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New Atelier Gets Japanese Date, Debut Trailer Revealed

Gust is well known for producing titles the niche hardcore RPG crowd just loves, despite some occasionally lukewarm critical receptions.

What began with Atelier Iris on the PS2 has now spawned multiple sequels, running through Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm and Atelier Rorona . Now, Gust clearly plans to continue the franchise on the PS3; the following debut trailer is for "Atelier Totori" or "Atelier: Alchemist of Arland 2." It doesn't show us much of anything besides the a quick list of the anticipated features – Advent, Arms, Adventure, Fellows, etc. – and a girl walking in shadow. As you may have guessed by that image, Atelier definitely embraces the cutesy anime visual style, which you may or may not enjoy.

The end of the trailer reveals the release date: June 24, 2010, which we assume is the Japanese launch, and we'll have to wait a bit longer here in North America. Still, it's another JRPG for the fans who have waited for a solid selection to arrive on the PS3. You've got more than a few to choose from now…and by the way, Atelier is traditionally turn-based, so…

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14 years ago

"What began with Atelier Iris on the PS2 has now spawned multiple sequels…"

Actually, Iris was the 6th Atelier game, I believe. It was the first to get a North American release, though.

Anyway, I'm really psyched for this game (the character models looks gorgeous, which is not a word I often associate with Gust), but first NISA needs to release Atelier Rorona! At this rate the sequel will be out in Japan before we get its predecessor.

14 years ago

Excellent. I am so looking forward to Rorona and already the sequel is on it's way in Japan. There's nothing wrong with a little Anime cutesy goodness…

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/21/2010 11:49:51 AM

14 years ago

AGREED COMPLETELY – nothing wrong at all with anime cutesy goodness…

I mean Kojima sama does it all the time…just with cardboard boxes.

14 years ago

I'm excited. In many different ways.

14 years ago

God, not another RPG!

(Just adding some balance to the comments section) 😉

14 years ago

haha, thumbs up for humor.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/21/2010 3:13:43 PM

14 years ago

It really does look great

Still waiting on Rorona as well. Love the anime art style they use in these Atelier games

14 years ago

yay. I loved Eternal Mana's old school sprite graphics & trad jrpg charm. I never got round to the sequel's – still on my 'to do list'…

14 years ago

you could try GOWIII?

14 years ago

I will do once I get past 1 and 2. Don't take my previous post seriously.

14 years ago

I love RPG's, i need more money though. I'm broke as hell.

14 years ago

Sweeeeet, love the anime style. And turn based. Think we will ever see it stateside?

14 years ago

i hope so, friend

14 years ago

it'll come state side. the 3 for ps2 came. and these seem to do well in the states

14 years ago

I'm pretty sure that every single Gust game since Atelier Iris has been localized by NISA. Not just Iris and its sequels but also Mana Khemia 1 and 2, the Ar Tonelico games, Atelier Annie, and Atelier Rorona should be out sometime this summer. So unless Rorona bombs (and it would have to really bomb…these are niche games and niche games are NISA's specialty) I'd say the odds of getting Totori are pretty good.

That said it seems to take NISA 12-15 months to localize most Gust games. I don't think they even start until the Japanese release is completely finalized and there's a ton of dialogue in their games.

14 years ago

I'm still waiting for them to give us Rorona, I've been wanting to play it for a while. Looking forward to Atelier Totori as well now.

14 years ago

The song in the trailer reminds me of the song in thunderplains! FFX

14 years ago

Never played any of the other games from this series, but I love turn based rpgs, so I'll definitely keep my eye on this one, I'm pretty excited about it.

14 years ago

The first Atelier on PS2 left me cold by being way too formulaic and not really standing on its own in any way. To this day the only thing I remember about it is the Knight antagonist, there were some cat people, and there was that one lady shopkeeper who was usually quiet and a bit snarky who grew on me as I completed her alchemy sidequest.

For those who kept with the franchise: Do any of the other games stand apart or make great strides from the first one we got in North America? I feel weird ignoring a franchise with such old school roots, but it would be a waste of money for me if they didn't step up their game past the first release.