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Activision Registers New Domain For GoldenEye Game

Okay, so a retailer has given us the name "James Bond: Bloodstone," which is apparently a racing/driving game of some sort. But what the hell is this new "GoldenEye Game?"  This is interesting.

For a year that won't see a new Bond movie, there certainly is a lot going on concerning the uber-popular English spy. The latest comes once again from Superannuation ; they've found a registered domain name by Activision. The source already picked up new Ubisoft domains for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Driver: San Francisco so perhaps we should start checking out freshly registered domain names for big scoops… Anyway, this could be huge because it could potentially be a remake of the old-school N64 classic, or it could be a whole new GoldenEye installment. The domain is "" and we're suddenly reminded of an artist's resume last year that mentioned something about working on a game called "GoldenEye 2010." Could it have anything to do with Bloodstone ? Will both games be for consoles or is one a mobile title of some kind? And what's everyone's take on a remake, anyway? It has indeed been quite a while…

Well, Bond fans ought to be satisfied. They've got not one but two titles to anticipate, and we should probably start checking around for more info on both.

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14 years ago

Well they are remaking Goldeneye for the 360. Its supposed to be releasing soon! Hopefully we get it as well!!

14 years ago

Really? Last I checked the remake was shot down. I think the closest you will ever get to playing goldeneye would be the remake of perfect dark on the xbox 360. You have to unlock the levels and a few weapons.

14 years ago

Meh, i dont think golden eye remake is a good idea. The only reason why it was fun cause i think for most people it was the very first FPS multiplayer they have played.

14 years ago

pretty much. It still holds a special place in my heart :P. Epic karate chopping instead of knives. And who didn't have fun hiding in the bathroom stalls waiting for your friends to come back to kill?!

14 years ago

I used to do that all the time! Also crawling into a vent with a rocket launcher and hope that you didn't get killed in the aftermath. Fun times.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
14 years ago

I just played this game yesterday and the controls are difficult for me know lol

14 years ago

I loved this game but I didn't even realize it had multiplayer. I didn't care about MP back then and I still don't.

I seriously doubt that this will be a remake but if it is I am sure it will blow.

14 years ago

I actually enjoyed the whole experience of goldeneye. One of my favorite shooters of all time.

14 years ago

I thought Rare owned Goldeneye for the N64, not Activision. They probably are doing a different game with the same name.

14 years ago

ill stick to the goldeneye source mod on steam.

No Thanks Anti-vision but the way you have been acting now-a-days im leaning away from you.

14 years ago

😛 Yea I very much agree with you on that!

14 years ago

Activision = Bad
Bond = Old and busted, come up with something new will ya?

14 years ago

goldeneye on the 64 will NEVER be old and busted 😀

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 4/23/2010 11:50:48 PM

14 years ago

its so old and busted I just emulate it on my xbox, haha

14 years ago

I'll buy a Goldeneye remake.

14 years ago

So basically we'll get Modern GoldenEye Warfare 2?

I'll wait and see more info on this one, but right now? It just sounds like another cash grab from Activision. They know that no matter how crappy they make the game, there will still be people who will buy it for the Nostalgia of having played the first one.

14 years ago

Acticrap = No buy

Goldeneye was awesome, I don't want it ruined by those money grubbers.

14 years ago

good, apparently the ones with craig were a real downhill for Bond.

14 years ago

Which was the REALLY good bond title, i think was on ps2? i remember everyone saying it was quite critically acclaimed.

as for the game itself.. meh. ive had a damn good fill of FPS for a long time. until Brink if i need a FPS fix ive got KZ2 and MW2 online

14 years ago

Everything Or Nothing, if I remember correctly.

14 years ago

A GoldenEye remake would not sell. They have to bring it into the 21st century if they want gamers to flock to it.

007 QoS had some really fun multiplayer and I'm positive that if they make some great mp maps, add more weapons and some addictive leveling system, they'd have a real winner on their hands.

Besides, who doesn't like upgrading to Golden weapons?

14 years ago

if they do release a remake of goldeneye i will literally be shitting golden bricks for a month!
i loved that game it was so much fun and probably in the top 5 worlds best shooters.

14 years ago

And Activison loves you…..

14 years ago

My question for this is will they use Pierce Brosnan or make it to be Daniel Craig being he is the new bond?

14 years ago

Man Golden eye was the best on N64, how the heck to craptivision get their money grubbing hands on it? they better not touch it, it was a great game one of my first when I got my N64 great shooter.
I wont' buy anything from craptivision nothing of theirs appeal to me.

14 years ago

@JJJames I would hope Pierce Brosnan he was my 2nd favorite 007 along side Sean Connery, didn't care for Daniel Craig hes a good actor but not my favorite. But I think Pierce Brosnan from doing anything with Bond could be wrong lets hope for him or Sean Connery