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Avatar Producer Envisions A 3D-Heavy Future For Games

Even if you're not willing to leap aboard the 3D bandwagon just yet, the common belief is that it will indeed catch on in the gaming industry.

At least, that's what "Avatar" producer Jon Landau believes. In speaking at the inaugural 3D Gaming Summit, the man who helped bring the very first full 3D gaming experience ( Avatar: The Game ) to this generation spoke about the future of this not-so-new technology in regards to both Hollywood and video games. Not surprisingly, attendees at the event could play the game in 3D – which I never got to do, but whatever – and Landau wanted everyone to know that 3D is definitely here to stay. Well, the timing is just about right, as Sony has just made your PlayStation 3 fully 3D-compatible with the recent firmware update, and the emergence of 3D HDTVs on the market. Samsung has already released their line and Sony will follow with 3D-enabled Bravias in June. The video seems to have disappeared from the source but you can hear Landau talking at N4G (it's strongly advised that you avoid the comments on that site; it's a fanboy-driven hellhole of stupidity). Do you agree with his outlook? And how soon will you be on board with the whole 3D gaming idea?

Personally, it's just a wait-and-see situation for me. Being an old-school gamer, it might take a while for me to come 'round. But we'll see.

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14 years ago


"3D gaming is basically here and the Avatar producer believes it'll stick around for a long time. The future is bright, and you're gonna need glasses."

I already have glasses, so what about me?

This push for 3D is really beginning to annoy.

14 years ago

I personally love having the ability to watch movies in 3D, but only in a dark theater where I cannot get laughed at for wearing weird 3D glasses.
To be able to watch movies or play games at home is another story. At home I have no way of hiding the glasses which obviously look terrible on me.
I have no way of avoiding the laughing behind my back from people watching me jump every time a monster jumps out of my screen and scares me.

I just don't think I'm going to buy a 3D enabled TV.

14 years ago

Highlander – I wear glasses too, but I can just about get by without them… kind of. The thing is, like most people – one eye's slightly worse than the other. Do you think that would cause problems with alternating between varyingly crap peepers?

14 years ago

We all know Highlander's good but I just realised I asked him a question which would be better suited at the opticians. Ignore me. I can't delete or edit that last comment.

14 years ago

i dont know why so many people worry about how they look with the 3D glasses on…like your watching a fu**ing 3D movie so who cares if ur wearing glasses. they should make 3D CONTACTS FOR SELF COUSCOUS PEOPLE!!!

14 years ago

Y'know, I didnt like Avatar that much. It was like 'Dances with Wolves' meets 'Star Wars' meets 'Jurassic park.' Special effects were incredible, the story and dialog, eh not so much. Maybe it was because everyone hails the movie as the best of all time, and I was looking for something more than what it was.

Last edited by Reccaman18 on 4/25/2010 9:47:12 PM

14 years ago

"Everyone" thought that the Emperor's new clothes were wonderful as well, but they were simply an illusion. I get the feeling that Avatar is similar.

14 years ago

Wait wait wait. Avatar had a story?

14 years ago

When I saw the movie in theatre I enjoyed it, it was entertaining…but then I saw it on a regular TV at home…and I couldn't remember why I liked it in the first place. It's a nice looking movie but it lacks a bit of substance.

14 years ago

Wait wait wait. Aleinange is bashing something that others like simply for the sake of bashing it? NO Fuc$ing way!

14 years ago

@ CH1N00K – A lot of people are going to react that way when they see it again.

14 years ago

3d just doesnt seem that new to me. I really dont see myself wanting to have glasses on for extended gaming periods. this is a step backwards.

14 years ago


useless gimmick

14 years ago

I was kind of excited for 3d now i hope its kind of a fad… I dont mind it being an alternative though.

Same goes for movies if i have the choice between 3d and not 3d in thaters i wont see it in 3d 90% of the time. I'm just not that excited about it anymore. I didnt even see Avatar in 3d, nor am I excited about the new RE being in 3d.

Sounded great and could still be an awesome experience but i hope its more of an alternative, not a way…

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/25/2010 10:07:28 PM

14 years ago

Oh Landau you silly goose. I know you're just dying to sell us what you have for sale but something tells me this'll be a flop. It may not go away this time, but it won't be as big as you think.

14 years ago

Once they make a TV that doesn't require ridiculously expansive glasses to watch it with, then I may jump on bored…but until then I'll stick with my bravia 52"…lol

14 years ago

All he sees is this $$$

And of course, in the end it all truly benefits Hollywood/these big movie companies

3D such an OLD gimmick

14 years ago

I'll hop on the 3D bandwagon when the price of a 50" gets down to below $1500ish. I'm due for a new set, but hoping to hold out for a while.

14 years ago

Personally, I thought Avatar was a great movie. However, 3D is something I don't have to have. I might considering purchasing a 3D enabled TV when glasses aren't necessary.

14 years ago

A lot of people in the media seem to think 3d will be a big hit. Well remember those giant virtual headset games that weighed like 15 pounds. Lots of people bought those even tho they sucked and you got tired of wearing them quickly.

Same thing here, lots of people will buy it, get tired of wearing it, it will die until it's headset free and affordable.

quality > new tech

I'm all for new tech, I love it, but only when its quality.

14 years ago

im looking at getting one at the beginning of next year IF the content and prices are decent.
hopefully the way 3D is developing on PCs will be the same way for consoles.
now almost every PC games supports 3D so hopefully by the beginning of next year i can say the same about ps3 games.

im interested to see how samsungs TVs turn out, apparently they have a specific high end TV that is capable of turning any 2D signal into a 3D one.
so you wont need to wait for developers to catch on, or update your games.
just plug it in, slap those glasses on and away you go!
hopefully it works as well as there promising it will, but than you can never trust the PR talk.

14 years ago

Maybe someday it will be available for all of us, but for now, it's just too expensive and yet in an immature state.

14 years ago

I for one, are firmly in the "wait and see boat"… floating merrily down the river…

The general problem I have at the moment – without having seen the actual technology in action – (that being the PS3 3D TV combination specifically), is the basic problem of how "good" these games will actually be to play and experience.

The CELL RSX combo is no doubt a powerful one, but can we really get convincing AVATAR like movie to game experiences now? I don't think so…

I think the kind of "3D gaming" Landau is talking about will be possible with new next generation hardware that may be present in the PlayStation 4, true 1080p HD 3D capable hardware without the need to dumb down the resolution in order for the hardware to cope with the need to double up the images for stereoscopic generation and output.

…anyway, this generation, maybe GT5 3D will be the measuring stick. Killzone 3 (3D) could also be pretty good. It will be interesting to see how they pull it off…

All I know, taking budgetary factors into consideration, I am 2-3 years away from jumping onto the 3D bandwagon… and, I must add, I really do not want to keep spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on unnecessary media.

Like most people, I have my favourite movies and games. I won't mind "upgrading" these titles for my collection, but these purchases will be highly selective and targeted for maximum enjoyment… I simply do not want to throw good money away by buying everything and anything just because it's new and one is tempted to do so…



Last edited by Qubex on 4/26/2010 4:02:55 AM

14 years ago

I'm with you mate. I ended up paying more to see Avatar in 3D and half the time I couldn't tell the difference! I'm not going anywhere near it any time soon

14 years ago

I predict 3D will be a niche market. Only a small percentage of people will pay the big bucks for a 3D TV, which will make the games and movies and TV programming a waste of time.

It reminds me a lot of DVD-Audio and Super Audio CD's. They offered to take your music from two channels to 5.1 surround sound. The way of the future – throw out your old CD's right now! Most people have never even heard of that technology.

14 years ago

I already think people that wear sunglasses indoors are douches so there is no way I'm going to be sitting indoors with 3D glasses on gaming. Besides I already wear glasses as my vision is atrocious.

14 years ago

On the bright side, prices for those swanky LED LCD tv's continue to fall to reasonable levels…

14 years ago

@ bearbobby

Seems like we have the same agenda bb. Let the new tech flood the markets, sooner or later LED LCD TVs will drop to significantly low and reasonable prices and we will be there to snatch a 50 incher for $500. Hey a man can dream, can't he?

14 years ago

lol, that is a dream indeed. they'll pull em from the shelves before letting em go for that cheap. But sub-$1500 is a good step in the right direction.

14 years ago

I don't know about them dropping that low in the future, but I'm thinking around $700 to $800 for a 50" would be a great great sweet spot for my wallet.

14 years ago

Don't do it! 3D is terrible in my opinion. I watched Avatar in 3D at the cinema, and then in 1080P on Bluray the other day. You just can't beat Full HD at the moment. I would rather pay for them to release every game in full HD before anybody thinks of 3D to be honest…and you have to wear silly annoying glasses 🙁