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Brink’s AI “Can Do Anything You Can”

You know, the more we hear about Brink , the more intrigued we become. They're not only blending elements from several different genres, but they're also working hard to refine and polish the experience.

I think we all know just how important AI is in regards to any game that boasts enemies and allies. Nobody wants to babysit just because your supposedly competent comrades in arms prove to be totally useless, and it also kinda sucks when your foes are little more than robotic drones. Well, the developers of Brink apparently want to implement AI that would be difficult to differentiate from human intelligence…and that's a bold statement. This according to what creative director Richard Ham told Skewed & Reviewd and as cited by CVG :

"Our AI is capable of doing literally every action that you can. Brink's AI has to be great because of the way we blend single player and multiplayer gaming seamlessly. At any time, you could be playing against AI or against other human players, and our goal is that you can't tell the difference.

Not only are the enemies more ruthless and surprising, but your teammates are more self reliant and useful. In Brink, you won't have to babysit your AI squad mates and make sure they do their jobs. Actually, if you're not doing well, they'll babysit you!"

Wow. That certainly sounds amazing, doesn't it? Of course, game designers are supposed to instill excitement and anticipation in the gaming crowd, so perhaps Ham is overstating a bit, but even so… And if you're not familiar with the game in question, you should definitely check out our preview . It's really one of the more promising titles for 2010 and if Splash Damage even comes close to those lofty claims, we're bound to be satisfied.

Related Game(s): Brink

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14 years ago

*Defends self from being beat over the head with FPSs*

Just kiddin', this will probably be pretty good but I wouldn't hold my breath on the AI being able to beat out that of KZ2. Should be better than MW2 though, where your buddies are useless.

14 years ago

Killzone 2 enemies are always suprising.I thought I was safe in the little shack in that warehouse stage then all of a sudden two grenades went straight throw the opening I was covering and shooting from and then I died,really didnt expect that to happen.if this game can bring that kind of AI or better then I'll definitely check it out.

14 years ago

so true, in the mission on the bridge (i think it was a bridge, i had a sniper, starting using that, and they found me a took me out really quickly, and i was like wtf? but its something that you wouldn't expect proper AI to do)

14 years ago

Those helghast are wiley, they act pretty close to real people.

14 years ago

They want to make it so that you can't tell if/when you're playing against a real person or not? WHAT? Who the heck wants that?!

I for one want to know that the guy I just owned was a noob and not some AI character. Not knowing takes all the fun out of it.

14 years ago

I'm sure any online matches would be with real peoples.

14 years ago

lol and if it is the way he says, you will be able to tell who's the noob you just owned since the AI is going to be better than all of em hahaha

14 years ago

I don't get what the difference is? If the AI is intense enough to keep you second guessing yourself, then it obviously has done a great job at making your gameplay more entertaining, hasn't it?

Being worried about whether the rival you killed is a "No0b" or AI is just.. Obsessive?!

14 years ago

There is a *huge* difference between fighting against real persons and AI's. It's usually a much tougher challenge and a human behaves and reacts totally different than a computer AI.

Actually I'd not want an AI to simulate a real player even if they could, now that I think about it. Cause it would look totally ridiculous if an AI did the things real persons do to avoid loosing, like continuously jumping to be harder to hit, exploiting software flaws, stuff like that.

14 years ago

Personally, I'm just happy with the idea of the AI on your team being better. It's sad when there are five or six guys with you and no one shoots anything.

14 years ago

That is pretty sad, lol.

14 years ago

Is it just me or do alot of devs indulge in self promotion in 2010 then they did in 2009?

As long as they don't slam a competitor (IE-Turn 10), it's all good in my book.

The other thing I have to say is, make sure your work backs your mouth!!

14 years ago

it gets worse every year man.

14 years ago

Brink's AI "Can Do Anything You Can": Does that mean it won't take 30 minutes for your allies to kill one enemy? *cough COD cough*.

14 years ago

"Anything you can do I can do better" hmmm, they might want to be more specific on this hype train.

14 years ago

I for one am looking forward to this. AI thats not useless, Mirror's Edge-parkour acrobatics implemented in good FPS form, with levelable (is that a word?) character classes. Yes please.

Last edited by chedison on 4/20/2010 11:12:23 PM

14 years ago

I used to get killed by my teammates in the first Socom because one of them always liked to walk past my gun when using a scope for a head shot. I got a little satisfaction out of restarting and killing all three of them before attempting the mission again.

Improved AI is always welcome in my book, especially cooperative play.

Last edited by tes37 on 4/20/2010 11:13:14 PM

14 years ago

Lol. But can they trash talk! i dont think soooo 😀

14 years ago

LOL, you never know..

14 years ago

Weird, is this supposed to be a first for AI? I'm pretty sure the AI in fighting games can do more than I can in the game, LOL, so I'd think by now AI in other games, like fps, would be outsmarting us =p

14 years ago

maybe they are saying it won't just cheat but act like a normal human who isn't perfect.

14 years ago

Brink's AI "Can Do Anything You Can"


If the AI doesn't camp or T-bags you. It's can't do anything WE can!

14 years ago

I'm glad their news is something we care about and is worth mentioning, unlike a certain company…

"We support tea bagging! it's still gonna be in our games! Buy it now!"

14 years ago

they talk the talk, but can they walk the walk?
as the saying goes, talk is cheap!
ive heard that many times before, monolith would not shut up about their OMFG amazing AI in fear 2 and i really cant see the big deal.
when it comes to AI splinter cell conviction has it down pact, its the AI king at the moment!
not only does the AI use cover well, they know when to stay back and when to ambush you.
like one time there was 4 enemies in the room they saw me and instead of sitting there waiting for me to pop out they rushed upto me all 4 of them.
most games the AI would sit there cover camp and wait for me to come out, but they did not, all 4 ambushed me and well it did not end well.

see THAT is how shooters should be these days, that is the whole freaking point of the AI.
make the player change his tactics, make him think not just cover camp, pop and shoot for the whole freaking game.
if im not on my toes constantly having to re think my strategy and running for my life, than im sorry but the AI, and the developers to that extension have failed!

14 years ago

I'll believe it when I see an AI sitting at a computer terminal logging into to check his PSXextreme updates….lol.

14 years ago

And I'll bet that none of their AI will keep checking for that 1 winning lottery ticket, as much as I do either.

14 years ago

I doubt that as well. The AI can only do what the programmers have told them they can do. It's not possible for them to do anything that hasn't been told to them, so anything that someone may do that hasn't been programmed into the AI will prove their statement wrong. Just another attempt to try and make an FPS re-invented. It's not gonna work, too many FPS games are out. The last First Person game I actually didn't mind playing was Mirrors Edge, but I mostly just played the demo and thought it felt weird to be able to jump off a building with the controller slowly vibrating more and more as I got closer to the ground…it just felt weird to see that in first person, lol. The game was also better than most FPS games because it wasn't just about shooting. Portal is great too, that is just a huge puzzle and that was a great FPS idea.

Last edited by DeathOfChaos on 4/21/2010 8:39:35 AM

14 years ago

"Brink's AI "Can Do Anything You Can"

I believe my good friend Tali vas Normandy would like to have a say in this.

We'd better prepare the flotilla, god help us all..

14 years ago

This is all Richard Ham's fault. What a tool he was. I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the overlord.

14 years ago

Believe it when I see it.

14 years ago

"perhaps Ham is overstating a bit"
How did you resist the urge to say he's just hamming it up? …or don't you have that over there?

14 years ago

At first when I saw the first few screen shots of Brink I thought it looked just a huge waste of time, but I watched a trailer that made it look fun. Of course that is what trailers are meant to do but I really want to see some gameplay footage. I am on the fence about how this game could be, it has some potential.

14 years ago

When people get the chance to play it and review it, we'll see what the outcome will be.

14 years ago

When did Splash Damage hire Peter Molyneux? 😉