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Sega West Forced To Cut About 10% Of Total Staff

Sega hasn't exactly been rolling lately; they recently shut down their San Francisco studio Secret Level and now, they're forced to cut back once again.

Sega has confirmed that they've laid off 73 employees from their San Francisco and London offices "as part of a restructuring effort for its Western operations." These layoffs amount to about 10% of Sega West and a spokesman for the company said this reshuffling "reflects both the changing face of the global video games market and a need to improve efficiencies with the operation." The losses were about even for both studios in question; they hit the marketing and internal development divisions but on the flip side, Sega will be setting up a new digital-focused division. Their London staff will mostly "act as a hub for the traditional console and PC side of the business." The digital division will of course handle downloadable projects for the PSN and XBLA, plus titles for the iPhone and iPad. Ever since the economic tailspin back in 2008, Sega has suffered some major losses; this includes Sega Sammy cutting 560 jobs, or about 18% of its entire workforce.

But we're certainly hoping for a revival of sorts, and we're super psyched for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 , the upcoming downloadable throwback that should satisfy old-school fans.

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14 years ago

Well then, you shouldn't be making poopy ports and sticking VC2 on the PSP now should you?

It's a shame to see them get demoted yet again, this time to focus on downloadable titles. I'll never see a Dreamcast 2.

14 years ago


They had a concept on the dreamcast 2?

14 years ago

lol, no I just want such a thing to exist. There was a concept video released a couple years back but it was a hoax, and some patents got renewed which sparked interest, but I don't think Sega will ever get back into the console market. It's a shame, they were always just a step behind and got the shaft.

14 years ago

<<<<Ever since the economic tailspin back in 2008, Sega has suffered some major losses; this includes Sega Sammy cutting 560 jobs, or about 18% of its entire workforce.division.

Sega will be setting up a new digital-focused division. The digital division will of course handle downloadable projects for the PSN and XBLA, plus titles for the iPhone and iPad.>>>>>

Sounds like I'll have to close down all Sega operations soon here too, seeing how DL never ever sold 1-penny's worth at my house.

HMMMM, I wonder if NOAA's Weather Central knows where there's a really good sale on internet plywood & firewall shutters before the sh!tstorm of "DL only" hits us all smack dab in the face?????

14 years ago

I'm seeing Alpha Protocol commercials, hope to see more about it here at PSXE.

14 years ago

i watched the new alpha protocol psx just put up yesterday and I'm sorry it made groan. Doesn't look like its for me. However if you end up playing it and like it, let me know, I tend to agree with you on games.

14 years ago

Isn't that the one that was supposed to be released last year, but the release date came and went with no word whatsoever from Sega? Just a lot of people wondering why their pre-order never arrived?

With that sort of focus on their customers, they'll probably be doing a lot of blaming it on the economy.

14 years ago

I agree it isn't looking too flashy but I'm keeping an open mind for any kind of RPG.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/23/2010 8:57:38 PM

14 years ago

sad to see such a classic publisher go down the shitter.
maybe it has something to do with releasing crappy games and charging a arm and a leg for them?
i just bought sonic 2 on the Iphone for 15 bucks and it only uses a quarter of the freaking screen!
biggest waste of 15 bucks ever!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

Just another dlc fail.

14 years ago

What? you mean when you produce crap your business goes down the toilet? Who would have guessed.

14 years ago

it's sad to see sega fall from grace shm.

14 years ago

I tip my hat to the slow death of a legend…. Sega, you will be missed.

It's funny now that I think about it, the only Sega games I've owned over the last couple generations are the Ultimate Genesis Collections.. I don't think I've purchased any new stuff…lol

Last edited by CH1N00K on 4/23/2010 10:16:38 AM

14 years ago

Oh but don't worry folks, they're proud to have supported the Wii.