Thus far, we've all logged in to the PlayStation Network on Thursdays to check out the new updates. Well, if you do that starting in May, what you find will already be two days old.
Thing is, a Thursday update means the Network is behind both Nintendo and Microsoft; Nintendo updates their online store on Mondays and Microsoft updates Xbox Live on Wednesdays. Sure, it's only a matter of a day – or a few days – but Sony wants to be competitive in just about everything these days, so according to GameSpot , they've decided to move their PSN update day to Tuesday. This all starts on May 4 but until then, they've got a couple more weeks of Thursday updates, and that will include the first Sam & Max episode this week; you can snag all five episodes available for $34.99, if you so desire. And let's not forget about Capcom's Final Fight: Double Impact , which will be released as a $9.99 pack that features a tweaked version of the original 1989 arcade hit, plus the side-scrolling goodness of Magic Sword . We suggest checking both out but very soon, you won't have to wait until Thursdays to get your PSN update fix.
Does anyone else see this as a slight jab at Microsoft? After all, they're Sony's primary competition and to simply leapfrog over the Live update on Wednesday and provide gamers with DLC 24 hours earlier, it's kinda like…well, you know.
That's a good idea from Sony, match the digital and physical release cycles.
Not sure it's aimed at MS or anything. I think this allows physical and download releases of PSP and PSN games to be simultaneous. Kind of makes the digital release a little more appealing since you don't have to wait a few days while your friends who bought the disc can already play.
You're probably dead on with this Highlander, as a lot of game demos won't release until the game does as well, most on the fence gamers have to wait two days to give a game a test spin before committing to it. It makes sense to release new digital media with the physical if only to get some of those first week sales figures up from people who will play the demo then decide to buy the game.
"Does anyone else see this as a slight jab at Microsoft?"
Sorry, I don't. It's pretty much a random day.
Yea it probably has nothing to do with Microsoft. There are too many PS1 classics that will never see the light on Xbox. The experience in PSN is just too different than Live. There is no need to compete. It's probably just for the simultaneous release with physical media.
Hmmm. I always just thought Sony was a half a week ahead, not behind. Wibbly-Wobbly-Timey-Wimey stuff.
was glad to hear this. I know its the same amount of time from update to update, but the weekend plays a dirty trick on us, and Thursday just feels like a longer wait.
"And in other news, Microsoft is changing their update slot to Firstday, a day they invented to be before both Sony and Nintendo in updates"
But seriously, that is cool that Sony will be upping the day of the week they put content on the Network but I have no doubt that Microsoft will be doing something to bring the media attention back to them in retaliation.
Funny cause it's true
Microsoft loves the attention so i wouldn't doubt it.
lol @ "Come pay with us"
I think the "us" is a reference to include all the 360s you'll have to replace.
You deserve a thumbs up just for you avatar!
^_^ All of your comments will get insane up-votes because of that avatar.
Microsoft will counter with Microsoft Mondays and then Sony will come back with Sony Sunday!
I think this is a good idea. Thursday seems kind of random to me, it being sort of at the beginning of the end of the week. Tuesday seems much better to me.
They're all wrong, the Thursday was actually meant to be 6 days before M$, but hey, seemingly that doesn't work.
Nah, but it's good to see Sony pacing it up on the digital thing.
Thursday wasnt an issue for me, Im busy most of the time.
Day doesn't matter
The good thing is that it won't release later than that other console. Sony should have just updated their Network Thursdays before Microsoft (Tuesday).
^So they'd be updating their content first
Anyway, it's a good move
scarecrow i didnt notice the little dashes you have after your psn name. sent ya a friend request for some little big planet if you still want to play
Totally makes sense, and not just from a games perspective. New movies on DVD (and CD, for those who still buy them) also traditionally release on Tuesdays.
Unless you're "Avatar" and you have to be released on Earth Day, which is a Thursday this week.
Avatar, a few hours of my life I won't get back.
Cool I always though Tuesday would be a better for updates. Cds and dvds are released on Tuesday too so PSN might as well join them.
Doesn't matter to me. It's just closer to the start of the week. lol.
I like this alot actually.
I agree that it's more to coincide with the release day of the disc games. I think the upside to this also, is that if there are glitches/issues…they have several days to work them out. Where as before, they basically had a friday and then expected everyone to haul their arses in on the weekend.
Oh now well get Capcom's over priced DLC before MS. FINALLY!
In seriousness, it doesn't really make a difference for me personally. But happy for those who find benefit in this. 🙂
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/19/2010 12:37:28 PM
On the official Playstation Blog, people have been asking for PSN store to be updated at an earlier time. It seems Sony misunderstood what people were asking for.
Normally the PSN updates become available for download between 6 pm – 11 pm EST time on Thursdays. We've been asking for SCEA to make them earlier in the day, rather than the inconsistent schedule they currently use. Lets just see if the updates roll in before everyone on the Eastern shore has already gone to bed on Tuesday nights.
That's what I have a problem with. If I was expecting something that week, I always just checked Friday because chances were it wouldn't be updated before bed.
So no more microsoft claiming, "released first on live" I'm glad because that always kinda pissed me off, like releasing a day early made it special.
This'll be uncomfortable if demos and dlc are still released on the 360 first and instead of Thursday we've now gotta wait until the following Tuesday.
What am I saying? We barely get dlc a month after Live as it is.
I never even knew the update day was Thursday. I kinda just log in once in a while and check if there's anything that interests me.
really don`t care what day as long as it happens every week 🙂
Same here Robochic. I am sure they could all update on the same day if they wanted to. They all use seperate networks anyway. 🙂
BTW, off topic perhaps, but did I miss the story here on PS3 passing the 5 million unit mark in Japan? 5 million units, that's a 4:1 ratio over 360 sales in Japan…
So much for MS and the 360's JRPG's…
In Japan if a guy has a 360 and his friends come over he hides it.
I don't think it's that influential, I don't see the point thursday is like every other day of the week …….
I'm actually against Mondays, so it would be no good for me.
sarcasm btw.
You don't like Mondays?
Tell me why!
Points for those that get it…
Because Garfield doesn't.
HEY! A song based on an event that if it happened today would be attributed to violent video games!
I wonder what they blamed that kind of thing on in good ol' '79?
Coverton gets the points, kudos and much respect! Well done! Boomtown Rats it is.
Why not on Tuesday and Thursday?
I think it is a shot at M$. Sony is starting to narrow the user base gap between PS3 and 360 I think they are only starting to get their hands dirty. They finally started advertising more with UC2, and introduced us to Kevin Butler who is hilarious. They also started taking shots at Natal and the Wiimote in the new PS Move commercial. I wouldnt be surprised if Sony starts doing what M$ did and advertise everywhere on everything. I don't think they'll stoop low enough to advertise multiplats as exclusives, but then again they don't HAVE to they have plenty of GOOD exclusives, they dont have to target the gaming illiterate with MW2 Wal Mart commercials that only show their consoles version.
uhhh… mw2 stimulus pack was dated at may 4th, i think they switched it just to get that out as fast as possible.
That's silly! It isn't even a PS exclusive and I dont think theyd cater their entire network to a map pack release date.
I always thought that the PSN-tursday was six days before the MS wednesday…! Why delay it 'till the day before?
What I'm trying to say is that it's just a weekday. I don't see why it matters any way if it is a tuesday or thursday, or monday or whatever, as long as it's weekly.
um, yay?
Damn straight!