preppy Ivy League university?
LMAO…I would *Bully* just to have another Bully sequel. That game was fun!
I guess it makes sense that Take Two Interactive refuses to do this due to the name it has now for Grand Theft Auto IV and Bioshock. And Manhunt may be so controversial that it'll bring the whole "NO-SPIN ZONE" with O'Reilly giving the look of SHOCK and DISGUST with such a game. And other stuff like CNN, and honestly the list goes on – it's ridiculous.
And also remember the whole Hot Coffee thing in San Andreas…I mean – they just don't want to get into a whole thing like that again. So it's understandable from a business perspective.
As for me and whether I care…………….ehh….could care less. But I hope that it does come out because I can understand there being some people who are complete fanboys of that game…or fangirls *that may be a reason for O'Reilly to be shocked*.
Honestly, I bought and played Manhunt and after about an hour or less I was just disenchanted with the whole ordeal. I never bought Manhunt 2. Don't get me wrong, I am all for a little senseless violence in games every now and again but there was just something about Manhunt that didn't work for me. If a third game were to come out? I probably would skip it.
I have a feeling I'd see it the same as you. I have never played a manhunt yet. Everytime I ever went to look at it, another game would catch my eye and I would pass it over. Something about games that depend on the gross out factor that turns me away from the game. It's just not my style.
I hate to say it though but it's also what has kept me away from GOW III so far. I'm sure the game is good but after reading a few months back about the zipper-technology they use, everytime I see the game sitting on the shelf, I look first to see if there's anything else I want instead.
It's a sub-conscious thing I think, something that sits in my mind that thinks, do you really want to shell out 60 bucks to get grossed out?
I know some of you will thumb me down, because I know GOW is an amazing game, and I'll probably try it someday, but I just don't know if I'll buy it…same goes for manhunt..
theres a difference between manhunts 'realistic' senseless violence, and GOW3s 'artistic' violence. if oyu get grossed out, thats fine, but i dont think you will. theres a difference between killing a minotaur and killing a guy in a suit.
@ Coverton:
Maybe you missed the story, I know you have to kill everyone to move on to the next chapter, BUT the whole deal of Manhunt was to portray a SNUFF film, according to the game's story…
In the end, it's nothing more than a journey of good guy (or anti-hero) vs bad guy….
On the other hand, Manhunt 2 was so lame, because of the censorship
Perhaps you're right. I do remember that the game had the premise of you being captured and then put into this outlandish circumstance all for the sake of capturing it on video and selling it or some such. I guess it just doesn't really appeal to me. It seemed more like a reason to have over the top violence with a thin story slapped on top of it. Though, I will freely admit that third person action is not really my favourite genre. I am more of an RPG man so to me a deep rich story is paramount to my enjoyment of the game.
Move compatible?
that would instantly make it banned in every Arab country, china and australia.
Becuase that would be Kevin Butler's new ad;
It does accurate death by shovel,
It does everything
I never played either of the first two and most likely I would try a third, but not until it was bargain binned.
The violence in the game doesn't bother me, just haven't seen anything to especially pique my interest.
I will like to add this:
Despite the violence, Manhunt was primarily a stealth game with a little suspense and terror thrown in the mix…
I recall the terror part where you fight Piggsy in a basement that looks like it was taken from a Silent Hill game…
The sense of fear of being discovered throughout the game was constant and evolving, especially since you had a machete and the cops shotguns and automatics rifles…
Now, THAT was scary…
Last edited by Lex Luthor on 4/26/2010 12:50:13 PM
I have got them both they are ok for 30 mins or so after that it's all the same more or less grab a glass shard knife someones throat, grab a plastic bag suffocate someone, baseball bat beat them to death, knife stab them, rinse and repeat. Different items but as long as they can kill someone with it that's pretty much it. Sneaking round etc, different looking gangs people to kill.
If they did a 3rd one id be very sceptical about buying it.
Maybe Take-Two knows junk when it sees it. You know, like the retailers do.
I bought and played Manhunt back when I was highschool. I personally thought it was a great game and the violence had a purpose, but then again, why do we really have to 'see' such acts. Now that I am older, I don't think I would care to play a game like Manhunt again (not really sure I care for the SAW thing anymore), and for that matter, I do not understand why Manhunt 2 ever came out. Never played it, but after playing MH1, I don't see a reason to play another one unless you love blood and guts. Making MH3 would be pointless. I would definitely pass on buying it, but I would probably rent it when I had time. Anyway games like this aren't even popular anymore so why would anyone still make them.
I say bring on Manhunt 3!!!!
I have both Manhunt 1 & 2, and I have NO problem with it's gore content.
As I see it, they made it to be as gory as could be, and I understood that.
The upside was that they got millions of free publicity from all those media circus clowns because of the 1st game.
And the "ONLY" downside was that they caved in like a bunch of(rhymes with wussies), & kissed all those media's Happy's & all those media's Bozo's puckered bungholes by downgrading all the gore out of the 2nd game.
Instead, they just should have looked up to "Homie the Clown", because……
"Homie don't play that"!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/26/2010 7:52:08 PM
I own both manhunt. The first game was pretty good and I enjoyed. Now, the 2nd game is a different story, did'nt like it at all and at the time it came out I had a ton of ps2 games to finsh.
I played the first Manhunt, it was interesting and at least the story was good and I enjoyed the stealth aspect of the game, if I want something with stealth again though I'll purchase Naughty Bear LOL
This hurts. If I had a heart it would be broken.
i actually liked manhunt 2, im playing it on my PSP now and its a really suspenseful game.
im certainly not expecting another one though, i mean manhunt 2 got banned in so many countries do R* really want to go through with that again?
is it really worth it?
as a consumer i really want another manhunt game, but if i was them i certainly would not do another one.
they have bigger, better games to waste their talent on!
speaking of R* WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET SOME INFO ON AGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????